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Posts posted by Fenris

  1. I understand the more focused nature of the CM2 modules but have this query... Will Normandy be limited to US army vs Heer or will there also be commonwealth troops? I think I read SS are to come later also, is that confirmed? I guess I could ask the same about LW and Volks troops.



  2. ...dusts off user id....

    Ahem, I come here only once in a while looking for news on CM:N so excuse my ignorance on this topic.

    Was reading in another thread and saw mention of a CM:Afghanistan and Soviet forces. Is it going to be set in the 80's? Main reason to ask is my first thought when I saw it was will this make it possible to pit Soviet troops against those of the west? That would actually spark my interest in this line of CM2 games. But then I realised the games are set in differing era's.

    Anyone have any details or a link I can read?


  3. I believe you can already get free virtual machine software, VMWare etc... With the current power of your average PC you should be able run a WinXP virtual machine for a long time to come. Whether CMx1 games will still work in a virtual environment remains to be seen but this could give you some hope.

    Taking it further back there are already a lot of C64, DOS, MAME emulators around that let you play all those old games.

    Hopefully technology will come to the rescue and these gems won't go the way of the dodo.



  4. Have you heard of or thought of trying RobO's Quick Campaign system? Might be to your liking. Whilst it does use only the QB system you can use your own maps. To quote the intro...

    In ROQC you play the role of a Platoon, Company or Battalion commander who leads his force through the whole or parts of the East Front campaign. You can start from Operation Barbarossa on June 22nd 1941 and will randomly roll up battles interspaced with periods of rest and refit. There should be on average one battle per month, amounting to ca. 50 battles to complete the full campaign. You can also play a shorter campaign by starting later and/or finishing earlier.

    During this you will lose men and gain replacements, keep track of the experience of your units and upgrade your equipment. You will also earn or lose Favor as you go along. Favor can be used to upgrade your units and to gain favors from your superior commander, e.g. to make a battle less disadvantageous.

    Many of the battles you encounter will not be balanced. The aim is not to provide fair fights, but to give you the challenge of surviving and learning through the war. Keep in mind that your opponent is the feeble AI and be glad if you get an easy battle.

    The objective of each battle will depend on the operational situation. This operational situation is determined randomly, based on the historical situation at the time and region of the battle. This ensures a certain amount of historical accuracy and, more importantly, adds an element of strategy to the battle that goes beyond that of “yet another quick battle”.

    While this campaign is based on historical facts, it is not historically accurate. A core force of the kind used here did not go through the whole East Front campaign in the fashion portrayed here. The rate of battles used here is obviously not realistic, but it is a design decision to allow you to proceed fairly quickly and try out different campaign forces.

    You need Excel to make the book keeping easy and once you get the hang of the rules it's quite a straight forward and interesting system.

    Have fun :)


  5. Read the documentation Axel ;)

    Definitely not something you can just jump into. I've yet to try it out but reading the doco and messing around the spreadsheets has got me quite intrigued.

    Thanks for all the effort RobO - I can tell a lot of work went into this.

    Something like this should have been included in the CM1 series from the start as it adds a great deal towards immersing you in the struggle. Be even better to have it when also playing other people which could probably be done without to much tweaking. Your core units are just part of the greater forces on each side.

    Anyway thanks again.

  6. Interesting idea...

    Waiting for CMC (WCMC) the latest game from ground breaking software company BTS has just been announced.

    In this exciting new multiplayer title users from all over the world take turns at posting on a forum to see just how long they can keep it alive.

    Do you have what it takes to last the distance??

  7. Originally posted by Philippe:

    October 28 -- 2054 posts. That means seven posts since since October 25.

    While not a flurry of activity, that is not exactly moribund. Given the number of participants, livelier than the open parts of the forum. Discussion about the project continues behind closed doors. May not be a sign of life, but it looks a bit like a twitch.

    It's probably like when Bart has to help Skinner look for comets on the Simpsons. But instead of saying 'no sighting' in each post with regard to comets it's regarding a finished product.
  8. Originally posted by Moon:

    Fenris, don't confuse Syria for Iraq. Iraq went through a couple of wars and ongoing... how shall we say it... conflicts. Most parts of Syria are untouched for many years, and since the game is depicting the "tip of the spear" it wouldn't make sense to show all cities as falling apart. Because they're not.

    Is a minor point. I've been to Syria twice so am speaking from my own experience. It's not war damage, just general dusty/poorly maintained/careless and haphazard planning mess. It's cleaner now than back in the 90's but for example they built a dam across the Euphrates river near Allepo with the help of the Russians. Huge project. It's finished now and you should see the mindbogglingly huge junk yard of construction machinery that's just sitting out there rusting away.

    Am glad you've included the flavour stuff. Of course frame rates and game play a more important than eye candy so as I said is very minor point.

    [ May 24, 2007, 07:10 AM: Message edited by: Fenris ]

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