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Everything posted by Fenris

  1. I don't know how to post the whole thread, has details relating to Dan's post a couple above this one of action around Kherson. https://twitter.com/CanadianUkrain1/status/1518809782441947138 Here's the first post
  2. It would not surprise me in the slightest if this conflict is being used as real world conditions training for just about every intel analyst who can get their eyes on their respective forces/allies intel feeds.
  3. Inside an abandoned T-72. Looks uncomfortable. Translation is from the youtube comments
  4. Example of the dangers faced by armour in Mariupol. Ouch. Edit - a tweet of this with some other footage was already posted by AKD on page 583, is longer and gives a bit more context.
  5. Finnish parliament have started to discuss NATO membership. At this stage it sounds like most are in favour. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/4/20/finland-mps-debate-whether-to-join-nato Here's a tweet about it
  6. Was a story a few days (weeks?) back - something to do with the sanctions coming in and they don't have enough to pay the troops. It's mentioned and discussed in this thread somewhere.
  7. Interview with the UKR SPA gunner from that tik-Tok clip a few days back
  8. I have a feeling that's old footage from a training exercise, not current events.
  9. More grim drone footage, URK mortars(?) hitting an occupied farmhouse. (PSA there are wounded and dead in the clip)
  10. There's this story going around... Obviously IDK if it's true and it is the internet, but it makes for a good story. Here's the youtube vid mentioned
  11. At about the 25 second mark he stops mid rant, realises he can't say war and asks, "the... what's in called? What are we waging right now?" Normally I'd be inclined to pity them for being blind fools but these people are complicit in the narrative so they don't get a pass.
  12. When I picked up reading this thread this morning I was disappointed to read that the Moskva was being towed etc. But now I've caught up I see that she's not just out of the fight, she's out for good. Well done. Well done indeed. As mentioned up thread, as a figurehead, the optics of sinking should be invaluable.
  13. To get the campaign ribbon you have to read all 500 pages. Good luck.
  14. How does russia maintain a war footing, on foreign soil long term if it's economy and supply chain is in the toilet?
  15. Couple of tweets on the cheery situation in the motherland
  16. More "western media propaganda", we've really pulled out all the stops to discredit the glorious russian army haven't we.
  17. Nothing too exciting, a captured T-72 firing a few times
  18. The russian federation invaded another country, vast numbers of human beings are now dead, maimed, traumatised and/or refugees. This wouldn't have happened to any of them if the russian federation had not invaded. Q.E.D.
  19. Re the Bushmasters coming from AU - I think 3 left yesterday, total of 20 to be sent. Two will be field ambulance config.
  20. As has been said in a lot of places, sanctions take time. I don't think you can just turn off a large chunk of the energy supply to a market as large the EU without some pretty serious effects (the spice must flow etc etc). The stated target is the end of the year IIRC, although some countries have started doing it themselves - Lithuania and Poland I think. Obviously the sooner everyone can get off RF gas the better.
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