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Everything posted by PeterNZer

  1. To me, WW2 is a shooter with a big strategy overlay. I think it will be interesting and the guys who are making it are the guys who did Warbirds so it should be good fun and as accurate as possible (hope). However, CM game is a strategy game with pretty-shooter overlay two different games, not comparable in my mind PeterNZ ------------------ "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." George W Bush -Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000
  2. Yeah, they were pretty damn effective 1) They've got a big charge 2) They are simple to use and aim 3) for the pf100 at under 60m it was felt to have as much as 80% accuracy (read it somewhere on some page) 4) High elevation required results in a better chance at a hit since a few degrees wrong here or there just results in small forward/back movement of the round over the targe.. or something PeterNZ ------------------ "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." George W Bush -Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000
  3. Is this the dark side? The evil side of Peng? Seems so! Feel the size! Anyway just reading good old 'Panzer Leader' and interested that Guderian notes that in the extreme cold on the east front the Mk4's sights were useless, (no creme stuff to keep them working.. whatever that means, fogging i guess), and that the first run of Panther's had terrible sights There! Some good hard data for you tee hee PeterNZ
  4. Chupacabra is dead right (well, dead in our game anyway, hahaha)! What is this thread, the taunting of the weak by the strong? The tweaking of dangly bits by those with tweakers? The insulting of the loosing by the winning? Or is this thread some ejaculatory systemised cyberstate of underworked undersexed frat boys? For goodness sake, play some damn games and taunt your opponent before this thread gets locked up for being totally off topic. If I see one more topic about the respective gender of a poolian I'm going to puke. Face it, if you're in the pool you're all so damn ugly and smelly it doesn't matter what sex you are, not even passing crack whores on a 'try now pay later' plan are going to offer themselves to you. Meeks - your posturing is causing my bile to stir. Stop this lordly silliness. Get over your penis envy of the UK and its traditions. Yk2, Kitty, go and kill some poolians and gloat about it. It's what this thread is about. Senachi - what hasn't been said? mensch - no, you won't score. Go play with yourself, or those people you're PBEM'ing PeterNZ ------------------ "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." George W Bush -Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000
  5. I'll be out tomorow 3pm EST mail me. If no movement by tommorow night, the infantry CO will place for the missing player PeterNZ
  6. Funny you should mention that Croda, I just picked a booger and it looked EXACTLY like Marlow. Well, perhaps more like how Marlow will look when i finish with him. O, and Mark IV. I can't WAIT for our game to get under way. This is going to be VERY amusing PeterNZ ------------------ "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." George W Bush -Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000
  7. jolly good! I haven't had a good chance at unseeming someone since I unseemed my sponsor Mr Morse in the night-map-scenario o doom. Quite possibly where my sage-like phrase "if the game starts bad, it's likely to stay that way" comes from. Yes, there's genius in those words. As for Rune and his whelp, pah! I say! Soon you shall be experiencing topplement and the study of your demise will be sung in the halls of the pool, (can a pool have halls? I think so) for years to come. They will invent a new social-science, Topplology just to study how you two could possible have been so utterly toppled. In fact, I think I shall declare myself Dean of Topplology now, and prepare a treatise on Marlow's inevitable topplement and how it started with your birth in some misbegotten road-side puddle by a hick mother who thought it would be cheaper than a waterbirth in a hospital. The end result giving you a lifelong love of the wet and smelly, thus drawing you both to rune and his wit and the pool and its cess. PeterNZ ------------------ "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." George W Bush -Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000
  8. I have freed my own troops before. They are essentially worthless since they have no weapons and can't do anything much but blubber. If there's no enemy around they'll revert. Consider them sitting in a corner with their hands up, too scared to move till it's clear the enemy are gone and it's safe to join your side again I'm pretty sure that's how CM treats them. Clear out other nearby enemy and they'll revert to your control. At least the enemy doesn't get points for them then. PeterNZ ------------------ "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." George W Bush -Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000
  9. Been trying to call you Ja, but can't get through, mail Germyboy! PeterNZ
  10. One thing i like to do is keep the tanks away from sight until their tanks appear. Once they are spotted you can move to attack them instead of just waiting to be attacked. In particular if the enemy tanks get distracted by infantry you can quite easily use 'hunt' to come into sight of them and will almost always get one or two shots off before the enemy tank even realises you're their, (they're busy blowing up the squishies). One or two shots is often all you need and once they're blown up you can retreat back into cover or push on. PeterNZ ------------------ "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." George W Bush -Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000
  11. Sheesh guys, get a grip eh. I saw b17II at ECTS in London and it looks bloody fantastic. I'm not a huge Sim'er (I really liked Warbirds, however), but this is an engrossing, intriguing and challenging game. I think they made the right decision in dropping multiplay. When I was talking to the developers they were asked this question about 3 times in the 15 minutes I chatted to them and each time they seemed to just about sigh and shake their heads. They bassically said they ran out of time and needed to release it. Sometimes a game has to show it can sell! This is a corporate world. Even BTS released without TCP/IP (although we asked for it that way), but they accepted that it was going to take a lot of work. I think the multiplay for B17 2 was going to be so much work and take so long it would push the development schedule out beyond christmas into the netherworld of jan/feb release. As for a demo, dunno why not, probably simply time pressures. I'd suggest you take a fresh look, check out the reviews when they come and then decide. I loved the scope of it, from taking off in England to flying all over Europe, watching fighers come in and fighting them off. You can hop into any flying thing around and it's fun to see! Watch the 109's scramble at takeoff, follow the course of a p51 covering you and even take control of them and fight off the incoming enemy, then hop back into the bombers.. etc etc.. bla. Well I thought it was bloody good! so check it out ok, then decide. Find a good shop where they can show it to you PeterNZ ------------------ "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." George W Bush -Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000
  12. Guys, stick with 01 02 03 04 and so on. The application 'cm one click' which is being tested now will soon automate a lot of email and turn handling and it likes these easy numbers! I highly recommend it once it is released more widely PeterNZ ------------------ "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." George W Bush -Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000
  13. It seems that the 'SS are overpriced Hamsters' may be the first, or close to first thread where the whole army-hamsters thing happened. However, I do recall a thread where a variety of animals were mentioned and then the Hamsters became popular and often mentioned. I cannot recall date of this thread or the topic. We need a thread historian PeterNZ
  14. This thread has legs! Quick! Lets see if we can make it into the hills before the sleeping giants wake. The simple fact that you WANT to be a mod, that you SEEK power is the exact reason you shouldn't BE a mod germy. The American's learnt long ago that if you have competent people in power you'll just end up invading mexico, and since I like Tortillas and Tequella, we should NOT give Germyboy more power than he already has (which is.. nill if God has a sense of humor). Get back to saving the world boy! PeterNZ (This signature is a party political broadcast) ------------------ "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." George W Bush -Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000
  15. Hmm you may be right, but i could have sworn there was an older thread. PeterNZ
  16. Anyone able to find the VERY FIRST thread where the whole Hamster thing started? It started with other animals first mentioned.. back in 09 1999 I think.. then quickly people latched on to the hamster thing.. need to find it for a colleague who is bemused confused enthused PeterNZ ------------------ "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." George W Bush -Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000
  17. Kitty You've been updating your page again, haven't you?! You mad little feline. PeterNZ
  18. wee lets play lets play! No moderators, ahaha the gates are open ahaha! Death to you all, death by nasty shells and pointy rounds going through all the hard and soft bits and making a mess a meessssss Yes, Kitty, the Mark 4 is a soft little baby, it needs cuddles and love to keep it alive. Tell your oponent to take more care next time, naughty bad person. Should have run when he saw the spotter rounds fall. GermanGirl, when are we going to work on that map eh? eh? Come on, it'd be fun, and interesting scenario I am sure. Do you have a map in mind after all? PeterNZ free freeeee ------------------ "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." George W Bush -Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000
  19. Glad to see we might be looking at cheaper defensive toys to play with. That is going to be a lot of fun! I always wanted to build a nice fortress but the points are always too tight to afford much of this stuff, and if you do, you can rely on the bad guys circumnavigating it. For those that have said you win on defense etc, well good on ya. On average tho, I would say that most folks loose more on defense than tehy do on attack, and it's not due to some total lack of tactical knowledge, just the way the game plays out. I think currently attackers benefit from knowing their facing a well emplaced enemy and they have learnt lessons a lot of commanders had to learn the hard way. As has been stated, unless the attacker makes a big mistake or gets unlucky, if they are careful and thoughtful they will likely win. I remember in the demos playing Reisburg over and over with a mate and whoever was defending always lost. Anyway, I ramble, nice to see BTS are on to it.. and damn it, a cesspudlian has just sent me a setup where i'm defending.. Grr PeterNZ ------------------ "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." George W Bush -Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000
  20. A little news update. Seems my Lts' are lost in the snow or something, been trying to get a reply from folks and having endless troubles getting action. We're STILL setting up. I will give it a few more days before I call for replacements. PeterNZ
  21. Obsessed with thingies?! Well I have never been accused of that before. Simply because I'm packing more than a stallion at the height of mating season who accidently drank from a puddle of viagra does not make me obsessed with my thingies, I merely accept it and let others become obsessed. Herr Bovine - Although I am loosing, I enjoy killing you men. My brave troopers found the remains of two platoons and slaughtered most of them before a couple of squad remains somehow gained hte ability to move and stagered off to the back of the map. Meanwhile he desperately tries to nab the last flag, I think my SMGs will have something to say about that. Meeks - Yes meeks, you're winning.. yes, yes, I'm loosing, how could I have failed to realise?! I mean, I've only killed 2 of your 3 tanks, (That SP gun ever goign to do anything but hide?), I've wipped out about two platoons and another two of yours are pinned down, and I have had.. what, a few casualties scatered over 3 or 4 squads. Of course you're winning, how did i ever fail to notice! I'll be more careful next time. JD Morse - Bah, I'm been gimped, and I know that's how you like it my sponsor! Soon I'll throw asside your bonds and step out into freedom and away from your vile clutches. A real game might sort you out. As for the rest of you, it's all going in messy interesting ways, games of two sides where someone will win PeterNZ ------------------ "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." George W Bush -Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The latest TD produced that I can think of was the Swedish 'S' tank. Had alot of novel features, and looked quite radical.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Looks radical. Indeed! It was interesting to see it at Bovington, very low and strange looking. However, by all accounts, a piece of crap? PeterNZ ------------------ "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." George W Bush -Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000
  23. Matches my experiences. Sure Jeff, it is possible, but you might be rather good, (and fionn definately is), and so measuring success or not of defence vs. you two is hardly worthwhile. As a rule, i generally loose on defence, and win on attack. Something like a 70:30 swing. The only time I've won on defence is when the enemy could only attack via two routes and I covered them both, mostly from one position he couldn't really spot with arty. Had I been more unlucky, I would have lost. I'm inclined to suggest dropping fortifications costs. Part of the fun of an attack is seeing the wire, mines, bunkers and so on.. adds some variety. For attack misisons, make 'em cheaper, since you are supposed to be attacking fairly prepares positions? PeterNZ ------------------ "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." George W Bush -Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000
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