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Posts posted by buddy

  1. Policing actions like Bosnia, Croatia, Haiti, Somalia might be termed "Other than war"...might also be called "nation-building" type missions. Don't think much of these, really.

    Maybe going after those responsible for the terroristic ship bombing the other day might be termed OTW.

    I saw the frontline episode and wondered about the track vs. wheel debate - would make a good thread here, I think.

  2. OK, so this thread has proven that there are an awful lot of gamers out there who love the Eastern Front...if I may, as the originator of this thread, kind of change the topic slightly?

    AI modifications made in CM2 - will they be retrospective for gamers like myself who really dig the Western Front and aren't really into the Eastern Front? In other words, if CM2 comes out and does all this cool new stuff (better AI, better graphics, better explosions, better map making tools, etc) will I be able to apply those to the Western Front?

    You get where I'm coming from? If number 2 has all the bells and whistles then Western Front fans will feel a little rooked. Comments?

  3. OK, admittedly I am not well-versed in the history of the Eastern Front - WW2...I know that the Germans pushed pretty far into Russia - laid siege to Stalingrad, right? I know that both the German and Russian armies had a burnt earth strategy, millions died and that in the final days of the 3rd Reich 2 major Russian armies were converging on Berlin and, in their bloodlust to get there first, even attacked each other for awhile. True - saw it on a documentary once (if the documentary is to be believed).

    My point is, besides having a revised and new and improved CM with new/revised AI, graphics, etc..., what is the attraction to the Eastern Front that the Western Front doesn't offer?

    (Besides Russian troops/equipment?)

    I need schooling.

  4. One of em happened last night - jeep with arty spotter pulls up a road and stops just inside tree cover...arty spotter gets out and does his thing...minutes later, as the arty barrage is hitting a small town and the jeep driver is just sitting there having a smoke, the spotter yells "Run for it!!" all of the sudden, gets about 1/2 length away from the jeep and a short shell lands DIRECTLY on the jeep. Jeep is dead, driver is wounded (how'd that happen?) and spotter is shocked (rightfully so). Pretty hilarious.

  5. We are still in Korea because the war isn't officially over - cease fire was the only thing declared long ago. If we left North Korea probably would invade and that peninsula would be a greater threat to Japan, Taiwan and other allies in that region. Korea offers the US a vital staging point in Asia...

    As far as the beret goes if I were still in and had to wear it I would feel stupid - troops go through a lot to earn the black beret (airborne), the maroon beret (ranger?) and the green beret (special forces) - might have airborne and rangers mixed up. Anyway I wouldn't feel qualified to wear it - plus it wouldn't keep the rain out of your eyes as one other put it.

    I think the class A and B uniforms for the army suck anyway - they need to go back to the tan uniforms from WW2! Those were sharp.

  6. Hey, anyone else think this board is getting freaky? People seem to be extremely uptight on a few threads - including one I opened and was later locked.

    Lighten up, people - if you disagree then don't get nasty - debate. You can make your point in a civil way.

    Other points - personally I think my thread was prematurely closed, but I yield to the moderators decisions on this matter.

    I still feel that this forum can be used for other postings - precedent has already been set a hundred times!

  7. You find out who did it for sure and you punish them using whatever force deemed appropriate. (This doesn't include bombing an aspirin factory on the eve of crucial testimony during an impeachment).

    You impose crushing trade sanctions on nations known to harbor and train known terrorist groups.

    Finally, you maintain consistency in your foreign policy so that the world at large knows where you stand on every issue, small and large.

  8. No, this is not a political forum but back in the days before CM was released we used to talk about all kinds of things including current events, favorite Monty Python skits et al...

    Look, ask most IN the military or if you are a brave soul, take a poll right here on this forum from Americans who either have served before and/or during this administration and ask them if Clinton/Gore have run the military down. Enough said.

  9. "Until CM has relative spotting, the best thing we can do to avoid this is to use recon vehicles in their historical role, ie, with other units providing an overwatch."

    It's just my opinion but I still think "gamey" is just a label some gamers put on the style of another player who is not playing realistic or historic - in other words I agree with you guys but think the conversation is, and was, a kaput one to begin with. Sorry to irk some, didn't get in on the first "gamey" thread and now I am exiting this one - no hard feelings to anyone!!

  10. Another point: I do agree with Coralsaw and maybe we are talking about semantics, but my original viewpoint still stands - this is kind of a hoaky topic because it paints a player as this or that regardless of their win/lose record. Joe Blow beat the pants off everyone but used gamey tactics...who cares? Personally I haven't played anyone PBEM-wise so maybe I am not qualified to comment on this...or maybe because of the fact that I haven't played anyone but the computer AI makes me totally qualified to comment on this. dunno...

  11. Mannheim Tanker: I guess I didn't get my point across - we are playing a game here and in the game a player can drive a fast vehicle into enemy lines to better spot the enemy positions so it was my point that if a player can do something then a player will do it and whatever it takes to win the game. Gamey? Don't understand the term, really, this IS a game.

  12. Here's my two cents - I think the entire conversation is twaddle - there are no rules in war and you fight within the context of the scenario. If you can get away with running a quick vehicle into enemy territory to spot the enemy then more power to you - I think most will respect those who do things the "historically realistic and conventional way", but there really isn't any set way to do things.

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