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Everything posted by TZEENCH

  1. How are the at guns going to be configured. Is it going to be a stactic placement for defence only? Will you be able to attach them to towing units (jeeps,2-1/2duce,esc) and move them into better spots? Or will they be moved by the crew by foot?
  2. the whole idea was to have a tactical combat simulator with modern Inf/ motorized support, you dont have to place "Button Weapons " in the game. If i wanted that style i would of sugested resing "NUCULAR WAR" card game.
  3. After you guys finish the WW2 versions, Is their any plans in the near future for a modern version, Warsaw pact, Nato? like to see a new version of team yankie
  4. Hey is there a plan for a listing page for opponents for cm. Other than printing out the other forum and adding it to a Exel sheet. "Today germany, tommrow the world"
  5. You guys at BTS must be smoking ckack again, you create this mastering of most of my addictive games in my collection (Steel Panters, Close Combat,Esc) and you think im only going to play twice
  6. Mabe split up the forces and put them in diffrent setup zones like before. would be easy enough/ just make the setup bases stay when playing (red/blue/esc)
  7. Need..... ...More.......Krack.......addiction is....slowing......down. How many time can you play last defence and keep intrest over how many more months till its relased... PLEASE? (dont make me beg)
  8. So if a observer calls in smoke- dont know if he did or not pbem game, is there going to be graphics for off board smoke rounds (small explosion esc)? becouse they just showed up on the planing of turn 10, and i have the turn saved if you need it.
  9. So if a observer calls in smoke- dont know if he did or not pbem game, is there going to be graphics for off board smoke rounds (small explosion esc)? becouse they just showed up on the planing of turn 10,
  10. Last night i was playing last defence and knocked out a stug with a bazooka, the crew bailed out and it plumed up with smoke. Next turn the tiger came down the hill and pushed it out of the way ( cool effect guys )then the dead tank just stoped smoking? is it stoped blocking los and everything. (fire fighters/water cannons inthe tiger) the second thing i tought was funny, later around turn 10/11 the whole feild of play eruped in smoke? 7or8 on hellcat hill, 4 of board behind it, 3 off board behind the german start, blocking los and everything. actualy didnt lose a tank first turn after getting the hellcats . Dave
  11. I would like to see mabe two small armoured scout collums in a engagement.. mabe a tank or two couple hts and a platoon or 2 of inf, and a couple light stuff (jeeps,Kubelwagons, esc). it would be an intresting to see the outcome.
  12. If you do it right you can catch the german advance in the first step with a nasty ambush on the road and the valley in last defence . (4 ht of inf+ht were demolished in 1 turn not to mention the 2 tanks on the other side of th map.) after that you just have to stop the inf advance through the forest, the hellcats can help whip them out.
  13. Is there going to be a limit to the amount of floors in buildings? what type of stuff is going to be avalible to the map editor. Also is there going to be any D-Day stuff / troop assualts/landing stuff.
  14. I think i have a replay with a hit on the main gun, To bad it was the Ais tank let me know if you guys need it.
  15. YES. YES, that would be a great thing to have availble in the full release. being able to see were you did tactical mistakes without going though the prosses,"Witch turn did that happen" and also watching from the enemy perspective would be cool.
  16. Tzeench@ix.netcom.com ICQ: 35827897 www.bangg.org "If you shoot me in a dream, you better wake up and say your sorry" -Resivor Dogs [This message has been edited by TZEENCH (edited 11-07-99).]
  17. Cm ROCKS!!!, The two missions that come with the demo are great but are geared for A&D. Is there any chance of getting a new mission with a meeting engagement between two armour groups or something that will let you pick your unit structure like steel panthers(ROCKS) did.
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