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Everything posted by PeterNZer

  1. As you would.. since your men certainly wouldn't be able to pick the difference in targets they were shooting up.. "sarge we hit him!" "where?!" "in the gun area" "great!" PeterNZ
  2. I'm hardly a vet.. but i've played a few games and i've been here a whlie. I'd be happy to play you Just mail me the battle file, your choice of setup etc etc and decided on whether you want.. 1) pitched battle, hehe 2) instructing, (ie. I say what I think you're doing wrong hehe) or some other combination! send away PeterNZ dynamo@pobox.com
  3. As we all know, Mr Peng hates smilies Mr Peng also east smilies, (has many good recipies it seems).. So, does Mr Peng LIVE on smilies? Are they his main source of sustenance? If so, then even tho he hates them he is forced to live on them! Without Smilies, Peng would expire! The poor bugger, tormented by the things which he must feed upon to survive, he deserves our pity, and a frontal lobotomy! PeterNZ Don't feed the Peng and keep off the grass while you're at it.
  4. well we should finish the FAQ! Colin, done with all our replies yet? Work harder boy! *whip* PeterNZ
  5. O, I just thought i'd say I know how eager you are to know stuff! I always am the first time I get into a game, so just perservereererrerr and keeep asking if you like, I'll be around to answer what i can and go amuse yourself http://combatvision.panzershark.com Anyway, good luck Shatter! And everyone else, didn't your mothers tell you, if you don't have something constructive to say, don't say it at all! PeterNZ
  6. Should warn you tho.. Excessive smiley usage will bring Mr Peng down upon thy head like the proverbial pile of poop. For example.. *dons Peng Protective Suit, and prepares.. Don't try this at home..* Mr Peng PeterNZ
  7. Mr Peng is on special little pills. Blue ones in the Evening, Red ones in the morning and some small yellow ones every other hour. Mostly they keep him sane, mostly... Actually, I feel kinda sorry for you Shatter50, everyone here seems really insane this weekend and you have to try and get questions answered and stuff! Don't worry, just keep hanging around, they're ok when you get to know them. Just imagine a group of trainspoters with too much time on your hands.. Or wild Gorillas.. if you hang around long enough, and make coo'ing sounds, eventually they'll accept you, scratch your back, pick nits off you etc, (that goes for the Gorillas too). PeterNZ
  8. Best to have a look at your troops and you'll see them located 'in scattered trees' or 'in open ground'. That's what matters really PeterNZ
  9. I'd offer something consutructive.. but really I haven't got a clue how this all works in game. I just know you move stuff at the bad guys and your stuff and their stuff goes bang and arrg and then I win... Well that's my plan hehe PeterNZ
  10. aaah those crazy whacky junior members! They're just so cute! PeterNZ
  11. no worries for ammusment, trying playing a head 2 head game against yourself and set yourself up with one group of tanks advancing on a second group of tanks in cover or waiting. You'll find 3/5 times the defending ones do better in my mind. to me the odds go something like this. 1) head to head engagement, one side waiting 3/5 in defenders favour 2) attacker crosses infront of defender, 4/5 defenders favour 3) attacker advances on defenders side or rear quarters 4/5 attackers favour that kinda stuff Just imagine, sitting in a little tank, it's bouncing around, and you're trying to pick a sationary, relatively quiet, (quieter than your noisy tank anyway!), non moving target. Now imagine sitting in a quiet tank, you know where the treeline is, the hills and gaps, likely lines of advances. Your gun isn't moving, your tank is quieter.. get the idea? PeterNZ
  12. Righto! Well me and Freelancal have the one we were working on planned and I just have to edit it now Of course, it's using the gold demo version and it's in black and white, (I know, I know, but we ain't refilming till we do an entirely new film ok!). Expect it in.. two weeks? Seriously. I'll get onto it tommrow night. Gotta admit.. it's weird to see a FAN pestered by DEVELOPERS! Gosh.. what an odd feeling! Get back in your cage Steve so we can prod you with sticks again! PeterNZ from his cage [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 08-20-2000).]
  13. yeah they can. they hiff grenades and other crap and scare the bejessus out of the tankers hehe Just today I had a platoon charge an unknown light tank to discover it was a flame Wepe thing! Christ! It squirted me three times, but missed with two because of my nimble and plucky troops. Still, cpl of people died .. anyway, my troops shot and hiffed grenades and killed a crew member. He was lucky in my mind. The next, he backed off and a Marder spotted it pop out from the treeline and got him for my boys hehe PeterNZ
  14. It's nice you guys play your own game still Up for a PBEM steve? you choose ;p PeterNZ
  15. shesh! You guys don't know how to keep a thread tastefull do ya? and assimilated? I've been here longer than the Borg! ;p I have reistence to furtive futile assimilation built up in me PeterNZ
  16. just a quick point, hate to run to threads but.. you said 'i was hunting forward'. that means you had a pretty good idea of where the tanks were, but your TANKS did not, they had to acquire target, direct guns and shoot. Now if their tank is sitting their waiting and looking in your direction when you tank stumbles forward looking for it, chances are the other tank will see you first. I've seen this happen A LOT Stationary tanks facing the oncoming threat often get the first shot in. Also, make sure your tanks are unbuttoned. Almost lost a panther today because I forgot to unbutton a hunting tank, (don't worry friends, it had some armor flaking and lost a crewman, but i took out ss_panzers' tank hehe PeterNZ
  17. Goodness me! A well researched Junior Member! Well done Wish i was so conscientious.. now i'll let the grogs take over. que Fionn et al PeterNZ
  18. I've had the game a few days now.. but not, honestly, felt like playing. I'm way too adicted to counter strike and Vamp: Masq. right now, (anyone got a HL cd for sale? I need a new one). Anyway.. I went and download 'Sid gets hurt' or whatever it was from the CMHQ. And wow.. just the atmosphere! I'm sure my new GeForce 2 helped as well.. but.. the sound of the shells.. the fog.. the pretty textures.. I was overwhelmed! And i've been following the game for ages. And now i'm playing SS_panzerleader and will no doubt be whooped again like i was in gold demo.. and everything just looks and sounds so good. Well done BTS. I'm sure I'll be playing this for a long time.. or until CM 2 comes out (also, UK peeps, check out www.24-7freecall.net it's a great isp i've just joined). Have fun PeterNZ
  19. well Chances are matt knows how the attack was done. But if he's as good as he sounds to find such a neat little hole to punch through, (ie. not a script-kiddy), then he has probably covered his IP trail well. I hope Matt does have some serious details on this guy because Denial of Service attacks are taken quite seriously these days, and I imagine legal proceedings are not out of the question, (ie. for damages?). However, proof of all this is still extremely difficult eh? And often involves trying to get their ISP to help out, and sometimes they're lazy SOBs Good luck, keep us posted Matt PeterNZ
  20. UPDATE! i've joined 24-7 freecall and ooo it's nice and fast! Here's the deal 20 a month, no catches. Only thing is you have to log into their web page as well as the normal ISP connection. That's a bit off, but it's a part of Telia's, (the telco providor) security gumph or something.. they will be trying to remove it soon too. Also, it seems, so far, to be a really quick connection. So those wanting to spend all day online, check it out! PeterNZ
  21. Well I've just joined www.24-7freecall.net It's free to call any time and how there's no disconnect or anything 20 pounds a month i like pay-for services.. keeps my speeds up and i don't mind paying a bit, esp. when you play games like counter strike and stuff. Plus I hear freeserve can be a bit slow, and I hate their web page. I think i must be stupid, i just couldn't find the 10 quid a month deal info anywhere on their crappy site. PeterNZ
  22. Oy! As this is my thread, anyone who gets stroppy will be put over my knee! ok, totally free net access i found www.ic24.com There's a few catches on timing and stuff, and it seems very busy. www.barrysworld.com FAST this is a good company. And mmm so fast to Counter-Strike servers. hehe. Thanks for the other tips, will investigate. PeterNZ
  23. Hi there I'm in London, nw10 and I can't get danm surftime, (uk people will know). Although I have a free isp (barrysworld, fast by the way), each call costs me money! Any ideas how i can get this to not happen?! I've 'expressed interest' with altavista for their 50 pound yearly 0800 freephone service... but appart from that i have NO idea! Dynamo
  24. I think the console idea is brilliant. Wouldn't be that hard, interface wise, CM is already pretty straight forward. And there is a serious lack of decent thoughtfull games on consoles. BTS, thought about doing it?! Or hirring/licencing someon else to? Would be interesting! PeterNZ
  25. well didn't need to reinstall after all! Infact, the Detonator drivers run beautifully on my system and it's all going pretty than a two dollar ho after a bottle of whiskey! At the moment tho, Vampire: the Masquerade - Redemption is taking my attention, gosh darn that's so sexy looking pwhoa. Mmm GeForce 2. This weekend I will tackle the 3d glasses I think. PeterNZ
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