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Everything posted by Rommel

  1. hey everyone this is the site to cast your vote, i actually put it into the site link of combathq cuz matt's done a kickass job over there. http://www.thegamers.net/events/eventinfo/BFPoll.htm sorry don't know how to url link it. As again CM is the closest thing to the training and tactics i've been taught as anything. GO BTS!
  2. GOD DAMN fionn don't do that to us! got me jittery thought you were about to say its shipping! hehe as for the vote, tcip will be a luxery, sort of like doom game, personally i think PBEM makes it more strategy, you think about your turns more. SHIP IT! do tcip on a patch sometime later.
  3. Germans used luftwaffa support personnel to fill in gaps for the infantry, and i'm sure in a large battle, the americans sometimes used mortar crews that had either spent their rounds, or had to leave their equipment behind. After all the bazooka crews were assigned platoon wise.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Move to the wrong house, shoot at the wrong unit, deviate from their waypoints some, stuff like that<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yea that was in a game called close combat shall we have the tanks put their asses towards the enemy too?
  5. oh thnx mate, i'll be sure to watch it, oh wait we don't pick up aussie tv in the states wish i could see it though.
  6. the platoon wouldn't be nicely lined up for grazing fire, think of the scene in saving private ryan for example, when tom hanks and crew assault the MG position at the old radar site, they are spaced out, and the MG42 only got 1 of them, I think a lot of wargames overestimate the effectiveness of MG fire.
  7. gotta remember though, that was was probably only 4 maybe 5 feet high, any particular section of it weighing was 500-1000pounds? formula of 60 ton vehicle hitting a (lets be generous) 2000 pound stone wall, the wall isn't gonna stand up. also the mass of the wall isn't gonna stand under the weight so realistically the tiger would just break it down, never exposing its underbelly.
  8. The allies used it in small amounts i do believe, but the german infantry not much at all. Gotta remember the smoke canisters were larger than grenades, were hard to carry, and could only be thrown about 10-20 feet? The only time this might have helped was in very very close house fighting. What was a common thing was for arty to pepper an area with smoke rounds, there are many many mentions of this in historical texts, even for something as small as a company. Just think of "last defense" if your the germans, about to charge from the treeline, if anything a smoke canister would announce your presence. Just remember that most of the fighting in Western europe was done in more open territory where little canisters of smoke wouldn't have helped, and would have dissapated quickly.
  9. Mine i got from attending 4 years at New Mexico Military Institute, my senior thesis paper in Military science was on Rommel's tactics in north africa, and how they apply to modern armor doctrine. Paper ended up being about 18 pages long, took me months to do.
  10. yes but in last defense, i positioned my tiger on the upper right hand side, behind the treeline and my stug little farther down the main road, when the m10's appeared (playing hotseat) my opponent had them charge down the road, 1 m10 took standing shots at the stug knocking it out, but the 2 very fast moving m10's took 2 shots at the tiger (like at 700m) hit it both times (rocochet) and on the next hit it once, missed it once, knocking it out. So out of 4 fast moving shots at long distance, 3 hit. just think maybe decrease the accuracy while moving.
  11. yes nobody will dissagree that the centurion was a great design, which influenced many later generations of tanks. But the problem is that the earlier generations of brit tanks (1940-mid1944) just weren't up to the task. ALSO i totally agree with my colleagues quote that "they brought bad habbits from north africa" this was quickly brought to light in operation goodwind (or is it goodwood?). Maybe if germany had captured moscow and only had the western front to worry about, maybe then when the later tanks like the centurian would have been brought to the action could the british tanks gotten a good rep, but the fact is, is that in north africa, the british simply outsupplied their enemy in men and material, and in europe their tanks were just easy targets. Now true the Sherman being the mainstay of the american forces wasn't exactly suberb, but it was mass produced, had somewhat adequete armor, and had a gun that at least the panthers and tigers had to have a small margin of respect for.
  12. tried the new link, no avail, it gives the message, "a connection to the site could not be made" for the new link. for the just combatmissionhq site the front page with the news on it, i get a "can't find it" message. Is the other guy from the pacific northwest? maybe a router is down. not sure.
  13. Maybe its a router but having some problems getting to the combathq webpage. I have been there multiple time before but all today and yesterday its not even finding it.
  14. So the rings that are on the tiger tank in "last defense" is not a by the kill thing? its more of a permanent on every tiger?
  15. I'm a little confused on how the map progressions will work. Was reading the read.me file and it said that if you accomplish one mission (for instance you win on the last defense) then on the next mission its the same troops but having to advance? So it'll basically be maps, one after another sort of like like dominos? a long line of them? Ok and with the "core units" what happens in a new battle? do you get all new troops? I mean i understand the absurdity of having the same troops from north africa all of a sudden magically fight in normandy, but will you basically be sticking with the same bunch from normandy to berlin?
  16. How did you get them to surrender before the hellcats got there?
  17. hey i'll believe it when steve says it, till then the shipping date they are gunnning for is pre-new year
  18. as i understand it, they did ok, but the british had the habit of having large tank attacks without much supporting infantry, one account by maj.Von Luck in operation Goodwood or was it goodwind? oh well it was monty's attempt to break out of the normandy beach head, over 50 british tanks were destroyed by just 4 88's, because the british tanks couldn't see the 88's, and didn't have any infantry to go get em. Ironically the 88's didn't have any infantry support either, so just one platoon of brits could've wiped them out.
  19. yea it'd make more sense to have it like the tanks, have like 25H and 10s
  20. funny, but killrings wouldn't be TOO far out there, after all they did put in accurate muzzle breaks
  21. Ok so if your big badass tiger gets 10 shermans one turn, then has to retreat when 8 hellcats come round the bend, on the next scenario/mission will he have the 10 kill rings painted on his barrel? what about like AT guns? if you have to abandon a at gun, will the crew paint the rings on the next gun? or would this just be too much memory?
  22. wow a reply from both fionn and steve score!
  23. Hey mike, was the show that talked about Michael Wittman's tactics "tank battles: from D-Day to victory"? Says it has a ton on tactics, footage and interviews with survivors. Also wouldn't it be cool if in CM the variations of the stug even had one with the finish, logs strapped to the sides?
  24. Ah yes but wouldn't herman goerings division be in the blue? ok now I have actual PROOF! go to this site and they have a picture from some war muesem with the dummies inside wearing the grey uniforms, almost like jumpsuites, according to this site, the stug crews were considered technically elite artillery troops, because of their designed role as infantry support. but don't take my word check it out for yourself. p.s. I couldn't care one way or another, just wanted to get a rise out of fionn. http://www.achtungpanzer.com/stug.htm
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