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Posts posted by buddy

  1. Whatever it takes to get the job done...I think the reason some feel the way they do is because the game (and the game editor) haven't been released yet - everyone knows pretty well what to expect. You may not in the future and then the slaughtering of reinforcements will be celebrated by at least one person...

  2. OK, here's a real war story from me to start this off...I am on guard duty in Saudi Arabia at night - it's so cold I am wearing insulated underwear, BDU's, a MOPP suit (chemical warfare outfit) and raingear. Anyway, I've really gotta take a leak so I stop in a corner of our "compound" (defined by large dirt walls pushed up by combat engineers) near a M60 bunker and cut loose. As I was relieving myself a huge amount of dirt on the other side of the dirt wall let loose and fell down the other side for some reason - and I almost s--- myself right there! Turns out it was nothing at all (after policing up myself I investigated with M16 and red-lensed flashlight).

    I actually saw a guy "draw" on his own shadow once on guard duty.

    The chaplains assistant almost burned down the chaplain't tent by overheating his pot-belly stove.

    Iraqi EPW's unbelievably ate every item in GI MRE's given to them at a EPW holding facility. Kinda sad to see a starving dude trying to eat coffee grounds...

    American soldiers guarding a crossroads in the middle of nowhere. There was a small stone wall there with the words "Pink Floyd - The Wall" spraypainted on it.

    A tape I copped from an Iraqi bunker with the artist "James Brown" written on it (turned out to be Arabic music - which I played every now and then until my tentmates told me to shove it).

  3. Regarding the email message sent to me yesterday right after I ordered...

    Thank you for your order!


    Your order has been received and will be shipped out within 1-2 days (pre-order items excepted). Normal shipping is via USPS Priority Mail for US customers and USPS 1st Class Airmail for International ones. Your order is being shipped from the North Eastern United States.

    If you have any comments or questions about Battlefront.com, please don't hesitate to make them known. The Support area of our website offers you all sorts of ways to get in touch with us. We are all in this thing together!

    Thanks again,

    The Battlefront.com team


    Should I expect the game this weekend, then, or should I plan on waiting...

  4. Anyone know how to modify textures? Chatted with someone this morning who said you can modify textures, even in the demo, although he didn't know how to do it on a mac. I tried Res-Edit this morning (copy graphic, paste in Photoshop, alter it, copy and paste back into the graphics file) but didn't get anywhere.

    I was careful to copy my original file before screwing around, still, I'm doing something wrong here. Any help?


    I played the Valley scenario, then for kicks I tried the Chance Encounter scenario in Gold. It looked about the same so I decided to try something. I played the Axis side and gave them a 150% (or whatever) advantage over Allied. The first thing I did was select ALL of my troops and had them move all the way into enemy territory. I must of had 100's of troops and about 8 or 9 tanks...

    What happened amazed me - the 5 or so Shermans totally pounded the Axis tanks (only two made it close to the other side). Eventually the Axis troops won the day after one helluva firefight - all tanks destroyed and 95% of the troops. Still, it goes to show you that the player makes the game interesting even though the AI is so very cool...

  6. First off - THE GAME WORKS ON MY COMPUTER! UNBELIEVEABLE! It actually goes faster than the beta, the graphics look better (even though I have no graphics card) and everything in general is just better! I have a Motorola Starmax 3000 Apple Clone, Tower, with a 180 processor and about 96 MB RAM.

    Too cool. Played to 1am last night, feel like s*** but I am elated!!



    Whats the deal with arty in the Valley scenario? At one point I thought a frigging nuke was dropped on the target area - the actual explosion plume was about 5 times as big as a regular explosion and it expanded very slowly. Cool, yes - is it a bug? Is this a spoiler? Who the heck knows...I'll try and post a picture of it tomorrow (got a screen capture at home).

    Also, any trick to using Flamethrower dudes? They shoot their entire wad in one round and then they are useless after that.

    Thanks much for the Gold demo, the countless hours you all have put in on this thing - thousands of happy gamers will be losing hours and hours of sleep in the future!!!


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