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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by PeterNZer

  1. The group move feature was added by popular request. I really only use it in the beginning when i tend to have stuff set up like this .. oh, [] is a squad .*. a platoon commander and ! a bazooka [] [] [] ! .*. Then i'd select them and just tell 'em all to run forward to the nearest trees. After the first turn or so it's best to move each squad individually, it's safer for them and provides better results. PeterNZ
  2. One idea i just had would have been to buy a couple of target markets are put them on the town. Could I do that? then my rockets and Arty would have been much more concentrated and extremely lethal ? O, and what do people use the various mobile and non-mobile AA guns for? shooting at stuff obviously, but any particular ideas? PeterNZ
  3. It's pretty harsh to ask someone to attack through snow.. Buy a few AT and AP mines, put them accross road bottlenecks with some wire and stuff and advances could be forced off the road. Also your men get just tired and worn down. Defending would be rather 'easy' in my mind. Much easier than any attack i fear. PeterNZ
  4. I think we'd all agree with you to a degree, however limitations of the specs that BTS were programming too, as well as simply limitations in terms of time I guess, meant that more complex city/town stuff was not going to happen this time around. Keep a close eye on CM2 development when it begins, we expect to see a lot done in this department PeterNZ ------------------ --------------------- __COMBAT____VISION__ *Film from the CM Front* http://combatvision.panzershark.com
  5. Ok, I thought i'd start this thread after some atrocious bad luck playing SS_Panzer. He's great, and could have won, but this kinda bad luck sealed it. Playing Germs assault on a good sized map. I'm Germs. Get to the 'assault line' as I like to call it, where all my troops are ready to go and we don't see any of his. There's a town about 150m infront of the line, so I order the artillery to open up on it! FIRE ! 2 batteries of 150mm arty and a salvo of 300mm rockets and it levels maybe.. three small buildings! all of the middle of hte town was just fine and none of the potential spots where his men are are touched at all! Arg! Infact, one rocket lands about 30m away from my assault force and takes a platoon down about 25% in numbers arg! Another rocket out-right destroyed a mortar. Made me a touch grumpy and pretty much sealed the doom of my men on the assault. PeterNZ
  6. I'm almost inclined to take offence at that 'teaching.. ' statement. Firstly it's not beffiting a uni professor, secondly I had relatives on both sides of the war! My Grandad was there in the occupation and uncles of my Grandmother were on the west and eastern fronts. (One was in an MG post on d-day on a beach after being invalided there, saw the horizon totally black with ships, walked down the beach and 'make give up'. Spent some nice years in Canada I believe). They weren't evil.. ah well, we all know it so i'm not going to bother going on about it. Anyway. silly! PeterNZ ------------------ --------------------- __COMBAT____VISION__ *Film from the CM Front* http://combatvision.panzershark.com
  7. Well, bassically, you'll need to search plans. but here's the gist of it. BTS have sold enough coppies of CM to fund a CM2 and beyond I hope hehe. They plan on, in order: - combat mission expansion pack. Details unreleased at this point. - Combat Mission 2: East Front - Combat Mission 3: Africa/Med - Combat Mission 4: Early war, (39 to Dunkirk I guess) And who knows what else PeterNZ ------------------ --------------------- __COMBAT____VISION__ *Film from the CM Front* http://combatvision.panzershark.com
  8. That I've managed to get over some of those horrible PC problems I was having and I've got QuickTime running again, so with Freelancal's help I'm working on the next Combat Vision movie! It's going to be using the Gold Demo as its engine, but it's all in b&w and fuzzy anyway, so it won't make much difference. Keep an eye out PeterNZ ------------------------ C.O.M.B.A.T V.I.S.I.O.N *Film from the CM Front* http://combatvision.panzershark.com [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 08-24-2000).]
  9. You know, 9 our of 10 lawyers give the rest a bad name. something to think about. PeterNZ
  10. Here are Combat Vision we'd love all those kind of songs, newsreel sounds and commentary, anything like that. Tell me where to get em and i'll be happy dynamo@pobox.com PeterNZ .. working on the next film!
  11. Also if you think the building is going to be weak and you want to preserve shells, put in a couple of pause commands at the start of the turn before the fire order. Then the unit will wait a while and open up in the last 30 seconds, saving you rounds if the building falls over quickly PeterNZ
  12. could also be a case of scaled up units. Make your tanks big, put 'em close together and they look like they are humping PeterNZ
  13. Hop on icq with your enemy and just pass the files back and forth. then you can surf AND cm PeterNZ
  14. I think they want to avoid a situation where every man and his dog have different mods, adaptions, addons and patches. In the end it would end up pretty confusing trying to work out who had what when you played them and so on. Also it might make the game look bad as people crack it open and turn it into something completely different. I know constant patching and updating drove me nuts with games like Quake. Every time i came to play online I had to download something new and it just iritated. PeterNZ
  15. o that makes sense Actually.. I'm kinda dreading the African campaign.. Pretty much depending on the date.. the technical advantage swung wildly.. correct???? PeterNZ
  16. yeah i agree date random too sides random for more amusement How about a large button with RANDOM on it That's all hehe. PeterNZ
  17. what was the logic behind the archer? Yeah, I guess on an operation where you might start on the defence, picking up AT gun and truck to move it might be a pretty good idea to keep your gun usefull for the entire scenario. Handn't thought of that too much. Hmm any other odd vehicles and stuff people have been scratching their heads over? PeterNZ
  18. There's many units in CM... hehe. But what the hell do some of them do? How do you use them? eg. The Archer! Watchutalkingaboutwillis?! or.. Security teams? Pionners over engineers? difference? those tracked but gunless armored cars? Anyone dragged an AT gun around the field? If you you've used one of these or any of the 'funny' units well and found a good niche for them, please tell us all! At the moment i'm experimenting with that armored car with the 37mm, it's kinda fun, nice and quick.. but not had enough time to say more. PeterNZ
  19. Hmm Ok.. you all don't use HT mortars.. GOOD! I love the little buggers. Bassically, in my style of play I hate getting slowed down with MG's and mortars and all that heavy crap. I like my platoons to be able to move quickly if they have to. And my whole force tends to get built that way. I loved HT mortars in CC series, and i'm sure I will in this one too. Firstly, with any mortar they only have a few short minutes of firing available, so i don't see it as an issue of them being spotted by AT type stuff too much, because for me, most of the game they are going to be out of the way until I need direct heavy fire on something. At that point there will almost always be a tank in the vicinity as well as inf and the mortar just makes the whole elimination process quicker. Also they carry an MG which is supremely usefull. In CC and In CM i tend to use them like this, (not I haven't really had enough time to dig my teeth into CM play yet)... The tank stays infront of the HT. As a rule the HT spends a lot of time in cover, or ducking between cover. Usually fairly close to the infantry. When a target presents itself it might pop out of cover and shell and MG the target before returning to cover. With a tank there I can get a pretty intense concentration of fire for a short period of time. Frankly, I hate just bombarding something or a general area unless it's with the really big guns, I find it just ends up wasting ammo and you don't achieve much. the HT is of course, very susceptible to AT fire and Mortar fire, but I find the same is true for your normal mortar team. Get some shells overhead and they are nearly useless. At least with the HT I can run it away and hide if need be, oftentimes a standard mortar team simply becomes too worried to move. I guess I play a pretty 'forward' game, but that's just my style. I think for the points they're a greay buy. Great ammo, fast, and they carry an mg. However, YMMV, there's no one winning way PeterNZ
  20. I'm in 4 already, so pretty busy hehe. But if you don't hear from anyone before this evening, mail me your first file thingy Always like to help out the new guys, I was once one too, and couldn't wait to cut my teeth on someone heehe PeterNZ dynamo@pobox.com icq 1249731
  21. Yeah. I love tanks tho. Like seeing them work.. mm *dreams*. anyway. Some more points. Capt. Toleran, if you want to try a PBEM against me with a lot of tanks, go for it. i'm not brilliant, I don't think, but I can hold me own. Also I think it's important to plan in terms of phase lines and where you want to be. At the moment I'm assaulting a town in a big game I'm in. I have some pretty solid arty support ready to fly, so I want to use it to soften up the town. There's a line of trees pretty much, across the map between me and hte town, (as well as usual light hill and so on). Well, guess what my plan is? Make it up to those trees, carefully. Then see what's their, nuke the SH*T out of it, smoke and advance. It's not a very clever plan, but I've executed it well, and so far it's going good. Always try to have a plan in mind, combine your armor and inf might.. and go for it! PeterNZ
  22. Well, was about.. one maybe two months before the beta demo came out thank goodness. I was over on the CC2 site playing some of the regulars and someone gushed about it, so I checked it out. I loved the look of it but it was Fionn and Moon's AAR that REALLY hooked me. (GUYS! SOMEONE DO A GOLD RELEASE AAR AND PUT IT ON THIS SITE! IT SOLD ME AND I'M SURE IT SOLD -MANY- OTHERS! Hell, i'll do the ARR? Anyone? BTS? Someone?) Anyway, I watched, followed, ranted and stuff. I'm not really a wargamer, (my other two favourate recent games have been counter strike.. (my god am I adicted to that) and Vampire). But I have always loved CC 1 + 2, and other 'pretty' but 'realistic' wargames. So obviously CM was hot for me! And I for it.. phwoa. I've got to just add in here. I can't believe how cool the random battle generator is. I'm playing like, 4 PBEM's right now and on each one the map is interesting and challenging, WELL DONE BTS! Rant mode off. PeterNZ
  23. I think i'm becoming methodical and boring by everyone elses standards here! Charging?! Pah! I tend to keep my tanks and inf. very close together. That said, I always have scouts. Things tend to go like this.. a squad from two dif. platoons is split and they act as forward recon.. checking bushes for the bad guys. The rest of the platoon and say a baz follow up in support. Behind them will be perhaps the third platoon of the company and support elements. Other infantry could be on the left and right flanks moving up where the recon clear. With the third platoon of the first company I generally have a tank or two. It's keeping its eye out for opportunities and ONLY pops out when it sees something to zap. Any 'specials' will be with it for protection, (flame tanks/HTs). Further back or in a similar role with the other platoons will be the rest of my armor. The end result is you can hit and hit hard when you spot anything. eg. in a game I'm playing right now a recon discovered a mortar team, and another reacon an entire platoon of inf. dug in. Immediately a slight move of my tanks brought the 'lead' tank and a StuH42 (?) to bear. The support platoon were covering the advance of the rest of hte company and they also got to shoot. For two minutes it was sheer hell. I lost most of the recon, but he lost an entire platoon. Previously a recon discovered an enemy platoon and my flame HT was dispatched to deal with them.. hehe.. one squirt and a squad broke, the other two were eliminated by the second platoon moving up to reinforce the recon elements. This kind of technique is tried and tested on the advance, and gives you a lot of flexibility. Key points: Keep those tanks out of their sight! You want to pop out then return for cover! If you're lucky, an impatient enemy will try and engage your tanks and put himself in a vulnerable position. Head to head tank duals, while amusing to watch, never go your way when you need them! With your tanks close, but in cover, when you spot an enemy if you're lucky he won't be looking at you. If not, your troops can make him button, (they spotted him right? They can shoot at him), and your tank can peek around the corner and take a couple of 'safe' shots. Give it a go PeterNZ
  24. http://www.ighetto.com/flash/starwarsgangsta/ This totally rocks my world. Yoda's a player-hater hahaha (that gangsta-talk for a rapper who hates other rapers..).. anyway go see. tell your friends they will love you. PeterNZ
  25. Yeah if it was 'battle of the gerbils' and it was well made and so on.. i'd probably buy it mmm gerbils.. PeterNZ
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