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Mark IV

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Everything posted by Mark IV

  1. A generic holiday wish for you all: Regardless of your preferences or persuasions, may the AP always strike you right at the turret ring. I'll be gone back to Detroit and CM-less through Thursday night (Win2K blew up the laptop big time... it'll be up on the hoist for a week or so). I will no doubt be monitoring your collective blather from afar, since you usually manage to destroy the thread when I'm gone, and there's not one of you useless buggers can be trusted. So have a strong bottle of cheer and go for a drive in the snow. Tell the officer I said it was OK. HI: I sent the file long ago and am not stupid enough to keep resending it, when you rarely open them the same week anyway. Your jabo(s) suck(s) and they are a gamey, cheating, low-life abstraction. You said I'd never make it over the river, but I did, and now I'm a-gonna kill ya. Anybody could cross where you did.
  2. Well, I just ran 3 for 3. Requested "large hills, village and moderate trees". Each time I got a map with large hills, village and moderate trees. One feature of a random map generator is its randomness... I suppose it's possible for it to skip major mountainage in any specific setup. This complaint appears unfounded as a general rule, however.
  3. If that's really Polar-boy, be sure to follow the bouncing padlock to http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/013701.html and read along. There's a condensed version around somewhere.
  4. The problem is, no pitchers... try: http://rt66.com/~korteng/SmallArms/60mm19.htm (I thought it might be bad form to post a direct link.)
  5. Thanks again... as always, more than my money's worth.
  6. This was sheer Dostoevsky... the next chapter was going to bring it all together and tie up the loose ends. To Be Continued... err, in the 'Pool or somewhere, of course... [This message has been edited by Mark IV (edited 12-22-2000).]
  7. They have thought of it, debated it, and flamed over it. Maybe some far distant and future engine... Try a Search on topo or topographic for reams of discussion.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mr. Clark: Um... I think most of us are just testing the Beta for Charles and Steve... not actually "dismaying" over the beta patch. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> If you look at some of the other headers on the message board, or read the postings from people who don't want to start PBEMs anymore, etc., you'll see what I mean. Nothing personal.
  9. Yes, it sure does, but it needs the 1.05 support files, so it can access the .bmps, .wavs, etc. If you install 1.23b into its own directory by itself, it will generate an error message.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tiger: It only happens when you try to use an older version of a saved game with the new patch. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No, it happens in brand new games begun in the new beta. Got one right here. And, it's already fixed, so no matter. Addressing the world at large, and not Tiger, for a moment: That's why they call 'em betas. The purpose of beta TEST versions is to get them TESTED. If you find a glitch, you report them; if you don't want to find a glitch, DON'T RUN A BETA TEST VERSION. A glitch in a beta version is to be expected. It should not ruin anyone's life (though I concede that an empty flamethrower in a RELEASED version will ruin your life). Some of the disillusioned will learn this harsh lesson and just save separate .exe's for the different versions, so they can operate any older version at will. Converting a PBEM in progress to a beta is risky, since a good PBEM is a lot of work to lose or spoil, and I don't usually do it at all. I have one game begun and still going in the first 1.22b, and it's not crippled or anything. There just seems to be a lot of unnecessary dismay over the status of a TEST version of the software, which is doing its job and smoking out the little insects. Rant OFF.
  11. Damn. Closed the bloody FAQ thread, just when it was getting interesting... a real page-turner, that. Should we occasionally start psuedo-groggy thread titles of marginal interest, to escape the locks, continue on, and drive MattMadd? Ya know he read the whole thing first, the sodding git, like a porn censor. A show of flippers, flagellae, ciliae, or what have you?
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedy: ....was immediately squashed into a gooey pulp by the kitchen sink that mysteriously fell out of the empty sky. Seanachoo looked up and said "Oh dear, it's starting" when.....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...the White Knight started talking backwards. Meanwhile, the disgusting monster (who had wisely passed on Meeks' remains) siezed a nearby MP40 and several spare magazines and...
  13. Schoolgirls, cigarettes, boots, and mascara... mmmm. For everything else, there's Mastercard... There may be some hope for Hiram when I read his FAQ-bump contribution (re:Enrique). I was caught laughing aloud at work. I hate that. If only the flamethrowers in the 1.23 beta weren't issued empty, I'd burn you to a crisp. I may just wait for one more rev before diving into the beta PBEM pool. Then I should probably kill the hell out of you. [This message has been edited by Mark IV (edited 12-20-2000).]
  14. Yep, that fixed it. FWIW, I also loaded DirectX 8 and that works fine, too. So I spun a QB right away to test... and the AI issued me two empty flamethrowers
  15. ...beat him senseless, a state recognizable by insufficient respect for the superb PzMkIV armored killing machine. Finding the putrid Meeksian corpse indigestible, the monster...
  16. I have exactly the same error message. Using a Dell Latitude 466, 128Mb RAM, Win2K recently installed, with latest ATI Rage Mobility driver and 8 Mb card (sucks, but that's what it's got). CM runs great (at 800X600) up through 1.05. I did not load the earlier betas on this machine.
  17. Personally I'd prefer the half-million Catholic schoolgirls without any knee-socks at all. As a graduate of the Catholic school system, I can assure you if you can get the knee-socks off, the rest will follow in short order. Now if you all would please abuse me for wandering out of the pool and bothering the mega-grogs again, perhaps I'll learn my lesson. Sorry to disappoint Germanboy, but not talking out me rear end would amount to total silence. Which is not something any of this lot deserves.
  18. Originally posted by M Hofbauer: it was obvious to me that (RMC's) post on the Pz IV in this thread (the PzIV is really just a cardboard training tank) was a jovial hyperbole of someobne who knows exactly what he's talking about. Yes, he clarified that about a page ago. telling him to go to George's site (which btw will prove both of RMC's notions that a) the germans did make extensive use of wooden training tanks during the rebuilding of the Reichswehr / Wehrmacht in the years leading up to ww2 Common knowledge, never disputed, and not the point that he was making, in what is now understood as a jocular reference. and that the early Pz IV models despite their (then) relative size indeed had very very thin armor plates) They did indeedy, but they aren't the ones modeled in CM, which his now-understood-to-be-jocular reference was in regard to. would be like telling Fionn to read what ww2 was about... Clearly, I did not know who I was dealing with. I did not look at his profile, nor his credentials. I did not recognize his nick and I foolishly took his statement at face value. I should know every poster on this board by now, as well as the contents of their libraries. He is indeed fortunate to count you among his friends and vice versa. I will slink back to my cesspool now, where I will be beaten like a cur and deservedly so, for venturing into the world of the erudite.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: ...which I duly torched, seeing that it was full of tube-hugging redlegs who never in their lives have seen the enemy as close as I did. Thinking that this is all in a day's work for your friend the flamethrowerman, I gazed at the clouds as... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...a squadron of PzMkIVs with superior-but-not-really-modeled optics roared into view and ground the squishy infantry into gooey jelly. I still wondered about Seanachai's pet, now perished in the flames, and tucked the now half-empty bottle of Macallan in my pocket as...
  20. I'm in the middle of Move it or Lose It with Ichiu-san now... please, no spoilers... but he has aptly described our position now as that of a snake swallowing its tail. Definitely action-packed and from what I can see, balanced. One of my favorite canned scenarios so far.
  21. The Panzer IV is really just an upgunned cardboard tank used for training in the early 30's. Sounds like someone needs to go to www.achtungpanzer or somewhere and do a little brushing up. CMBO does indeed model the period of the war when the MkIV was in its twilight years. In the Early War, Africa, and most of the Eastern Front, it ruled (or at least competed). In France 1940, the arrival of MkIVs was akin to the cavalry showing up. Frontal armor is no substitute for generalship, as many commanders have discovered. You are expected to win with what you've got. German forces won tank and combined arms battles on three continents with the PzIV by using them correctly. Later in the war this meant avoiding close engagements when the option was available, and using them for infantry support in the counterattack. I do know that if I was going to dispute the modeling of it in CM, I would show up with a WHOLE BUNCH of facts and figgers. One of my cherished CM memories is killing rune's MkIV with a "weak spot" hit from a Stuart at 500m. I have killed lots more things with MkIVs, though.
  22. Spot the bloody FAQ and you'll have done well. Another community service project of the Peng Thread™. All rights reserved.
  23. "Pengs Don't Cry". I think that's a (Cure-based)winner, myself. See the now blissfully-locked cheating thread for further references.
  24. You did WHAT?!?!?! I directed a searing burst of flame at a nearby nest of kitty cats, who ran squealing and burning into the quicksand, which ended their firey worries but soon finished them off anyways, much to the horror of the slack-jawed, gape-eyed gang of Mormon mothers standing on the sidelines. But then again, they themselves are yet another good reason for carrying a flamethrower. I gesticulate menacingly at them and they scurry off like a gaggle of incontintent rats, leaving me available for such worthy pursuits as tag team thumb wrestling or perhaps a rowsing game of "got your nose" with the inhabitants of the nearest geriatric home where you can find Seanachai and his pet... I mean, how much clearer can you get? Except for the mystery surrounding Seanachai's pet preferences... To Be Continued....
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