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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by PeterNZer

  1. <font color="00ff00">I really don't know, it looks just.. different.</font> :eek:
  2. squireboy! where were you tonight! when we were out drinking you weren't there mongrel! PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and Joe Shaw - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  3. He's not reviewing the demo, he's reviewing the game, he should play on the full. PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and Joe Shaw - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  4. Your challenge is sent, Marlow As for that plaquey buildup, leeo where did you borrow those bollocks from you little squire whelp? You're not fit to lick Steveboy's nuts clean as he polishes my boots! Sure he is as talented at CM as the Pope on Speed and has the tactical brilliance of a school of herring, but he's MY squire and don't you forget it laddo! Perhaps your limited schooling in the ways of humanity has left a gapping whole where 'your place on the ladder of Peng society: how to get your head above the ooze' should have been taught, but you are a nothing, I am currently crushing your master, Stuka and i shall crush you. I think he is too busy looking in the mirror and dreaming of the days he didn't have gut to notice your indiscretions in turning down a chance to play someone who has achieved a near 3:1 win/loss ratio. Perhaps you are too scared that you won't be able to avenge the immanent topplement of your lord. Please, Leeo, keep a tighter reign on your inner Croda, it is definitely giving you ideas above your station, which is quite clearly, subterranean. PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and Joe Shaw - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 04-03-2001).]
  5. You stunk the place up Lowbrow And i wonder if the little ones will reply to my challenge. We shall see PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and Joe Shaw - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  6. The other game is more of a squad-platoon level game and seems to have much less variety than CM. PeterNZ ps. this will probably get locked as it should be in the General not CM forum ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and Joe Shaw - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  7. Dekenfetlerete* (whatever your name) and/or Leeo, I am keen to play one of you. I see some poolyness in you that needs to be encouraged, lets bring that inner Croda out and stamp it into the ground. Feeling the pain of defeat at my hands should do that. I would challenge one of you at a time, as per standard pool rules, but as you are nothing to me, I will challenge you how i choose as it is simply more economical with time. I demand a setup. Me on defence with about 3,000 points. Make it an armor battle for our amusement. You take the vile brits. Somewhat realistic forces please, daytime please, fairly generic landscape please. One or both of you accept my challenge. Nothing less is expected. PeterNZ *I've got nasal excavations more comprehensible than your nickname and it really isn't worth my time to work it out. [edited because i can] ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and Joe Shaw - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 04-03-2001).]
  8. Get all your tanks to shot at it in the same turn and it will probably die. You might loose a tank, maybe two. This is the price you pay. If possible, sneak around them. Somtimes i feel it's more costly than simply the head-on approach and removing them early. PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and Joe Shaw - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  9. Rather well done for a gutter snipe Leoo Oy, Git! I mean Squire! SEND ME PICTURES OF THE HAMSTER BLOODFEST And me? Gamey? Are you mad? If you call gamey 'sitting with some tanks waiting for you to drive into sight' then perhaps I am. If that's the case you probably think the other player having units is gamey, you stupid english sot PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and Joe Shaw - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  10. Hohoho. He lives in a world of his own that squire. Anyone else notice he's gone quiet on our game? Perhaps because in 60 seconds I killed 4 or his tanks? My losses remain - One half track AA gun - One mk 4 - One Armored car - One HT - the Btn Turtle 'Reggie' His are mounting second by second. It's amazing how he deployed. He decided to send EVERYTHING bar one Churchill up the flank. This, unfortunately, is very easily countered. As he only has the one tank in the middle, once it was destroyed i was able to move easily to box him in and ambush him. Now I just wait for him to try and move forward or back, either way he'll get nailed. Amusing. O, I want pics of the joust Battle my squireboy! PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and Joe Shaw - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 04-03-2001).]
  11. Gimme 10 MkIvs over 1 KT any day of the week. Especially on the eastern front where much of the time conditions were hardly ideal for heavy tanks (bridges collapsed under their weight etc). A related issue.. it always amazes me how odd the English tank designs are. There are some fast, well armored tanks but with total junk for guns! What were they thinking?! I mean, even for inf support tanks their early-war stuff stunk, and late war, why not throw some AP shells in there too!? Bloody poms PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and Joe Shaw - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  12. I'm surprised at you lot. Surely you know bigger hair was ONLY used by WESTERN forces between April '40 and November 43', WELL outside the timescale for CM and in totally the WRONG theatre of operations for CM2 I'm APPAULED that you lot didn't know that!?! Now, examining this more closely.. It is clear that on the western front 80%German soldiers had a full head of hair, and of those roughly 50% were allowed to grow their hair long, so we end up with 40% of german soldiers on the western front had bigger hair, which is some 358% more than is represented by CMBO at present. I hope by CM4 this error is corrected. PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and Joe Shaw - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  13. I move that Hamsters is a gamey bastard! Nevermind, I like little Stevie servicing me. Happily will i keep him as my squire PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and Joe Shaw - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  14. Sounds like my games with you Mensch, you always seem to loose badly PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and Joe Shaw - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  15. IMPORTANT NOTICE Righto you fetid little panty-wasters. I am coming to LA in May (16th or so) for e3, the games conference thing. I am there to do some business stuff, but it would be good to catch up with some of you so I can taunt you face to face and crush you hotseat stylee. let me know PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and Joe Shaw - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  16. Give your girly a look at the Sims and you won't see them parted for a while I suggest playing a bit yourself, contrive some complex interelations (well Miss X is seeing Mr B, but Mrs Y has a thing for Mr B too..) and then watch them get all twitchy and wanting to control it too.. mwuahaha. then buy another pc, ho hum.. PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and Joe Shaw - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  17. I keep expecting God to stick his head through the clouds and say 'Arthur.. Arthur.. Oy, stop that grovelling you silly sods!' PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and Joe Shaw - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  18. Choosing between Sneezy and Joe is difficult. The exact scientific methodology to discern such extreme dullness to the level of accuracy needed to place one higher or lower than the other has yet to be created*. I suggest, however, that Sneezy has THE MOST BORING SIG FILE I HAVE EVER SEEN This to me, is clear. PeterNZ * although JasonCawley could probably do some numbers on it. ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and Joe Shaw - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  19. Agreed I find the idea of a perfect system a bit silly. If you do things a little out of the ordinary against them they get in serious trouble i've noticed. Once faced a guy in a terrible close assault and he was starting to loose it, in the end he charged his 2inch mortars at me to draw fire. I would say they did have an impact on the battle since for more than 60 seconds my guys weren't firring at a real threat. Very annoying. He said it was because the situation was desperate enough and it happened in real life too. Hmm. Well seems that this guy has desperate situations in just about every battle he plays i think. Anyway, I now tend to stick with people I know. Get great games that way. PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and Joe Shaw - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  20. You realize, boyo*, that striking squires** is a nono. Infact, you will significantly delay your kinigityhood if you strike since noone else will set you up the challenge map if you won't complete this one! The map is my work of genius. The units, products of Croda and my demented machinations. Please post pics for the enjoyment of all soon. Return to your present duties. PeterNZ *if you are male, you long haired girlyman ** unless it's a kinigit striking (hitting) a squire, which is perfectly acceptable and enjoyed by all. ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and Joe Shaw - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 03-30-2001).]
  21. Leeo, you poor mad squire. You have made three mistakes in attempting to set up us the thread. In order they are 1) You were born. Well, i guess that's not directly relevant to the thread in question, but it does have some importance somewhere. 2) You're a lowly squire and thus, to be ignored 3) It had a sucky title. Damn, those geography based titles blow chunks. It is clear why this thread is the winner. ANYWAY By now the multitude has secured Gilligan's Nightmare a most yucky and evil scenario with which to beat my squire about the head with. Beatings are good. Well the Croda anomoly has also chortled his agreement and the battle is on. I expect screenshots to be posted. For Great Justice! PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and Joe Shaw - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  22. For great justice! Someone set up us the Peng! Move all Crodas! Good evening gentleworms. Make your time! PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and Joe Shaw - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  23. Time to move to a new peng methinks. PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and Joe Shaw - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  24. Keep us all posted if he does any follow up articles! PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and Joe Shaw - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  25. Germans did the same thing, (I figure everyone dide) but only on defence I believe. PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and Joe Shaw - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
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