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Posts posted by Fenris

  1. Thread...

    I want to complain!

    First reply...

    Aaaah, stop hitting me.

    Second reply...

    This is getting hit over the head lessons. You want complaints, it's across the hall.

    Ahem, but seriously... I reckon first complaints will come in the first day. I plan on complaining about how long it takes for my pre-order to arrive and that when it doesn't I'll be at work and have to wait all day, get home, kids to bed, dinner and quality time with wife before I can install and even think of playing. I'll probably fall asleep at the keyboard before the install finishes, something else to complain about.


  2. I HATED the random maps in CMx1.

    I liked them. Played them more often than user created scenerioes.

    /emote shruggs

    Mainly because I could setup everything just how I liked it. It's obviously premature to judge the CMBN QB experience with no game time, I'll probably be able to basically everything how I like it still, so all this may well just be hot air (what else are we to do whilst we wait?).

    It is classic horses for courses though. I'm in the "it'd be really nice to have in CM2 because that's how I used to play CM1" camp but as it's been explained (quite patiently) on more than one occasion and the reasons seem perfectly valid. Fair enough it's not an option in CM2, things are different, it's a new version and we'll have lots of maps to choose from in the end anyway. It's not something that effected my pre-ordering CMBN.


  3. If I had enough spare cash I too would like to be a silent partner to help things along if I could.

    I think it's worth their time looking into it. I've been a long time player of World War 2 Online and being a small niche company CRS have had for a long time various ways for dedicated players to contribute more to the development of the game if they wish. The main one is called a builders program which involves paying lump sums up front, there are various options but I think the highest level 'builder' is something like US$1000! And yes some players do pay that. They don't have any direct say on what happens but in return the 'builders' get a lifetime subscription to the game and first look at future developments and a little more involvement in the dev process as far as canvasing for opinions etc.


  4. Edit - in reference to the first two posts...

    Yes I know all that. I have been here for a while and have seen the list of what they loosely plan to produce in the future if all goes well.

    See the word wishlist and just post idly from there. ie what would you like to play as a CM game from WW2 irrespective of whether that's a module, game, online virtual world you can plug into your optic nerve what ever.

  5. To pass the time whist we twiddle our thumbs lets offer up our module or maybe I should say WW2 campaign wishlist...

    As it's apparent we're to get NW Europe, which is just fine by me, we can leave that out.

    So I'd like to see a Sicily with the rest of southern Italy if it could fit in, may as well, it is a wish list.

    Kursk 1943.

    A summer 1942, army group south or maybe winter, hmmm, can't decide. Have to have rail cannon and siege mortar prep fire missions in this one just for kicks. Sure it'd be only a single round but be fun to sit there waiting for where the thing was going to land :D

    Lastly a 1940 NW Europe one.

    Anyone else?


    ps - no space lobsters, well maybe a WH40K one but that's a bit of a stretch now isn't it.

    Edit - here's a post that has a listing of what we might see in the future of CM http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1235780&postcount=1

  6. Basically what Zatoichi said. It's all very complicated and there can be any number of annoying things that can crop up. Giving a date is a double edged sword that could and probably would bite them on the butt even more than letting us stew. It often leads to things coming out rushed or half finished if it's left to corporate types who have the deadline mentality more ingrained. Not good for anyone.

    It's hard to take I totally agree but I've seen it for years with many of the games I'm interested in. You should see the patch fever that takes hold with online games and updates.


  7. When Space Lobsters were first mentioned I did dream of one day having a "realistic" (in as much as that's possible) Warhammer 40k game using a CM like engine.

    Be that as it may I am hanging for CM2 eastern front modules. Hope that isn't too many years away. Be nice if they could leverage some of the work or resources from the Theatre of War titles to more quickly achieve that... Don't want much do I?? :P


  8. Looking at my gmail account... Played my last PBEM CMBB game in July 2006. Have run up CMBB once in a while since then. I think I pre-ordered CMBO, still got the CD to hand near my PC at home. I've managed to keep the same setup migrating through 3 or 4 PCs since then. Still has dozens of batch files in the root directory for swapping out vehicle skins and few choice screen shots.

    Fond memories.


  9. I'm looking forward to MG42's, nebelwefers, Stugs, Panthers and eventually Jagdpanthers and British para's. And the eastern front but I'm getting a bit ahead of myself there.

    I'm looking forward to artillery and the cacophany of battle in general. My first wow moment with CMBO was playing the valley of trouble demo module and being at level 1 with lots of shooting going on when a US barrage came down on my forward line.

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