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Culex Pipiens

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Everything posted by Culex Pipiens

  1. As always i want to remember that there is a bug in the game (since the 1.0 version). the problem is that, when you bring in map as reinforcements transport vehicles always enter the map with the gun towed, but in case of the bren carrier this don't happen. the gun ,as the 6pdr AT, begin the turn as reinforcement not limbered but unlinbered on the map i think (!!!) that is a BUGGGG!!!!!
  2. .....but in the version 1.1 already the bren carrier and a 6pdr AT gun when they come as reinforcement, the gun is not towed by the carrier (all the other vehicle instead come with gun towed) i know that is a little bug but......
  3. ....the problem on reinforcement the question is : why the bren carrier (trans capacity six) when arrives as reinforcement, enters the map without towing the 6 pdr AT gun (6 portage points)? it is a bug or something i did not know? the same thing does not happen with the jeep and the M3 halftrak (both begin towing the gun)PLEASE GIVE ME AN ANSWER!!!!!!!!
  4. ....the problem on reinforcement the question is : why the bren carrier (trans capacity six) when arrives as reinforcement, enters the map without towing the 6 pdr AT gun (6 portage points)? it is a bug or something i did not know? the same thing does not happen with the jeep and the M3 halftrak (both begin towing the gun)PLEASE GIVE ME AN ANSWER!!!!!!!!
  5. i remember that some patches ago it was correct the situation that a tank area target a building, demolishing it and then stops firing....now when i play it continues to fire something was changed ? or i remember bad ?
  6. the movie is directed by a french guy the story located in stalingrad is based about the real history of a russian sniper ace and his mortal duel with a german master sniper (actor Ed Harris) promptly bring to the front to eliminate this russian soldier
  7. i don't kow if it is possible, but i think that it is not possible to cover all the type of building that were present in east front: church, more story building, industry, silos ecc why not an editor only for building you can make them in the shape you like, with internalwall ecc
  8. i use SB live with cambrige soundworks four points surround
  9. i see the site far ago and played all the fantastic scenarios, but no more updates till 20/10 so i tried to e-mail to the owner of the site but never replay me WHERE ARE YOU?? TELL SOMETHING !!!!!!
  10. have you noticed that when you put as reinforcement a bren carrier and a M3 HT with both an AT gun , only the HT begin the game with the gun limbered? why?
  11. yes i know, we (I) want always more and so i will like to know what if the next project is , after the right rest, CM 2 or a CM 1 add now ( i remember a topic of time ago with this argument)
  12. --also you can use a map either for a battle or for a campaign --also had the possibility to cut/paste portions of map in other maps
  13. TERENCE--and thank Marko, the scenario designer?/adapter? for excellent work. ***thanks GERMANBOY -- just broke off a PBEM of Scotland the Brave II at the request of my opponent (who was saddled with the Scots) because it just was a one-sided slaughter. I have no idea who designed it, and I apologise if I step on someone's toes here ***the scenario (as in ASL) is very difficult for the British, the key to advance in the clear field is to use the plenty smoke rounds of the spotter otherwise they will be butchered by the germans
  14. i try to find something but i did not find anything. what is the difference between high and low res mod?
  15. Yes yes i know we have only CM1 and everybody wants the russian front, but.... why not dream...IF CM5 can be chosen by the most voted historical period in this forum,what is your vote? ps---i like Korea war period
  16. (ASL Veteran) ok perhaps i made a poet licence in making the scenario, but if the problem is not to give the name of the original ASL scenario when you convert it (if is not similar in every aspect)call the scenario "Mist at bay" It is a joke!!, but remember i posted also the map and everybody can make the scenario he wants with it so can be more or less accurate in creating it. (ASL Veteran) The historical accuracy of the game is mediated with the play balance so the scenario represent a fraction of the forces in the field (as you know after the conquest of la Gleize about 70 tanks/spw/trucks ecc were abandoned or captured ) if you make a "copy" of a scenario you can adjust the forces in the field to fit the right (for you) balance.It is right that somebody dislike and can make is own adjustament. There is no "official bureau of translating ASL into CM " no official rules so everybody has its right way of making the scenarios. one can be total bound of the original scenario (or what he thinks to be right ) or more elastic, it is the same, try to make fun with a great game CM. (Purple4Ever) I think that converting is not copying so if you don't have the right units it is not a big problem, you can make a good scenario also if there are not one or two units in the OOB (i always say that the scenario is based on ASL....)
  17. i made different scenarios on Col Klotz site, so can i say something. firt Cm is not ASl, it similar but not the same. so trying to copy a scenario is impossible,you can try to convert a game into another. *1. ASL purists (like me) are probably going to be trying your scenarios, and any deviations from those scenarios will be noted -you are right but are different game, the first difference is that the maps are in hexagon in CM in square so till the map can not be equal *2. HASL scenarios are just that - HISTORICAL. You probably should not be tweaking balance in a historical scenario except in terms of game length, victory flags, etc. The OB should be slavishly adhered to though. -the balance is right for ASL not for CM try to convert a scenario and you will find that often a pool of force in a scenario is not balanced when converted in CM *Beast at Bay was another disappointment. There were extensive modifications to the OB for both sides. Well, Beast at Bay is a historical scenario and I don't think the OB should be tampered with. If play balance is a concern then make minor adjustments in the victory conditions or objective placement. Also, the SSR says that the weather is clear and that mist DR are NA so the addition of fog (while neat to look at) is also incorrect. Once again, if these modifications are going to be made - note them somewhere so we all know the rationale behind it. -As i told you , and an example of the difference between ASL and Cm, the weather is costant through the scenario in ASl you can roll to change, so it is possible to make a choice for the scenario also for ply balance. At last these scenarios, as i wrote "based on ASL" can be setted by whoever want to play it so it very difficult to find a converted scenario that is equal/same to ASL
  18. i aleady posted the question but nobody gave me a right answer. Can the universal carrier tow a gun ? if you begin a scenario you can embark the gun to the universal carrier ( Es 6inch AT ) provided they have the same portage point. but if they begin as reinforcement why the gun arrive not embarked? if i use instead of the universal carrier, a jeep or the white scout (both the same portage point of the universal carrier) they arrive with the embarked gun ? is abug or anythig else? or i missed something?
  19. after your replay i tried again ! i make a scenario with only universal carrier and 6 inc AT as reinforcement, none began towed i tried with other carrier and worked!!! it is a bug or there is something that i don't know ?
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