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Everything posted by krm

  1. Whats the difference between an MMX system and a "normal" one? I see many advertised now. e.g P3 450 MMX etc. Also, what role do motherboards play in the graphics debate?(if any)
  2. There are heaps of posts on this. However, to save you looking, Charles said in a recent reply to the thread "release" by WWII Rulz, that they are nearing beta, and they will have a better idea of release once they enter that stage. However; "It wont be in September though." -Charles [This message has been edited by krm (edited 08-26-99).]
  3. I think that BTS were talking about this only a few days ago. I dont think it is in yet, but they are trying their best to incorporate as much as they can into the first release. If they don't put it in their first release I'm sure they'd come up with another way to incorporate it. Pretty cool if thats the case huh? Like having your own WW2 movie! [This message has been edited by krm (edited 08-26-99).]
  4. Sounds pretty good to me! Even though I have Go!Zilla, and could probably handle the crash, it never hurts to indulge in some inter-continental sending. Coopers is not too expensive here in SA. And you say you only want one bottle? (longneck?)
  5. Steve, I'm wondering about the deployment of Martins "ambush" bazooka, and why the target area seems to be so close to his team. It would seem to me as though the passing unit will have to be almost on top of him before he fires? Do units take the liberty of firing at a greater distance if under the ambush command, they spot something that would be good hunting? P.S the game looks fantastic, in fact I had a dream about it last night! Just joking.
  6. Assuming you had the blessing of the BTS team, I'd be interested in taking you up on this offer. However, I live in Australia, and am wondering whether or not that would pose any problems, aside from the fact that it would be an increase in P&H. Also, it will depend on the size of the demo.
  7. Dave, I think i may be able to answer one or two of your questions. 1. Tanks will rotate so that their front armour faces the greatest AT threat if they have no other movement orders.(I think)However, Steve mentioned something about overwhelming force. The example he used was a Sherman with a 75mm gun confronted by a KT. He said the Sherman would probably plomp down some smoke and retreat. 3.There was a question about this not too long ago and I think the answer was that it is on the list, but BTS weren't sure if it was in yet. 4.Many breakdowns are simulated in the game, and some are more prone to happening under certain conditions. Vehicles can be recovered depending on many factors. "For Campaigns we have abstracted vehicle recovery. Depending on the battlefield conditions, the nature of the breakdown, the length of time before the next battle, and lighting conditions will all determine if you get your vehicle back. A vehicle with a tossed track, at night, while on the attack, and the next battle in 4 hours will have a much better chance than something that got nailed in the roadwheels in broad daylight while on the defensive. Oh, and loose the field, you loose your vehicles 100% of the time." - Steve 5.I think the real world laws and physics apply to everything in this game! [This message has been edited by krm (edited 08-25-99).] [This message has been edited by krm (edited 08-25-99).]
  8. Thanks guys. I assumed you already knew about the prongs seeing as though you know about almost everything else!
  9. BTS, I have just read that during Operation Cobra??? a GI named "Hillbilly" Roberts came up with an idea to plow through the tank slowing bocage hedgerows. His idea was to attach earth moving prongs to the front of tanks (mostly Shermans). These plow like prongs were highly effective in opening a path through the hedgerows for other tanks to utilise. Have you heard of these? Also, when I ordered a couple of weeks ago, I'm not sure if i typed in the credit card number correctly. I did receive your reply letter, but I'm worried that when the time comes, I won't be getting my copy of CM. Is there anything I can do to check? [This message has been edited by krm (edited 08-17-99).]
  10. o [This message has been edited by krm (edited 08-15-99).]
  11. Cheers maaaaate. I was considering purchasing VooDoo3 (2000), but they are still around $235 in SA. VooDoo4 you say? Worth waiting for?
  12. What dimensional category to the craters in HT a go go fall into - sm, med, lge? Also, is there a noticeable difference between the impact craters left say between 75mm and 128mm guns, or do all turrets leave the same impact? Finally, can troops be moved into freshly made impact craters or only pre defined ones, and can they gain defilade or cover whilst in them? [This message has been edited by krm (edited 08-13-99).]
  13. Are you from the wonderful word of oz Marko? I am, but i have to say, i found that pretty funny, and true to some extent! Also, i'm looking for some advice, I am upgrading my video card, and was wondering if anyone could suggest one? I have a 12mb Voodoo2 and it's ok (had problems with drivers) - also, i was wondering if this card would be suited to CM? BTS don't waste your time with this post, i'm just wondering if anyone has any ideas? [This message has been edited by krm (edited 08-13-99).] [This message has been edited by krm (edited 08-13-99).]
  14. And what about KIA soldiers? Do they simply vanish? I know that there may be technological drawbacks to leaving them on screen, but it would look pretty cool to see a trail of wounded or KIA soldiers over a plain. P.s the new screenshots are fantastic!
  15. Will there be any speech cues within CM such as typical phrases such as "incoming" and take cover etc? I know this would be contradictory to the nature of the game but i was just curious. Also have you finalised, or further considered leaving KIA soldier sprites on screen. I think this has a great atmospheric effect, and it can also help you with strategic planning.
  16. I just wanted to say that i have pre ordered the days and am looking forward to playing what i perceive as one of the best wargames out (so far). Good luck with the rest of the game guys. Also, the videos are great, ive just downloaded all of them.
  17. Short question - will CM be available in retail outlets or not? I'm confused after reading about no box because it wont be on the shelves.
  18. This question has probably already been answered so i apologise in advance if it seems repitive. My question is - why not allow the player to jump into and take control directly of units. Imagine being able to take control of a Schweres MG in a bunker and lay heavy fire on advancing US units while you cover the retreat of your other forces. I know this would make it a little 3D shooterish, but with such historical detail and the gameplay options which the game will obviously have, i think it would be an excellent way of providing a totally submersive environment in which you could really feel part of the action - not just a commander of the action.
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