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Posts posted by pcelt

  1. Wolfe--Many thanks for your very constructive and helpful reply-----unfortunately extracting .wav files from the brz file and then renaming to install elsewhere seems a little beyond my current competency threshold ---but I have found a helpful compromise--if I select in" weather conditions"- "light rain" there never seems to be anything other than-and I quote "No wind from the SW"

    Not an ideal solution but at least a workaround.

    Thanks again for the insights...

  2. I have now played several QBs where the wind conditions have been "strong" and the problem is the very high noise volume of this wind--especially when organising your moves in "we go" and there is no battle sound.

    Is there any way of reducing just the wind sound volume.

    Or is a mod possible to achieve this effect


  3. Do we install these in the Quick Battles Folder----I see they are not numbered so presumably would not appear in the random selection process and we would need to specifically select one of these maps to use it.

    I am not at all sure how this system works with new QB additions---would appreciate some clarification please

  4. Greetings Vein--Sorry but Im back--changed date to June 44 but still no joy with any of the Airborne uniforms V1 or V2. Rangers and German seem fine.

    Is there any game setting or option of mine which might be influencing this.

    Apologies but sitn is very puzzling and frustrating

    Any help or ideas.....

    Please ignore all this nonsense--only just noticed the Airborne Troops Option on selection panel-- had changed date but not troop option--I do worry about myself sometimes............

  5. First--congratulations Vein ---brilliant work and much appreciated.

    Have d/l all 3 --German, Rangers and 82nd. the first 2 both worked well in Quick Battle but when I removed the Rangers file and used the 82nd file there was no effect on the in game American troops (Quick Battle) at all .

    Does this particular mod not work with QBs or is it something wrong with my installation.

    Would appreciate any feedback re this issue----thanks.

  6. Id reinforce the point about the repetitiveness of the map provision--probably need a larger number of maps and better levels of randomness in selection.

    On a slightly different point I must say that on several occasions i have been very disappointed with the quality of the AI on defense in armour battles. Very often the whole force seem to be waiting close to ther target in a fairly disorganised way and are all to easily dispatched. I would hope for some more variety and purpose in the AI defense tactics where different elements defended different strongpoints en route to the target area as well as the actual target. Too many tank attack QBs now involve no more than a drive to the target and one brief frenetic battle and this will seriously reduce motivation.

    I appreciate the amount of time and skill which must be needed to provide a good AI defense in the QBs but more than a clear drive across the whole map followed by one armoured melee at the target is not very gripping or realistic especially when repeated in various QB attacks.

    I have found the AI tank attacks more varied and purposeful and challenging----but the AI tank defense tactics are often seem crude ,elementary and basic and lack any cunning or finesse.

    I love many things about this game -- many more aspects than I feel unhapppy about---but I am very unhappy and disappointed re the issue I have raised above and hope that the quality of QB AI armoured defense can gradually be improved.


  7. At the moment the same ikon is used to mark Breaching teams and ammo carriers for mortars etc. as is used for infantry squads. It would very much help ones awareness of where all ones different units were and to be able to select them more quickly and with certainty if there were specific ikons to mark breaching teams and ammo bearers for guns which were different from the full squad marker.

    If this were feasible to mod I for one would very much appreciate the clearer differentiation.


  8. akd -thanks for your observations--the problem is that in many of these QBs the setup zone is a relatively small rectangle at one map side and you have no time to move from it so I have tried sitting it out but with a really heavy calibre barrage you cant avoid some extremely crippling effects in the setup zone before the battle ensues--

    Presume there is no really useful counter measure -just have to take it on the chin .......

  9. Thanks for your very useful observations.

    What lies behind this query is that I have recently been playing some smallish Infantry-only QBs as attacker and invariably I am met in turn 1 (we go) with a harrowing arty barrage in my start-out area before I have time to move much and I tend to lose many units with others in panic etc. I guess it is called as a pre-battle preparatory barrage as heavy arty falls in Turn 1.

    Is there any good way to minimise or counter these losses --often the start-up area is not very large so targetting is not too difficult for the defending AI and catches my force in a very vulnerable state.

    Any reflections,ideas or suggestions please......

  10. I have been trying very unsuccessfully to remove a HMG Section and a Breaching team from 4 Platoon and reattach them to 1 Platoon----tried the Shft+L.click and also the Shft+Draw box round whole group ---but these units resolutely refuse to change their allegiance from 4 Platoon to 1 Platoon---How very precisely is this successfully achieved---some detailed guidance much appreciated....Thanks

  11. Agua --Thanks---I really think I perhaps should have solved this difficult question myself but who would possibly have guessed they might be in game files/scenarios !!! --I was really put off by the (new to me) magical "Z" folder concept.

    Thanks for saving me from pursuing that magic too far.......

  12. One aspect about the Quick Battles setup description in the manual seems unclear at least to me.

    If you are selecting a battle v the AI for example is it possible to select Infantry formation for one side and armoured formation for the other---- or does whatever general type of formation you select have to apply to both sides--both will have Infantry or Armoured or Mixed.

    In CM1 Im sure the choice was totally open but on reading this much more detailed setup for QBs I felt uncertain re the openness of the situation.

    An experienced insight re this would be much appreciated as I am hoping the time for reflecting and wondering will soon be over............

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