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Posts posted by Hawk

  1. Hmm ... isn't that the symbol for rocket artillery? I thought AT units was more like a "T" shaped symbol (i.e. without the inverted "v" at the bottom). Could very well be wrong though. Also the Germans changed the symbol sets at least twice I think during WWII.

    The big flag is a standard infantry battalion symbol.

    Appart from that, I don't recognize much!

    Edit: You could ask on the Feldgrau forum.

    [ February 19, 2004, 08:59 AM: Message edited by: Hawk ]

  2. Hmm ... isn't that the symbol for rocket artillery? I thought AT units was more like a "T" shaped symbol (i.e. without the inverted "v" at the bottom). Could very well be wrong though. Also the Germans changed the symbol sets at least twice I think during WWII.

    The big flag is a standard infantry battalion symbol.

    Appart from that, I don't recognize much!

    Edit: You could ask on the Feldgrau forum.

    [ February 19, 2004, 08:59 AM: Message edited by: Hawk ]

  3. Originally posted by jamesroe16:

    Hawk, i guess that software costed money correct?

    ADC2 costs about 45 US$ or so if I remeber correctly. The pictures shown are from scenarios that are sold by the companies that owns the original board games.

    One of the ideas behind ADC2 is of course that you can make your own sets, either based on boardgames that you own, or from your imagination.

    There are some free/shareware programs out there that has some of the functionality that ADC2 does, but I haven't tried any of those.

  4. Originally posted by 76mm:

    TBlaster, how do you like Aide-de-Camp II. I was checking it out for the same purpose, but it seems kind of dated and pretty pricey. What are your likes/dislikes?



    I have made several game conversions to ADC2 for MMP (The Gamers) and Clash of Arms. It take some time getting used to, but I like ADC2 a lot! You can have umpired games with hidden movement, see your opponent's moves in open games, design your own units (graphics and attributes) and maps (graphics, attributes such as height, LOS restrictions etc) etc etc.

    I agree that the cost is a bit high, but it's not much more than your average PC game and if you're into this kind of things, you'll have endless more fun than with most PC games! smile.gif

    And for the record ... no, I don't work for HPS! I just like ADC2. :D

    Here are pictures of some regular hex-based game conversion (ADC2's strong point in my view). NB! The quality of the images are somewhat reduced due to the JPG compression.




    Yes, shameless self bragging, I know! tongue.gif

  5. I am about to run a very small (two players and me as GM) campaign myself, using a home made map (with areas), Combat Mission (tactical level) and a reduced version of Cocat II for the strategic bit.

    I'll use CMAK to fight some of the tactical battles and a generic, quick-and-dirty system to resolve the rest.

    German/Italian forces in defence and US/British forces attacking. Roughly 1 division pr. side (before I start balancing the forces).

    3 turns pr. day (2 daylight, one night) with very simple rules for supply, intel, reinforcements and all that, and I'll also use a limited force mix.

  6. Originally posted by Breakthrough:

    I hope your not knocking yourself out looking in here! :rolleyes:

    LOL! Good one! :D

    Anyway, here's something Steve said in April 99:

    Pacific? I very much doubt we will go there. It isn't our area of expertise and the nature of the ground combat is far less interesting to us (lots of bloody static battles and beach landings).
    It's their freakin' game, isn't it? I mean, it's their passion and they gets to decide what they want to create! tongue.gif
  7. Since we're thinking CMx2 thoughts...

    I'd like to have some method for easier building scenarios from "outside" the system. E.g. you have a file or set of files with all the units that will take place in a scenario, and you either choose a pre-made map or have one generated for you by the system (again, perhaps using stats from a file).

    The reason for this is of course better support for campaign gaming. smile.gif I know BFC don't want to focus the development effort in that area.

    I also know that quite a few players want to use CM to play campaigns, and after having been involved writing support software (i.e. Cocat) for CPX, CMMC, CMMC2 and about half a dozen other campaigns, I would just love to be able to fire up CM and have my battallion appear with all the correct stats. smile.gif

    With an automated function like that the possibilities for campaign gaming would increase a lot, I think. Also, the need for a large GM corps would decrease dramatically!

    Oh well, a man can still dream, can't he??? :D

  8. Originally posted by Bone_Vulture:

    Yes, a ground attack plane is almost guaranteed to take out enemy armor, if it manages to target the armor instead of other vehicles, or the enemy's troops altogether in the first place.

    I'm not so sure about this. In my latest games I've had about 5 airstrikes against my tanks. None where taken out, and we're talking about bombs and rockets here, not MG. In the latest game I had 6 Pz I and Pz II close together, hiding behind a hill. 3 airstrikes (2 x rockets, 1 bombs) and only 1 casulty (a tank commander in an open hatch). No damage to the tanks.

    So in my view, aircrafts are a big gamble! I'll take arty instead any day! smile.gif

  9. Qué? smile.gif

    For those of us who are a little rusty in Spanish, here's what Babel Fish had to say:

    To all those comrades of Hispanic speech of Combat Mission I invite to participate to you in the dedicated site to this game Municion and Tactica. We waited for by means of giving him to the Hispanic player resources so that it can as much interact with its pairs as asi also to participate in ideas, matches, etc that leave from the community that this trying itself to form. I hope comprise of this new project of our community and we pruned to amuse to us between us much.

    The direction is http://municionytactica.tripod.com/

    PS: You excuse the lack for the enie is that my keyboard does not accept it.

    I think the good ol' Babel Fish still need a patch or two, but it gets the job done.
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