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Posts posted by pcelt

  1. One answer which I have found if you are happy to involve yourself in smaller scale battles but using all the maps and all the variety of units is to use the excellent "Simple Editor" to create a wide variety of smaller scale encounters.

    I find these battles where you have time to focus on your units , their tactics and combat in much more detail are very absorbing and rewarding----of course if you are only drawn to the larger scale battles this adaptation is not for you,but otherwise give this option a whirl--it will certainly solve or help your slowdown issues without having to use "Slow motion" solutions.

  2. I have to agree with Redjac re some of the apparently unrealistic limitations on infantry activity in built-up areas .

    I agree about the lack of firing opportunities from inside houses and the overstrong picket fence and would add a third critical thought---this refers to the path-finding ability of infantry through some wall gateways . In many situations squads or sections find their way quite successfully to a new location via these gateways......but I have also met situations where squads or sections or some members of these have hunted very unsuccessfully to find and pass through these gateways (causing very bizarre ,unrealistic and unconvincing behaviour).

    I am really impressed with much of the AI used when infantry units are moving and fighting through Normandy villages etc ..but would very much appreciate and urge some attention in a patch to these particular issues and the important defficiencies indicated above.


  3. I currently use my mouse to move view forward,back and side to side and the mouse wheel to raise and lower view. In the manual I also read of a "zoom" function for the camera (which I feel there ought to be )but have never been able to implement this.

    Could anyone confirm whether or not there is a zoom function (other than using "forward " fast for the cam)---and if so how to implement this with the mouse or keyboard.

    Many thanks for any clarification

  4. Yes it is certainly possible to play either side with Mission Generator and also with the Simple Editor (which I really appreciate for creating any small scale actions where you can really experiment with tactics and have the time to appreciate really watching the unfolding of small scale battles and not have to juggle so many situations---for those suffering slowdowns with large scale battles this problem also disappears with small scale encounters with fewer units involved )

  5. I have d/l Battlefronts Caen Expansion for Kursk and have found one irritating outcome.

    All the Kursk battles I had created via the Simple Editor that were listed in the "Battles" menu have now totally lost their descriptions.So I have numerous battles with only a file name indication (eg NM1 or 16 etc) and no indication at all any more of the nature of each battle.

    So I can no longer select any particular type of battle to fight or refight--they are all unknown situations.

    Any thoughts on how to recreate these descriptions that were previously in place next to each Kursk battle file name in the "Battles" Menu ??

    Thanks for any help or suggestions .......

  6. Flamethrower- I think these only appear when you use the battle generator or campaign editor to create your own battles and save them--- Look at "All Programmes " --Battlefront--Theatre of War2--"Editors and Battle Generator"

    Well worth trying these tools to create whatever sort of battles you would like to set up against the AI----they are very easy to use especially the Battle Generator.

  7. Sneaksie -Thanks for the info--2 quick queries

    1)Looked at the Mission.xml file but not sure where to find the line re support price--what is the actual line I am looking for please ?

    2 Is there a difference in the set up of the "battle generator" in TOW2 and the Simple Editor in Kursk which both seem to follow all the same procedures---but with the TOW2 generated battles I have never encountered an "insufficient points" reaction to support calls. I also dont recall it occurring in the early days with Kursk--have either of the patches caused any changes in the operation of the Simple Editor?

    Sorry for all the questions but am confused re this feature

    Thanks for your time and help

  8. Very much enjoy constructing small scale battles of various sorts with the Simple Editor -but am puzzled by one feature.

    During all the setting up there is no ref. or indication at all of points allocations or use---but on a number of occasions recently where I have allocated some air support -when I have tried to call this up the message "insufficient points"- has appeared but there seems no way of knowing in the preparation of the battle with the Simple Editor anything about points availability or how that works in these personally created battles.

    Can anyone please explain how the points factor works with battles created with the Simple Editor.


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