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Everything posted by Eridani

  1. Ah, refreshing monkeys? that just happened recently!!! You gotta love the Dead body threads... or even better, the floods of requests for the Beta Demo back right before it first came out... That's how far back I go... I jumped on just as the Beta Demo came out... Most of you all are newcomers (relatively speaking)... although, hats off to those of you who've been waiting for a year and a half -EridanMan
  2. because of this thread I broke out my revelators and tried them again... after reloading everything they worked... I remember now what drove me crazy though... the glasses occassionally flicker, (or don't flicker I guess would be the more proper term), the result being nausiating dual-frame veiws every couple seconds. It seems to be tied to the the scene rather than just be a problem with the glasses (the flickers occur during explosions, or when there are a lot of polygons on the screen) while they work they are cool, but the flickering while I move gives me a headache too much. I'm going to try it on my other computer later today... see if maybe its a lack-of-horsepower issue (my desktop is only a 350 mhz k6 original..., I use my laptop for almost everything now, my desktop is just a light-duty web-server) hehe, maybe I Can get this working, that'd rock if so -Scott
  3. Umm, the train tracks are there... click on the little down arrow to see them. just no way to get a road OVER the tracks (one of my scenarios has a railroad station complete with switching yards in the middle of a town... it was kinda annoying that I couldn't cross the tracks with any road, or run the tracks over the river that bisected the town. -EridanMan
  4. I have the Viper V770... The drivers take a long time to initialize, and during Combat mission, the glasses don't work properly... they do for other games, but I get a headache after watching for just a little while... *shrugs* I dunno, I haven't really played around with them -Scott
  5. I don't know if its possible, but after messing around with the scenario editor for the past few days and creating two scenarios (one of which in playtest stage), I have to say there are a few new tiles which I REALLY would like to see. 1. Train track Bridge 2. Train-Road crossing Argh, I thought there were a few others, but I can't think of them off the top of my head. Any other ideas as to tiles we could request for a later patch? I've heard sand (might be more difficult, I don't know. Also, BTS, what is the chance of having some of these requests granted? The scenario editor is great, but there are little things that could allow us to polish our scenarios and make it even better just wondering -EridanMan
  6. I have revelator... there's a bug that keeps them from working with CM and I don't know how to fix it. trust me, I wish. The revelator glasses give me a headache after 10 minutes though... don't waste your money -Scott
  7. I will yeild to popular opinion that my gameplay was "gamey"... Honestly at the time, I wasn't thinking about how I could exploit the computer, I was thinking "how the hell can I use what I have to NOT DIE here"... If that counts as gamey, than I'm sorry. The JPzIV was buttoned... I think one of the MMG carriers took out the TC but I'm not sure. Steve - I do DEFINATELY believe that the MMG carriers is too cheap. It should be about twice as expensive as a vickers MMG team IMHO (same capability, but mobile and armored) I dunno, something for a patch maybe? I do have to address the issue of "gamey" tactics though. Honestly, a game like CM is realistic ENOUGH that when I'm playing, I don't have a gamey filter. I use what I have to do whatever I possibly can to survive. I honestly think that my situation, while highly UNLIKELY, COULD have happened. the MMG carrier was fast and the driver knew it. and yes, one of them did bug out. Yes, in a way I was sending them to their deaths, but welcome to war. I sent enough of them and they moved fast enough that I gave them a chance. It wasn't like I was using a zook team or crew for recon-by-death EXPECTING them to die. I dunno... it just bothers me when I have to limit myself from a tactic that works, MIGHT work in real life, but didn't happen in history and is therefore considered gamey... *shrugs* but hey thats my humble opinion. BTW, I'm open for pbems if anyones up for a little challenge let me know if you want to castrate my thinking -EridanMan
  8. Hey all. We seem to have someone here lacking a little thing called maturity. Since he can obviously get around the ban that was placed on him, I urge you all to IGNORE EVERYTHING he says. do not respond, do not reply. When the child gets bored, maybe he'll go play somewhere else. Again, I BEG you. IGNORE IgotMilk in all of his incarnations, including fake BTS. After a week or so, maybe he'll grow tired of tormenting us and go elsewhere. -EridanMan
  9. Ok, I have to chime in to correct a few exaggerations on Bills part (sorry bill ) I was Bill's opponent... I purchased 18 mmg carriers at 9 pts/apeace to bring my point total up even to my max. Now, realize, this was my first time playing to full game so I had no idea what most of the stuff was and I was playing someone who had been playing all week ... I chose the mmg carrier simply because it had A gun (not a great one, but one) and could just be a presence on the battlefield for distraction/light suppression. As for other vehicals, I chose 2 Wolverine TD's, 1 Churchill VIII, and a pair of Daimler AC's. The battle started and I split all of my mmg carriers up into groups of 4 and had them start moving forward from one cover to another to scout forward for enemy positions (NOT a gamey tactic)... My MMG's came under fire from what I identified as a STUG III and I moved my wolverines to attack it. After exchanging a few shots One of my wolverines took a hit and exploded like nobodies business leaving me with 1 vehical with any anti-tank capability. At this point I told my flank group of MMG carriers to charge to PZIV it hopes just to distract it, because as far as I was concerned, I only had 1 vehical left with any AT capability and it was about to be butchered like my other wolverine was (at this point, I didn't know the Diamler Ac's could kill tanks). My MMG carriers surprised both the PZIV and a hetzer on top of the hill. Unable to touch them, I just told them to litterally run circles around the enemy guns until I could get something better into position. Over the next few minutes the German guns took two of the three out, so I rushed 3 more into the fray. At this point my other wolverine bought it to a Schreck hit, but one of my diamler AC's took a shot from across the map and scored a hit on the PZIV. The remaining MMG carriers continued to circle the Hetzer until I moved the Daimler AC in closer and knocked it out. Total losses on the hill, 5 mmg carriers and 2 wolverines for 1 pziv gun and 1 hetzer. I believe I lost 2 or 3 other mmg carriers to a 20 mm flak gun before knocking it out with a rush of 3 carriers. I must say, I honestly do not believe my play was all that gamey. I DO think the MMG carrier is a little too cheap for its effectiveness (An MMG carrier should at LEAST be more expensive than an MMG team). But I honestly believe I was simply using my rescources at hand to accomplish my task. I believe we have a movie or two from the game (unfortunately, I don't think we saved the movie of my little mmg carrier running circles around the Pziv gun... I was litterally rolling on the floor laughing ) I'd love to hear anyone elses input on this. btw, I won the battle, after his guns were out of the fight, it was a simple matter of using my remaining MMG carriers to supress his infantry while my churchill pounded them from across the map. -EridanMan
  10. who needs accuracy when ur explosion takes out half a city block??? I have kept the gun alive throughout the whole game and shot up all its ammo. The key is the put it in a place where it has los to only one spot you want to suppress... then have it shoot there. Anyone in the spot sure aint going to be firing back, and its stays safe. I find that the biggest problem is that the IG re-targest too easily... that much firepower needs to go ONLY where I tell it too... especially when I'm using to supress the FO's that are trying to kill it (that pissed me off... it retarged to a flamethrower on the otherside of the map, and the F0's had the chance they needed to unbreak and kill it. arrgh oh well -EridanMan
  11. please please PLEASE release your sky texture, I have to say that it is the single biggest improvement to game "feel" I have seen... wow... -EridanMan
  12. Ok... Aberdeen is a definate possibility now as is a party at someones house. any volunteers as of right now? preferably someone in a central location and with many computers/power hookups I may also put together either a mailing list or something for the DC chapter of Cm-Philes anonymous any other ideas feel free to post here or mail me scott.cragg@erols.com -EridanMan
  13. If you want to make the drive ur invited to what now... that is the question we need to figure out -EridanMan
  14. wow, I must say more than I expected... Well... all of you. I'm open to ideas about a party/get together. We have Aberdeen not to far away and I hear they have a great armor exhibit. I was also thinking if we could find a place w/enough computer, getting together to play a bunch of double-blind scenarios immediately after we recieve the full game (and therefore before we've been through them all). Each person could play 2 or so games (staggering them works perfectly, 3 people can play 2 games each on 3 different computer and no one gets bored)... I dunno... just ideas other issue of course is where... any other suggestions? -EridanMan Bil - like ur new house? when did you move? I thought you liked it down near charlottesville (beautiful little house btw )
  15. hey all- I caught a reference to some fellow Washington DC area CM junkies here on the forum. I thought I would put a public post up out of sheer curiousity to find out how many Washingtonians there are out there and where in General they live... and lastly if anyone might be interested in a little CM party. I know of at least 2 other cm addicts locally... who else is there? for my part, I live in Arlington VA (Northern VA and MD counts) -EridanMan
  16. Hehe, its the topic that keeps on giving what was the average we determined? 37.something? oh well... for the record. I was 17 when I started in being interested in Combat mission... Turned 18 the day the Gold demo released (my only birthday present ) yeah I'm a youngen I know my stuff though... I'll take any of you on no kids, not for a long time many ladies... none I'm going to spend my life with though I pray that I'll find her in college (University of Rochester, class of 2004) -EridanMan
  17. Hmm I also keep realistic scaling... I feel it gives a much better feel for how the battle is progressing. I do keep unit bases on however, that way I can still see all of my units clearly. I would use transparent walls + smoke, but unfortunate the ATI mobile POS doesn't support it. Oh well. I stay very fluid with my views... usually reserving the higher overhead cams so I can really get a feel for how the battle progressing. Other than that though, I use any/all views all the time, just depends on which one gives the best information on what am I looking at. EridanMan
  18. Read the documentation that came with the gold -ERidanMan
  19. Sorry to beat a dead horse... but this killed me yesterday... I set my trp on a slope where I new that my opponent was going to attack. It worked, and soon his little men were streaming over it. I smiled, took my 150 infantry gun... and COULDN'T TARGET THE TRP ... needless to say instead of many dead americans, the americans smashed strait into me weak defences on that side and many dead germans lined the battlefield instead. Why can't the 150 target the trp? its not like I've moved it or anything... If a mortar can shoot at it, why not the big gun oh, btw... indirect fire for mortars is awsome... if done correctly you can rain fire on anyone in the valley without them having the slightest idea who is shooting at them -EridanMan
  20. Wow, had to go way back to find this thread... JohnH, about the upgrade... from what I understand, upgrading to the new mobile 128 or Mobile s3 is physically possible with both the inspiron 5k and 7.5k... there are two questions though- When will dell get off its ass and release them for the inspiron line Will dell allow upgrades/sell the upgrade cards... If the answer to the second one is no, many people at dell are going to get a long and unpleasant piece of my mind about this.. I paid well over 2000 dollars for this toy... the only flaw in my mind is this damn video card... I will be rather pissed if I can't fix it -EridanMan
  21. Hey Guys... I hate to be the spoil sport witht he first complait, but something has been bugging me about the Gold.... The beta demo had a problem in that units would NOT EVER break an area-target... at least this is what I found... I lost many shermans this way, plinked by a stug just meters from where it was dutifully area-targeting... this made me rather mad Now I notice however that the opposite problem is true in the Gold... I like to position my 150 in an area where it can supress hill 217 to prevent allied use of that as an artillary position. This only works if the gun continously fires at the hill and never stops, even a stop of a minute can be enough time for a spotter on the hill to call down artillery and take it out (it has LOS to the hill ONLY... so only a guy on the hill being bombed can take it out. The problem is, the tac AI is now EXTREMELY eager to stop area targetting, and I have seen it several times cease its area fire to target a unit who is only visable for a matter of seconds... then when that unit vanishes it just sits there and doesn't shoot anymore... usually meaning that next turn it is dead because it stops supressing the spotters on the top of the hill. Is there a happy medium? personally I would like area fire to be as sticky as any other targetting order... I.E, to stay as long as there is no direct threat on the life of the unit targetting... Also, if its possible, is there any way to program the tac-ai to resume area bombardment fire after it takes any sort of defensive action (or in this case pointlessly targets a unit it has no hope of killing because of its ass-slow refire rate)... just thought I'd ask (I can make a movie of this problem if anyone is interested... it happens a lot to me.. mostly because of how I use the gun) -EridanMan
  22. I know that I am going to be making a lot of scenarios... almost all of them are going to be made up... mostly for game play value... I'm hoping to put a web-page up with my creations once the game comes out... I have some really nasty ideas (to remain secret for FOW issues ) -EridanMan
  23. I've got the same problem on my Dell with the mobility... Are you only able to run in 800x600? I'm still running into a variation of the bug thats drove me crazy about the beta demo... Fortunately if I run native in 1024 and set CM to play in 800 it works fine and has decent image quality... I'm right now badgering dell to offer an upgrade to the Mobility 128 or Mobile Virge... I hate the mobile-P Piece of ****... -EridanMan
  24. My transparent buildings arn't working either and I have the Ati Mobile-P (the mobile version of the rage pro 8meg)... I think its an ATI issue (****ty card, ****ty company)... if only I had a choice. oh well, I'll live -EridanMan
  25. Heh, it almost feels like I've lost two long-lost (albiet all too familiar friends). (well, not quite, but I would still like to visit those old romping grounds with the new engine) Will they be included in the full version of the game? I was kinda dissapointed that they weren't included in the demo (2 scenarios isn't many... but fortunately they only need to tide us over for a week or two ) thanks, just wondering -EridanMan
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