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Posts posted by pcelt

  1. I am aware you can make an ammo type selection for tanks, SPGs etc but if you make no interventions yourself may I assume that the AI will make appropriate selections itself with respect to the targets--or is it always better to make this selection yourself?

    Thanks for any insights and advice ...

  2. I agree that an added specific TC view with binocular feature is most unlikely but would it not be possible to be able to call up with a key press a Zoom view of whatever you are looking at from wherever you are viewing if you would like it.

    I seem to recall that such a view exists in the Combat Mission games and also in the Take Command Civil war games like the current "Gettysburg"---this enables viewing of distant areas and units and vehicles in much more close-up when required (reflecting ,though in a general way what a Commander binocular view would provide.)

    In my view this would enhance enormously the visual quality and immersiveness of these TOW games where more distant views and events(like the effects of fire on distant enemy units and vehicles etc) could be seen and appreciated much more fully.

    Would such an addition be a feasible proposition?

  3. I have just noticed in the info re" TOW2 Korea" specific mention of a binocular view.

    Am I right in assuming there is no such view available in any of the other games in the TOW series.

    It has always struck me that in a game featuring tanks and firing at tank ranges, that a binocular view is really a basic essential for full game immersion and enjoyment.

    Is there any hope at all that such a feature could be modded in to the current games either by IC or by a gifted player/modder.

    Thanks for any info /feedback

  4. "SAVE and EXIT" also works fine --then when you next play, the game you have created will be sitting in "Battles" with the title you gave it. I find this editor very useful for setting up small to medium sized battles with the detailed OBs you want

    AVOID pressing just "EXIT" when game will NOT be saved.

    NB Re "Mission Name" set up a system in your mind so you can give a different file name to each eg MN1 MN2 MN3 and give good descriptions of each battle situation so you can identify from the title description easily in the future , battles you wish to refight etc.

    Good luck.....

  5. Sorry about your CTD --keep smiling-----re the intermittent sound --I think mine comes and goes irrespective of any zooming in or out . If I just hold cam position just behind stationary tank I still get the on/off with the engine tickover without tank movement

    Arnt computer simulations marvellous.........

    NB Also is there any way to turn off ikons or the toolbar---there were keys in TOW1 and quite useful.

  6. I have only just started on a Simple Editor battle-but find that the Tiger which is my only vehicle in this battle emits engine noise only intermittently ---on for 10 secs -silent for 5 secs continually.

    I have both of the other TOW games amd there is no sound problem in either--nor in any other of my simulations.

    Has anyone else experienced this or can anyone suggest what might be the cause---it is an immersion spoiler.....

  7. Deputy--One quick suggestion----Try using the "Simple Editor" from the ProgramList .

    Here you can choose and use exactly the units you want , the map you want and with the conditions you want. And also because you can restrict the scale of the battles you may experience less lockups and enjoy the graphical quality.

    Worth a go if you havnt got rid of Kursk yet.

  8. Would it be possible at some stage in the near future for IC to make a Special PDF Guidelines for the use of all the different Game Editors detailing the steps in battle design and all the possibilities and shortcomings.

    These Editors are a great game resource and could provide much longevity to the game --but they are referred to so briefly in the Handbook that many of us less experienced TOW gamers are left needing guidelines and ideas to get all the potential from these excellent resources.


  9. Many thanks for that info--so the Simple Editor is exactly like the Battle Generator in the TOW2 Africa whereyou can select both sides --unlike the Generator in Kursk where you can only select your own units.

    These features for editors are very useful but I wish they were named more consistently and described more fully. But for this chance read of this thread I would not have realised what the Simple Editor was or did. The Manual says very very little about these Editors and to me they seem a strong and very useful element.

  10. Thanks yet again--you certainly know your way round this series. I have d/l your samples for ref. and also the SFSextractor--but there are no guidelines re its correct use and Im not sure how exactly to proceed to unpack ,edit and then repack ---it has all the makings of a catastrophe about to happen. Could you give me a brief step by step summary of the proper procedure (written as for a 7yr old retard)

    --I suspect you will be quite relieved when I move on to Silent Hunter 5 if only temporarily........

    Thanks and theres no hurry.....

  11. Having embarked on a series of British "generated battles" I have become demented by the very very frequent and pathetic cries from the poor old British infantry of "Theres too many " or "Theres too many of them" ---even when in a strong winning position.

    Is there a way of simply deleting or at least reducing the frequency of this utterance. If not I may be forced to play only on the German side where I hope they only speak in German.

    Massive thanks in advance to anyone who can help me eradicate these utterances.

  12. Taly01 Thanks for your response--and your imaginative idea re some solution. When perfected I would purchase such a file from you..........

    It seems strange with this type of game not to have a binocular view---Im sure Combat Mission Series had such a facility and very useful and immersive it was.

  13. Is there no binoculars view in the TOW series. It would be so helpful and atmospheric to be able to look sometimes more closely at enemy tanks and infantry especially in the more long-range encounters.

    I cannot find any ref. to such a function and think it is a great loss to a game of this type. If I have missed finding the info re such a function could someone point me in the right direction,


  14. I have only "discovered" this series quite recently and have been playing both current titles a lot.

    I have been enjoying the experience a great deal and should like to congratulate the development team very much on the quality of the series.

    But there is one small but very significant criticism I feel I must raise. Throughout the series you refer the the "English" Army and "English" units. This is not historically or militarily correct---there is no English Army ----the Army is the British Army and indeed many of its most famous regiments are from Scotland, Wales and N.Ireland.

    This, of course, is no criticism of the quality of the game at all but I do feel that a game or simulation reflecting historical military conflicts should take some care to be as accurate as possible with its labels and descriptions and names.And to consistently wrongly name one of the major armies in the war and battles being simulated is not really acceptable.

    I dont suppose there is much that can be done retrospectively but I would hope that any future titles would correct this error.

    Please accept this criticism in the constructive manner in which it is being offered. As I have said I am very much enjoying your games and feel they have a great deal of real quality.


    NB On reflection I feel I have over generalised this criticism. The terms UK and British are sometimes used--but I have just spent a couple of weeks using the battle generator of TOW and in this all references in construction of force groups refers to "England" as one of the armies involved and this has coloured my judgment. There is, in fact inconsistency in the terms used as between England, UK and Britain--so what I now feel I should have been urging was for some increased consistency and the consistent use of "British" Army, throughout.

    I apoligise for my inadvertant exaggeration of the problem and issue in my initial comments.

  15. Merci encore---have discovered that with these mod files installed the correct uniforms appear in battles including in already personally "Generated " battles-----but trying to actually use the battle generator with them installed gives rise to an immediate error message and necessary closing of generator.

    But the problem can easily be circumvented by hiding the two files with a prefix when using the generator and removing the prefixes when playing. The correct uniforms then appear in late war battles------------not a very elegant solution but an amateurs solution....


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