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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Stoffel

  1. Hi Mikko, Even if CMBB comes out I will still finish this project with CMBO if this is what you want! I am sure all others here think about this the same way as do. Btw who was that lucky person........?
  2. LOL!! would Boyd be walking next to his shoes than?? Anyway it was a great battle even better than the Birds of prey and the Hello 2nd panzer battle(although I lost it) But its not too bad if you loose to an opponent who plays better. regarding gamey tactics,I really hate people who play that way. Ussually I quit a battle with a surrender and a thank you note if a player displays too many gamey tactics but only after a friendly formulated warning Fortunately (or should i say sadly)that happened only 2 times in all those years I play this wonderfull game.
  3. Lost Audacity at Audillion from Schemegg. Allied minor victory Well done,especially your last turns broke my resistance! At a few turns from the end there was nothing that could stand in the way of my 3rd victory this round................ But than I lost my armor one by one due to mistakes caused by carelessness But nevertheless a very exciting game.
  4. good idea!! you may translate all scenarios I made that are posted at the depot or on any other page on the web Henk
  5. HI Jeff, that really sounds like you have too much leisure time or maybe worse........no life at all very cool henk
  6. LOL!!! It was just a joke,do you really think I have time for such a huge battle but if you want ,pbem will do fine
  7. thanks for posting faster than me It was a very breathtaking battle(not because I won)specially the first 10 turns. My reinforcements appeared short after the US reinforcements appeared and most were cut down/eliminated which made me sweat and shout and.......say nasty words After those first turns I managed to make more armorkills and slowly the battle turned in my favor. But it was very close! Henk
  8. If you want to try a battle that big,than its ok with me What about this evening? Would be a nice test to see if the dataflow is fast enough to coop with all those units I propose: 4 Mechbn with tankssupport(mixed german/dutch) And a bn of Apaches/PAH AT choppers against 4 BMP regiments with tank and artillery support and choppers too Agree??? The looser writes the AAR
  9. Olle, Just tried an experiment with 6 BMP regiments against 5 mech infantry bn's Both sides had also 45 choppers ,10 air sorties and 10 artillery units(off map) It ran on map 202 and I had no problems,the game ran very smooth played on a Athlon 1,4 processor with 256 mb memory remarks,even on click sounds such a big battle takes long to do a turn if 600 units+ starts firing on eachother,I dont know if that wil be fun. Did 20 turns
  10. I suggest you try Operation Switchback and Counterattack at sarrecourt. Both are outstanding battles. Switchback is a very detailed operation with accurate historical forces and a very well made map. Sarrecourt gives you options to do a countrerattack in every battle if you can preserve your forces
  11. Hi Brian, it would not run in win 98,I use to play it in dos mode. problem with the game is that it sometimes will crash. cant play it anymore on my new pc with XP,so occasionally I have to play it on the old pc(which I said would be for wife and kids:))
  12. Cool !! Will Duke Nukem be involved too ?? If you want a game that looks a bit like tacops for ww2 than you should look for an old game from Microphose named Across the Rhine. I still play it every once and a while,it has a neat campaign sytem.
  13. Make sure you smoke the area where the reinforcements got in at turn 9. Also hunt with your tiger for enemy tanks and leave the halftracks alone
  14. yes very much,nice map. it doesnt happen too often that the AI can suprise me I had to think hard to get a draw out of it.
  15. Finally finished playing. I had a very close draw the germans managed to take out a lot of my armor,every time I thought I had cleared pockets of resistance another schreck showed up! Crossing the bridge caused a lot of havoc among my last tanks. A bunch of guns grouped together on the right of that bloody bridge,fortunate I had my FO targeting the area close by,so they got KO fast. Poor bloody infantry was to fight on without any meaningfull support,thats why the draw
  16. I was waiting for your reply to finish,what about monday evening? Today I have a tacops multi player game.
  17. I just finished a scenario involving a raid on a dam. tested it a few times myself and its playable from the allied side ,not so well from the German side. I am looking for some guys who are willing to play it in PBEM or TCP(which I advice) Forces are bn size on a big map at night with heavy rain. henk
  18. Thanks for that comment Mister Toad. Nice to hear you like my scenario :cool: Please send me a mail with any remarks or questions,and dont forget to review it please Stoffel
  19. Started tbem game with Alsatian. We try to do as much turns possible before Alsation goes on holiday on the 21th
  20. No bad feelings Sometimes its irritating,like calling the US,Texas Please send me the file,I will have a look at it. One hour before I go to bed some time ago someone posted some pictures here on the forum for the Nijmegen/Arnhem area. If you do a search on every city you can get the website of that city,most are in English available too and have pictures of the town.
  21. Treeburst is away to his parents(I thought) He wrote me he would be coming back on the 19th. henk
  22. Its The Netherlands!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: Not Holland!!!!! Holland is just a province. Ahhhh that feels better.
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