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Posts posted by pcelt

  1. As far as UK customs,VAT etc is concerned I guess a more appropriate title for this thread might have been "Steal Box".

    I started this thread and still feel that Battlefront should have been more proactive in clearly warning its international customers of the likely extra costs involved at the actual time of purchase. But I acknowledge that they have now honestly recognised this and offered cancellation options and for this I thank and congratulate them.

    Personally , having waited so long and with such anticipation, I shall not cancel but risk all my family fortune and childrens inheritance and allow the postman to convey whatever financial penalties the Government deem appropriate for delivery of the "Steal Box".

    I only hope and pray though that this occurs very soon as for someone of my decrepitude (in my 76th year) time and opportunity no longer seem boundless and I should appreciate delivery very soon---Indeed I no longer even dare to risk buying unripe bananas............

  2. I too would like to know why those preordered steelboxes for European customers could not have been shipped to your European base for delivery. And if it was not going to be clear policy to do this then European purchasers should have been very clearly warned at the purchasing time that extra customs duties etc would have to be paid.

    I am sure there are small print caveats and disclaimers in the small print somewhere ---but if it is important enough to draw particular attention in a notice to these other charges at this time --surely morally they should have been made apparent BEFORE we Europeans decided whether to order our steelboxes or not.

  3. Your recent comments re this edition seemed to suggest that for international customers these would now be despatched from USA and would involve us in additional customs charges etc and presumably delays in delivery time.

    As someone who ordered this version in the first days of availability there was no indication of extra charges etc. If I am interpeting your communication correctly this seems unfair on those international customers who ordered this version based on the assumption that the costs quoted were reliable and delivery would be made from your European store.

    Could I please have some clarification--I may have misinterpreted the communication re the steelbox version to European customers.


  4. Like you I find the Simple Editor a very good tool for setting up smaller scale battles (eg reinforced platoon --reinforced Company) which facilitates really close study and focus on the detailed action and on small unit tactics.

    But as you indicate there seems to be no way of re-editing a created battle--I just have to return to the editor and recreate the battle with the modifications I wish.

    If there is a way of reediting directly I too should like to know.

    One idea re the Simple Editor created battles which has occurred to me is that it would extend the range of battles available to those creating such battles, if copies of the battles created by all players re each theatre of war for each side could be sent to a special Repositary Folder or similar so others could d/l them into their single mission folder to play (distinctive file names would need to be agreed-- eg makers initials plus number) to avoid any confusion. Also any Mods in use would need to be agreed (eg I have the excellent SS Grenadier mod installed in Kursk/Caen.

    Would this work or are there problems I have not been aware of?

    Alternatively and more simply, individuals creating Simple Editor battles could just email battle files to one another to install to extend the battles available for play.

    Any thoughts or reactions welcome


  5. I realise you can use the "Settings" to select to have visible unit ikons or not---but is there any way via a hotkey to simply and quickly turn them on or off during play. During much of the play I would prefer to have the ikons turned off but occasionally it is important to be able to reinstate them perhaps briefly to clarify a complex situation.

    I would very much appreciate the ability to do this in all the TOW games --is there any way this is possible---thanks for any ideas.

  6. Found it may have been a battle dating issue. Korea editor default is 1950 and I just left it on default when creating Editor Games When I returned to Caen and left default date no units materialised --then noticed that default date was 1939 and when I amended to 1944 editor produced units as requested.

    Whether this dating is the causal factor Im not certain but redatingto 1944 seems to work ........

  7. To further refine the problem after further testing---the problem is actually limited to Caen battles set up with the Simple Editor (new Kursk battles seem to be possible)--the new battle folders produced in the Single Mission Folder seem complete and the same sort of size as all the working ones --but the new Caen battles when selected do not produce the units on the battlefield so the battles cannot be played.

    Any thoughts or ideas please......

  8. I have recently been playing "Korea" but today i returned to my Kursk/Caen game but have found i can no longer create new battles with the Simple Editor. The creating system seems to run successfully but when I attempt to install and play the new battle I am presented with the corrrect map and a mortar but absolutely no infantry or crew for the mortar. I have now tried several different setups but always with the same failure.

    The Simple Editor system was working perfectly for both Kursk and Caen Battles before I installed and played Korea. (I can still play those Simple Editor battles I created before I acquired and used "Korea")

    It just seems an extremely strange coincidence that this total failure to be able to create new "Simple Editor "battles has appeared only since installation of Korea. Does anyone have any idea what might be the cause of this very annoying problem. Could there be any possible issue retroactively caused by the Korea Simple Editor .Has anyone else tried reusing the Kursk/Caen Simple Editor after using the Korean one.

    Any ideas or suggestion would be much appreciated. Thanks from a very frustrated gamer

  9. I was getting this message recently with rts.dll and being suspicious of the diagnosis ,sent the file to AVG and they checked and confirmed it was a "False Positive". I reinstalled the file into the game files as game wont load without it -from my "virus vault" where it had been banished and placed the file on my list for AVG to accept and not detect as a virus in future.

    --No problem since........

  10. Is there any info re how many anti-tank rockets each super- bazooka team would have available to fire in a battle situation. I cant find any info in handbook or any indication of number carried on the ingame icon. In Kursk the German Panzerschreik ammo ikon indicated the number of rockets remaining but I cannot see any similar info in Korea icons.

    Thanks for any feeedback on this--and if I have missed the relevant info in the manual i apologise......

  11. I have already reported that once you have created a battle with the Simple Editor if you click on "Save and restart TOW" the game always crashes and causes a Microsoft Error Report to appear.

    Further to this I have just noticed that the Editor message actually reads "Save and reatart TOW2" and not" TOW3"----- could this be the problem with that failed function?

  12. Again a minor gliche --but having created some battles with the Simple Editor i find that selecting the button "Save and Start TOW" always causes a crash and a bug message to Microsoft.

    But if you just Save the battle and then restart the game yourself the battles load successfully----so no great problem- but the other button should work (as it always has in other TOW created battles)

    NB I agree with Knokke re the absence of the "scout" or "Sneak" order for infantry---I too very much miss this movement option.

    --but I do very much appreciate the new "binocular" view--just wish it could be back-patched to Kursk/Caen etc.

  13. I have requested this before as a very realistic, valuable and important view in long distance armoured battles .I now note that "Korea" has a binocular view installed in the game.

    Is there any chance please that the IC could backwardly patch this function into the earlier games like Kursk/Caen.

    Is this possible?--- and if possible would the Developers consider patching this realistic feature into Kursk/Caen---it would make a huge improvement in those games especially with ref. to long distance armoured combat and also to general visual battlefield feedback and awareness.

    Please consider this if at all feasible--Thanks

  14. Tony-Im no great expert but my understanding is that the tank commanders will select the appropriate shells for their target---but you can select the ammo you want yourself in advance----right click in the corner of the window portraying the ammo and you will see all the types of shell available --left click to select the one you want used.

    Re turning the turret-- the only way I have found to do this is to aim a "ground-fire" shot in the direction you want turret to point and then stopping the order once barrel is positioned where you want it.

    Cheers and good luck

  15. I would appreciate one very minor but valuable enhancement in these battles---that is the ability to call up the view of the battlefield again at the conclusion of the battle.Currently it seems that once the victory demands are achieved the game immediately switches to the "Results Screens" and there is no way to just review and survey the final situation on the battlefield and the state of all units left on the field ,at leisure.

    I would very much appreciate the opportunity to do this as well as view the "Results Table" at the conclusion of the battle.

    Surely this must be a very simple function to add as all the terrrain and units are portrayed an instant before the game concludes. All that is required is a function to reportray this for the player to review if he wishes after the game ends.

  16. I have also just tested on a Caen battlefield with British 3"mortar in hidden position successfully attacking German MG positions which were in sight of advancing British infantry squads. In my experience (at least with "Simple Editor" created small scale --platoon--reinforced Company sized battles which I really enjoy and prefer with this engine ) I have found that this role of the hidden mortar support with infantry squad "spotting"to be quite effective.

    NB I actually later lost my 3"Mortar to a Germany infantry squad which infiltrated through my advancing units----may need to allocate some infantry protection to my Mortars in the rear in future............

  17. My recent experience has largely been with "simple editor" created battles (Kursk with Caen add-on) and fighting on Kursk maps with "hidden" German infantry mortars in support of infantry units.

    I found no particular manual reference for this apparent "spotting" mechanism but after experimenting ,found that this effect seemed to apply consistently as and when infantry units came close enough to view enemy units. Targetting ground fire by mortars then, seemed to produce quite accurate grouping of explosions on the enemy positions from mortar fire.

    I have not so far employed the mortar carriers in these battles so can make no comment re those units

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