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Everything posted by Sarge

  1. ok not asking for inclusion, but food for 'programming' thought...down the road -or not at all if its too "out there". i've read about 20 of the messages under a search for 'surprise' nothing matched my idea: so here goes. side "A" regulars, has 10 men (units what-ever) in a treeline opposing side "B" across an open space, also in a woodline. side "B" is green and at 20 strength. feeling like they have the upper hand in an exchange of small arm fire. 1st this QUESTION: does the morale get affected of either side? continuing now, suddenly from the left of side "A" position comes an assault of additional 100 size "A" across the field directly at "B" position~ 2nd Question: does the morale get affected of either side? if not....how hard would it be to have it so? the reasoning is to pick up an old thread of C&C of units having information, that "YOU" wouldn't know, or at least other units nearby might not, and therefore "YOU" as command wouldn't be sending reinforcemnets over. if the units suffer a morale loss due to a local "surprise" (and they could have different grades of surprise -armor support doubling the effect?- "YOU" having knowledge can do something, but you're units still suffer an affect you CANNOT control. ok, helmet on, in my foxhole with overhead cover...let your barrage begin
  2. Fionn..& Scott- BULLSeye guys! thanks. you are right i did not understand the ammo allocation number. i feel much better. ahh its great to have people like you to explain those 'little' details- much appriciated!
  3. Fionn- thanks for the reply, i guess what i mean is the HQ element has fewer men than the squad, but still carries the same total. if they are not in the front lines, they would consume their by 'ratio', larger amount, slower. so if they could share with members of their squad??? wouldn't that enhance the value of Hq?
  4. dad was a medic. landed on omaha d+3 survived, does not like to recall the unpleasantness. he was posted outside a rear POW camp late '44, not sure if he was a guard (he did not carry a weapon) or preforming minor medical assistance. good thread keep it going!
  5. a double barred question: i've read the CM web page about armor angles and the direction a shell strikes is figured in. i did a search on 'falling shot' and came up empty. As everyone knows (stated here for clarity of question) an AFV hull/turret TOP armor is not nearly as thick as elsewhere. so does CM have calculated the elevation difference of the hilltop position attacker firing 'down' on the jagdtiger for example? secondly - a while back i mentioned rank being associated with the number of messages posted. and the main disagreement was teh measure of quality and not just a quantity filling up the site. well i would submit that not a panel to judge is needed, but simply the amount of replies a message would get, would testify to at least the level of interest or opinion. now i promise to let it die
  6. i've read the past posts having done the search and i didn't see anything that addressed this. i understand the redistribution stand, or later inclusion between squads/platoons. but what i'd like to ask is the programming/philosophical reasoning behind the PltHQ elements so richly endowed with ammo. if they are meant to stay with their command but not necessarily in the front, and you can't share ammo....why have so much? do they automatically share with their respective squads? if this has been addressed for the full version i guess i'll know it then, if its in the BetaDemo rules, sorry i missed it. i really like the way BTS has dealt with the'Low'ammo useage.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: What has velocity to do with HE effectiveness? I believe the 75 mounted on a Panther has a higher velocity than the 88 on a Tiger I.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> very true and no argument....i thought the discussion was about 75's fired from arty (extreme low velocity) vs the 88. not a HV round from the PzV 75L70! but then when you talk 88's there are also several (!) versions of it, AT-FlaK-AFV etc etc but i am far from an expert-
  8. its so obvious maybe thats why no one has mentioned it: the diff between 75 & 88? one word "velocity"
  9. there are women out there who defy the sterotype. good for you mrs VS! my lovely lady has supported my addiction for over 20 years. takes an interest "why'd you move there?") and listens to my explainations (also called cover ups when i'm outflanked) she also enjoys my online racing, golfing baseball league...etc. the back of my head gets rubbed, she brings me coffee, she'll knit or read in my command post while i'm commanding. Is this heaven? or what!?
  10. wrong-wrong WRONG! they are in a basement of a high profile university...even UNknown to the university security! tey slave away with bare necessities...the toilet is in the corner, exposed, salvaged from a janitor's throw away. many years after graduation Steve met charles (already in hiding) and upon learning of a secret place decided it would be cool to design the best WWII sim ever! after stocking up on a 2 year supply of nutriants (they KNEW thats all they would need) they began. now not having seen the sun (except thru the small crack in the masonry) in oh too long, they can see the end of the food suppy and are tired of turing their backs when the other needs to relieve himself. women? they've forgotten what they look like (the reason there are no nurses in CM) and so with *warnings* first will they only emerge from their refuge....i think. actually this is OnLY my opinion of course as Steve wanted me to sign a letter of non-disclosure...but i lost it...and if i could figure out how to delete this message i would <insert smily face here>
  11. but my question oh knowledgable ones! can you CHOOSE to fire HE if both types are still in supply (using Kevi's approach)
  12. i tried a search, but though i am sure this has been asked, toss caution to the wind and ask again. on that subjest i'd also like to say that many times people ask questions that have been asked before, but to us recruits (december) its good to read the same question because at first i didn't know about search and 2nd sometimes you don't know HOW to search. so i read once about Brit armor in Africa being shot at by Panzer on an encarpment. the Brit AP wouldn't reach, But HE could (is greater range included for HE?) so the brit in their clever way fired off He at the Panzer's and saved themselves as the german AFV's back away. reasons given in book: 1)fear of immobilization 2)chance of igniting fire on engine hatches 3)slim possiblity of penetrating a hatch or similar less armored surface. since we can't choose our type, will targeting a AFV when all thats left is HE be allowed? thanks
  13. US: another vote for the Stuart (goes back to my comic book days of the J.E.B.Stuart series) Ger:i know its not a tank but i've always liked the StuG, low slung, mean looking - reminds me of a repitilian dinosaur. Brit: well its a close vote between the churchill just big slow and ugly - but hey someone has to like it, OR the Universal carrier...man i'd like to OWN one! Russ: all i remember is PanzerBlitz days...big ugly fast powerful and i couldn't tell the difference! but thanks for asking HB
  14. i read someOnce where 'the One who dies with the most toys, wins.." this is a perfect motto for most "men who wold be boys" I will be 52 in feb. and proud to be young at heart~ so, are there NO WOMEN that play CM???? or are they just no allowed? hahahaha
  15. as everything is Triangular in the normal military sense, i propose a a 3rd level of membership as well! see jr member is like a recruit or "FNG"...cherry the list is endless. but MEMBER is teeming with respect, and filled with awe i am, when i see some contributors with 6 or 7 HUNDRED posts!! since i've only "hit the beach" in december, i deserve the "jr" label, no question....but ohhhh couldn't we have a Non-com level? yes creative minds begin grasping at flimsy straws when time is available..... HEY! how about a whole ranking system? naw, you just be flooded with dribble....unless it was seriouis dribble....but who would judge? 10 messages=pfc 25 = corporal 50 = sarge ( ) 75 = 2nd Lt 100 = 1st Lt 250 = Capt 500 Major SOMEONE STOP ME!!!!!! aauughh
  16. is this a 'q' for charles? i was playing the demo last night. on exit i went into another game (grand Prix Legends if it matters) anyway everything seemed normal until i pressed <ESC> in GPL to re-enter the pits and instead of that, got a black screen and windows hourglass cursor, till i was finally forced to reboot. so the 'q' is: is this only a beta occurance? a rare one if not? will i need to reboot before changing programs? YES I WILL ON OCCAISION play something other than the demo (not sure about the full release), maybe if you sent me a full release i could report back to you does CM use alot of RAM? i have win98 on a P3-500 with 256mgB
  17. the age old problem of hang around an objective till the last couple of turns - then make a suicidal rush to take it on the last turn. Instead of ongoing knowledge of how many turns there are...any thought to turns=+/- 5 or somewhere between 5 & 10 either more or less turns than that listed? that way you'ld never know for sure when its gonna end-
  18. So now we all know what programmers do when their PRODUCT IS FINISHED (old fashioned ) cause i can't find the cute one's - this is fun -
  19. excellent news BTS guys....i know you are committed to putting out a sim that is as close as possible to accurate. in my own experiences in gaming realise how often rules need to get tweaked, but only after hours of playtesting. ahhh those lucky beta tester's
  20. oops sorry for double post, but i meant to add when we gamed on a sandtable, with miniatures, when hits were scored, the target ed tank player, would calculate the surface hit and weather or not penetration occurred. any HIT was only identified as a THUD or PING. thud telling the attacker, penetration occurred. if no visable results he could be 'seen' he had the option to continue or find a new target....
  21. well i'm confused..this last post by BTS seems to indicate agreement with my initial post.... as to workability in the sim, since info is attached at the time of 'kill' should the 'killed' AFV ever become UNspotted...could th e attached info be dropped? obviously i'm not fully comprehending of programming so this could be insurmountable. billcarey: where is this option to turn 'detail armor hit text' off? in the full version? my demo only allows FOW - on/off in options. thanks
  22. arn't you glad you asked! here's my only comment. i play golf online. many people have developed charts to make it more playable. what ends up happening is the game becomes a math excercise instead of what it was intended for, a golf sim. now you can say 'you don't have to use them' which is true, but when i play (using limited charts) i can play average or par golf. but nothing diminishes my enjoyment more, than an opponent shooting a ridiculous score of 18 under par BECAUSE OF CHART USEAGE. i want to know what an ATG is and maybe how it was used (in brief) but not, that if you set one up at 321 meters from the intersection with a 15degree elevation you are guarenteed a kill (and yes i know what bore-site is).
  23. this being my 1st post, know that i did try a search first....so be gentle with me if i'm retreading on old ground. my observation and reading of WWII armor exchanges were that the tendency was to keep firing till an enemy AFV brewed. "IF" penetration was even known, fire was continued (Unless a 2nd vehicle butted in). to what i've seen in the demo (and the Full ver of course may have addressed this) TOO MUCH information is given! Tanks that are KO'd or abandoned, not only are announced when it happens, but at any point in the game -you're only a click away from ascertaining the status of any vehicle. am i alone? shouldn't KO'd vehicles be kown to only the side that lost their use? opinions welsome!
  24. i agree to an extent. good faith on our part to help subsidise and insure BTS can stay active, but in the real world, you should never pay for a job before its complete. that said, i would authorize BTS to a 1/2 payment now and the remainder on completion.
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