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Everything posted by ianc

  1. Looks good. I'd jump right into it, but since I've just installed CMMOS, I have to figure out the mechanics of making non-CMMOS mods compatible with CMMOS, so it may have to wait a bit... ianc
  2. Jesus Michael! I'm astounded! This is not a negative or positive on your post or on DD, but rather on your memory. You have got the proverbial elephant's and no mistake! ianc
  3. OK, as long as this thread hasn't been locked up yet, I'll take the opportunity to mimic your annoying habit of taking a small bit of my message out of context, quoting it, and posting a largely unrelated and slanted response. Right then, let's begin, shall we? Right, why bother when you can just bash Windows mindlessly then say you're not going to defend yourself? It's so much easier when you don't have to think, just spew bile, isn't it? But hey, 'different is better', right? Isn't it? RIGHT? If you'd care to reread (or if you've ever read) my posts, you'll see I have tried the Mac, and in my personal opinion, found it wanting. Not that this means it's bad for anyone else. Which is the entire thrust of my point. I'm happy with any choices people want to make for themselves. You aren't. And why do you keep mentioning surfing? I don't care about surfing. Excellent. Glad to hear it. So where's all that stepping to the plate then? All I see is some excuses about how it's not your duty to hold the bat. Certainly a claim as preposterous as all that deserves some debunking, right? Nice try, but no. That isn't a comment on Macintoshes, but about some Macintosh users. Specifically you. I know that's a bit subtle for you, but try to bear with me, eh? Excuse me, but I'm not following you here. I don't really care what you think of Windows. It's obvious you don't like it and it's obvious I'll never change your mind about it. It's not even worth trying. My point is that I'm sick of people bashing Windows who are too lazy\stupid to back up what they say. People bashed Windows needlessly in this thread, so I said something about it. Quite politely and reasonably too I think you'll find. If it's not too much bother for you to actually read my post... Your very first post in this thread would certainly give the lie to that statement. Go back Smallwood, go back and reread this thread. You'll find that the first stone was indeed cast by a Mac user. You'll also find that I still haven't badmouthed Macintoshes, only some overzealous Macintosh users who refuse to think rationally and subjectively, or just won't because they claim it's too much trouble. That group would obviously include you. And you're stuck with guys like me who won't let you take the easy way out and just bash everything you feel like without being prepared to defend yourself, aren't you? Actually no, I prefer to take it up here so the general public can see what an ass he's making of himself. Might make him think twice before spewing such crap in the future. Again, I want to thank you for such a well-reasoned and logical critique of all the things Windows does wrong. Think about it... ianc P.S. I'm typing this from Konqueror in Linux BTW...
  4. Mr Smallwood, I must say you're certainly slinging a bit of mud for someone who claims to be objective in their choices. I made my claim that you aren't basing your evaluation of your OS of choice on any rational basis, but rather on your political dislike of Microsoft\Bill Gates because thus far you don't seem to have offered any concrete reasons why. I'm sure that's quite true. I'm also sure that PC\Linux users are privy to something which YOU JUST DON'T GET either. Try to understand that I may hold similar views on your opinion. The gist of your message seems to be that I'm claiming the only reason anybody would buy a Mac is for political reasons, and that I'm sh*tting all over them in my arrogance. I think if you'll drink a little ice water and take the time to reread over my posts, you'll find not one instance of me making even one negative comment about Macintoshes. I think this is pretty telling actually, since you and others here have fouled Windows quite nicely. My comment about political motivation comes into play when people discussing Macs want to start bashing Windows without offering any concrete substantive reasons as to why they think Windows is an inferior operating system. They much prefer to hop on the 'different is better' and 'Bill Gates is an ass' bandwagon. It's so easy that way. Now tell me, after reading this, does it really sound like an honest opinion based on facts, or the splenetic ramblings of a zealot? The very fact that you're so upset about this means there's a little more on your agenda than an objective comparison of the merits of two pieces of code. Me = guy who works in computer business, tried lots of different ones. Like Windows best for reasons of my own. Don't knock other's choices in computers or whatever as long as they respect mine as well. You = guy who likes the Mac, considers it superior to everything else, and can't resist taking potshots and denigrating other OS's for vague and unspecified reasons. Must convert the world to your point of view or you won't be happy. Just bashing Windows and Windows users for the hell of it with no real reasons listed is probably the most irritating thing about some Mac users. Think about it. ianc
  5. Actually not. I form my opinions of operating systems based on objective factors, such as ease of use, availability of software, stability, compatibility with many types of hardware etc. You form yours on a dislike of Microsoft\Bill Gates. The difference between us is that even though I'm completely convinced in my mind (having used both Win and the Mac) that Windows is in every way the superior OS, I don't sit and take cheap shots at the Mac just for the fun of it, or because I'm a political malcontent. From my point of view, you're perfectly entitled to use whatever you like and I'll respect your choice. All I ask is that you observe the same. This seems a little difficult for you though, since you're so insecure in your choice that the best you can do is sh*t on other people's choices to make yourself feel better. It is probably foolish to debate this with you since fanatics and zealots are pretty much impervious to reason. Have fun with your Mac... ianc
  6. Smallish I think: 1000-2000 points depending on what types of units are bought. Large scenarios are just too unwieldy and difficult to manage given the lack of a roster or an easy way to visualize and find your forces on the field. Do like them large maps though... ianc
  7. What more can I say past what the others have said? That is truly one of the best mods I've ever seen and you are a genius. Keep up the great work, and thanks! ianc
  8. I've experienced this feeling too as a Linux user. But hey, you take that for granted when you switch to or use an OS that's not mainstream; it's part of the territory. It gives you the right to be vocal in your demands that you be given more support, but no more. ianc
  9. Yes, you're sounding extremely rational through here. It's hard for you to separate your politics from your OS isn't it? Kinda too bad. For you... ianc
  10. Dear Mac'ers, I'll start right off by saying that I've never used OSX. I merely read through this because I have an interest in computers and wanted to see what Mac lovers were saying about X. I have used previous versions and was never really too enamored of them though. I am always willing to try new things however: right now my machine is a dual-boot Win2K server\Red Hat 8.0 machine. Lately I've been spending more time in Linux than Win2K, and that should speak for itself. My point in this rambling diatribe is that the thing that most irritates me about Linux and Mac users is that I believe they don't use their operating systems based on their respective merits, but rather because they hate Microsoft. And in my opinion, that's a pretty poor reason. Just because you're unhappy with the practices of Microsoft's marketing dept is no reason to denigrate the functionality or competency of its OS's. For myself, I don't care what OS you use; they all have their upsides and their downsides. Why the hate? Why does a discussion of the benefits\disadvantages of OSX have to include the odd kick and jab at Windows? Mac users, famous for their supposed progressive thinking, should step back and practice a little more tolerance I think... ianc
  11. I don't quite understand this bit. It's true that the KT's turret front is quite large. However, in comparison to the rest of the tank, it comprises a smaller percentage of available target area than other tanks. The absolute area of the turret front is not important; it's the ratio of the area of the turret front to that of the hull or the overall area that is. ianc
  12. OK Mindfighter, Thanks for the input. Instead of urging that the author 'remove the webpage', why don't you offer us all the benefits of your Russian expertise and work with him to correct his alleged errors? ianc
  13. There are some tips included in the manual, and there is a dedicated forum called 'Scenario Talk' for both CMBB and CMBO. Check it out. ianc
  14. One thing that seriously needs fixing or improving is the ability to easily see\manipulate passengers on halftracks and possibly trucks. I was playing the excellent 'Hill 621' tonite and there were some 251's with two HMG34's in them. It becomes almost impossible to select these units since they position themselves off in the rear corners of the halftrack. You almost have to be positioned directly above the halftrack looking down into it to see or select them. I'd like to see a visual indicator when the halftrack is selected indicating that it's carrying passengers and what the passengers are. Some means of selecting the passengers should also be available when the halftrack has been selected; maybe a drop down list box or something? Please consider it... ianc
  15. Exactly. Little tactical symbols, Maltese crosses, even good 'ol '808' or '101' on the turret sides. Not complaining mind you, just suggesting (and wishing I was 1/10th as good at this as you). Thanks for your efforts! ianc
  16. Very sweet! Very soothing. But I'm afraid I'm bored... Anybody up for a spelling bee? ianc
  17. Edited because of a double post which seems to have occurred as a result of a particularly twitchy index finger... [ October 15, 2002, 09:26 PM: Message edited by: ianc ]
  18. Quite. I'm just saying that it's unlikely everyone\anyone would agree with Mr. Dubh on which threads were 'the really good ones'. ianc
  19. Probably, but who gets to decide which threads are 'stick-worthy'? For a minute, I thought you were talking about my suit after that last drunken wedding I attended. ianc
  20. I saw that scenario and eagerly opened it up thinking you might have saved me the trouble of transcribing Xanino, but alas... ianc
  21. So if it's not verified, certainteed, 100% genoowine fax ma'am, it's no good? What about 'Cross of Iron', 'The Forgotten Soldier', and just good rip-roarin' fiction in general? ianc
  22. Class A work as usual Gordon. Flags are nice but you're bound to get flak over them. I'd like to see some little white insignia or somefink here and there though to give it a little contrast though. But of course you're not finished. You are the master though... ianc
  23. I'd like to see a little more work done (graphicly) on trenches. The concept is very cool, and they seem to work well, although I have not tested them to any stringent degree I must admit. They don't look good though. A unit sitting in one will also have a good chance of getting lost since their colored bases don't show anymore. There is also no sense of depth to the trench, and the edges of them don't meet up nicely. Maybe the graphics could be modded to provide some sort of stop gap? I'm wondering if a dedicated trench tile might not be best, but I'm sure there's a reason why this was not done however... ianc
  24. Yes, the book is quite excellent and available in paperback now too. I picked up a copy for, I believe, $8.95 at Borders, although I had read it before. The book has been discussed here before, but it does provide some very relevant material to the scenario designer. Some of Bix's maneuvers would be very nice as well... ianc
  25. I agree JonS. 9 times out of ten when you read these mangled posts, the author is seeking help or assistance of some kind. I am not limiting myself to commenting on just this board by any means either. It seems to me that if I were seeking some kind of advice or aid from people and asking them to take their time to point me in the right direction out of the kindness of their heart, the least I could do would be state my problem clearly and include all relevant information. People with disabilities have my sincerest sympathies, but it is not exceedingly difficult (and indeed courteous), in my mind, to run a spell checker over your work if you find that a simple proofread will not suffice... ianc
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