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Posts posted by pcelt

  1. I assume that this game has not been designed with multi-core support in mind.

    If this is the case ,is there any advantage at all in using a cpu control programme to manually allocate all 4 cores to the game when playing it.

    Please forgive me if this is an ultra-naive quesion.

    Many thanks for any clarification

  2. Thanks for your help. My driver is Catalyst 09.10.

    The Catalyst Display Manager offers about 8 resolutions for Desk top but 1600x900 is not one of them and 1680x1050 is the nearest.

    Thanks for any further help.

    NB I have tried entering 1600x900 in the game txt file and the game runs OK but i was not sure if this was a wise policy if resn was not offered.

    Also is there any way of checking what resolution is actually being displayed on screen.

  3. I have a Radeon HD4800 Series card. My monitor is a 24 inch 16:9 wide screen. i should like to use a 1600x900 resolution to fit my screen but the nearest my card offers to this is 1680x1050. Can I just enter 1600x900 in the Display Size .txt file in the game folder anyway and it will use that or should I enter the 1680x1050 option which is one which my card lists.

    Thanks for any clarification re this issue.

  4. Recently fought a Quick Battle with Brits defending . The Brits were all in small teams carried in Spartans .

    I unloaded all the infantry teams and gave them and each Spartan vehicle defensive positions. The Javelin teams were heavily involved initially and destroyed many BMPs and a couple of T72s . The Spartans in the line of fire swiftly retreated to safer positions. Eventually when the enemy attacks were almost entirely infantry I ordered some of the Spartans to manoeuvre forward to fire their 7.6 GP M/G at enemy infantry----but when I tried to give any of them particular targets I found the Targetting choices all greyed out and unusable. I dont think any had suffered damage to their gun but they could not be ordered to target and fire.

    Can anyone explain or hypothesise what was occurring here with the Spartans

    Many thanks for any clarification

  5. Re the use of widescreen monitors with CMSF and other new games are there any advantages /disadvantages in selecting 16:9 or 16:10 ratio screens.

    Many thanks from a 4:3 user about to invest in widescreen for first time----also any observations re the best quality make of widescreen monitor for games /sims use.

    Many thanks again for any help with this.

  6. Thanks both for the helpful info.I am looking through the very useful "Sorted Scenarios"--Excellent resource .

    Kingfish--re size limit I have no absolute boundary as much depends on proportion of armour and the quality of units involved-- but as a guideline I prefer Company or reinforced Company as max and I do like very small inf platoon,or reinforced platoon or armoured troop encounters.

    Kingfish- Anything in that sort of range you have relevant to CMAK or CMETO I should very much appreciate.

    Junk.... Just found your post and will have a look at those---Thanks

  7. I recall that when I played all the CM1 games a few years ago there was a group or a website which specialised in producing "small" or "Tiny" scale battle scenarios.

    I would particularly enjoy these small scale encounters today both in CMAK and CMETO.Does anyone know of any current sources or sites from which one might d/l such small scale scenarios.

    Many thanks

  8. After a long break from the game I have returned to install CMETO over CMAK and am really enjoying these battles again.

    But I am rather hazy re certain actions and would appreciate some brief info re this particular sitn.I have a memory from the past in CMAK of allied engineer squads sometimes hurling demolition charges at enemy tanks with a good chance of doing real damage.

    May I request some info re the range at which this action is possible--and secondly is it necessary to issue an order to fire at-- or to assault the tank or is it best left to the engineer unit and its AI.

    Any feedback much appreciated

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