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Bil Hardenberger

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Everything posted by Bil Hardenberger

  1. The Forty Fifth Minute Well, it appears GaJ had the ATG gun on the backside of Hill 128 just on the outskirts of Tame. One of my scouting teams finds it as it comes around the base of the hill. It appears as if he expected me to come around through the Hill 126 reverse slope area so it is oriented in the wrong direction to be effective. At the end of the turn one of my Pz-IVs is at the top of Hill 128 and swinging around to take the gun out next turn. As my Pz-IV section take up its overwatching position on Hill 128 the lead panzer spots a mortar team that is setting up in the distance. Meanwhile 2d Platoon begins its mounted approach to the village. In the center, 1st Platoon's only action comes when its lead two man team gets taken out by a Ranger team lurking in the grass... however GaJ loses that team as well. 1st platoon has taken a lot of casualties.. but they are gradually getting to a point where a breakthrough is imminent on this sector. I can feel it... I am encountering fewer and fewer enemy units in the center. The pioneer Platoon starts its movement towards Hill 153.. the scouting team from the kubelwagen is working its way up the mountain and has run into no enemy units. I suspect that this rear objective is sparsely manned probably with support units so should be easy pickings if I can get to it before GaJ can reinforce it. My mobility should help. The bottom image is a nice view showing my two main support units in position ready to take out any enemy encountered on the Hill 153 objective.
  2. I do believe that's what we are talking about.. at least that's what I'm talking about.
  3. You doubt me? I'm sure the game takes into account whatever effect the skirt would have if the tank had them.. however it does not use the representation of what you see on the screen as to whether the tank has a skirt in a specific location or not... if it could have one then it would get the bonus (if any) whether it is there or not.
  4. Vanir is correct.. however the visual representation is just that.. visual. Has no effect in game on whether an incoming round will take into account whether a skirt is present or not.
  5. The Forty Fourth Minute While my lead team starts to investigate Tame the support on Hill 109 start to lay MG fire into the buildings and also starts to fire a smoke screen behind the town. In other news in this sector my Elefant finally penetrated the bunker.. it takes a casualty but still looks like it is functional. Beyond Hill 126 my lead team now has eyes on the area where I expected to find the ATG (the one that fired on my Elefant many turns ago).. but alas it is nowhere to be seen. Where can that thing be? In the center 1st platoon continues to push forward.. well lead by the infantry this time. While the Jpz-IV and a mortar starts to lay down suppression fire on Hill 153... ...the Pioneer Platoon starts to load up on 3rd platoon's halftracks. It looks to me like the AI cancelled my artillery mission on the Spur reverse slope even though I still have the spotter in its original position on Hill 130... sigh.. guess I'll need to move without that covering fire. Edit: the mission was not cancelled after all. but it is taking a loong time to fall... rounds for this mission are in very short supply so I am adjusting a bit to a) push it deeper into the valley away from my advancing 3rd Platoon (they are moving further into the Spur objective next turn) and in hopes that the replan will shake off the mortar section's lack of commitment and get them to actually fire the damned mission. First Pioneer units will be moving next turn. Oh, and for the guy who asked several turns ago now how many grenades the Pioneer Squads carry.. they carry on average 17 grenades and several satchel charges. Good shock troops.
  6. Wodin, good result... I have not played that campaign (or any really.. not until I can play them PBEM).. but am glad to hear you have picked up a thing or two from my AARs. Bil
  7. The Forty Third Minute My Elefant spotted and fired at the Tame Bunker this turn.. two shots two hits.. no noticeable effect. Obviously I am going to have to think of another way to tackle these things. On Hill 126 my 2d Platoon starts to assemble for their run into Tame. This will include the Pz-IV section that was previously located near Hill 109. Also supporting the move on Tame is my support group on Hill 109 consisting of 2 HMGs and a mortar team. The second mortar team in this area is moving up to locate on Hill 126 for the assault. On the Spur - Hill 153 sector my kubelwagen did in fact make the move all the way to the foot of Hill 153 without taking any enemy fire. They wil dismount next turn and start to scout the approach up the hill. In the lower image you can see the route they took, which seems to be totally masked from anything he has on the Spur and possibly to anything he has on Hill 153 as well. My attack group will use this route as well, then proceed generally up the route outlined by the Phase 2 arrow on the map. This should serve to isolate anything GaJ has on the backside of the Spur. Note where my initial support group will be located. This will shift in stages down into the valley to better enable them to engage the Spur units. This later movement will be coordinated with 3rd Platoon coming over the Spur to add their firepower to the attack from a different direction. The Jpz IV is in position and will start some area fire preparation on Hill 153 next turn. Also, the Pioneer Platoon has started to leave their trucks for the 3rd Platoon halftracks. This will take a few turns, then they are going over the top.
  8. Hmmm, I am having none of the issues noted above. Read my AAR for how I am using my Elefant. Basically keep it well back with a narrow firing arc.
  9. The Forty Second Minute On the outskirts of Tame my HQ unit has begun to circle around the village to see/hear what it can before I commit my 2d Platoon to an attack. As they come close to the edge of a ridge they can hear two vehicles just on the other side.. this is the SPAA and the UI armor (M10?) that were on the rear slope of Hill 126. They have moved this turn... guess my kubelwagen got his attention. I also expect he will totally abandon the hill 126 reverse slope with the majority of any infantry he has back there and also move it to the Tame, S. Maria Infante defenses. My left side Brummbar is now area firing the location next to the bunker in Tame. Its first shot hits a building which collapses, the second hits just in front and to the side of the bunker's location. I also have the Elefant with a very narrow covered arc on the bunker's location. It has LOS but no spot to that position. I will now widen that arc as I expect GaJ to bring his tank (or TD) and SPAA into or close to Tame soon. In the center, 1st Platoon's infantry takes out the team that killed my halftrack last turn. but another halftrack got into trouble against a lone gunman that it could not spot.. even though I knew he was in that general location. Oh well.. I have a one man team that I can mount into this track so it can get it's gun back. As the pioneer platoon convoys to its assembly area on the Spur ridge, the Jpz IV is already on location and moving into position to overwatch the Hill 153 objective. Not shown, the kubelwagen on this flank has driven pretty deep into the rear area between the Spur and Hill 153.. it has taken no incoming fire, nor has it spotted anything. I think I have discovered a beautifully covered approach. Next turn will tell whether it can successfully move in to the base of Hill 153 totally safe or not. This does not happen as often as it should in this game IMO.. the KG commander's halftrack bogs down on the way to the Spur assembly area... the Brummbar bypasses it and continues on. I really don't need the KG commander on location for this assault, but I wanted his MG to help with fire support as well as the C2 advantages of having the HQ close.
  10. Michael the only thing I do in Photoshop to the images is crop them and add arrows, text, etc. I do not play with the levels, saturation or anything else. Not sure why it looks good on some people's machines and not on others.. could come down to the video card. Bil
  11. Pnzrldr, sounds like a good quest for a young unproven BETA tester. Don't you think?
  12. The Forty First Minute The other M10 near the ridge road did the long reverse this turn... spotted by a mortar on the Left Tit.. with any luck he'll be able to put a round in the turret next turn. The kubelwagen has dismounted and will begin to scout the entrance to Tame next turn. On Hill 126, I have one team that can now see into the area between Hill 126 and Hill 128.. I still cannot spot the ATG that I know must be in this area. Behind that house perhaps? Another team is making its way through the fields towards Tame.. it received no fire from the MG bunker at all. I am also loading up a few halftracks and will be pushing those towards Tame in the next few turns. My armor on the S-Ridge objective will all re-deploy next turn as well now that the M10 on the ridge road has departed. 1st Platoon in the center loses a halftrack to what I think must have been a rifle grenade. Okay, I have been pushing the armor in this sector forward a little too rashly.. time to dial that back. I can take my time here.. the goal for this platoon is to tie up as many enemy forces as possible and keep them from reinforcing the defenses on the Spur. Also in 1st platoon's sector an MMG team opens up on the Platoon Leader's halftrack... ...only to receive overwhelming fire in return. The enemy team loses this exchange I'm afraid. The Spur I don't have a n image to share, but my two halftracks and one infantry team have finished sweeping the tip of the Spur clear of enemy forces. The last team ran off the position this turn into the valley between the Spur and Hill 153. The attack force is moving to its jump off positions now, and the Pioneer Platoon will reorganize and mount in 3rd Platoon's halftracks for the assault.. they will be overwatched by the Brummbar, the Jpz-IV and the mortar team. The Jpz-IV will move into position overwatching the Hill 153 objective and that objective will start to receive some mortar fire starting next turn. I have my other kubelwagen starting a deep scouting run now as well. they will be testing a route to the base of Hill 153.
  13. Here is the SITMAP for turn 40. Sorry it's been a while since I provided one of these.. its been way overdue. Hope it's helpful.
  14. After reviewing the images from my turn report and thinking about it I think what I have here is the crew from the M10 that was destroyed in Tame. I noticed that the M10 I killed this turn has individuals with steel pots rather than tanker helmets.. I suspect the guys in the hull have regular tanker uniforms while those in the open turret are dressed as infantry. I do not think it was the SPAA vehicle as I don't believe any of my rounds have gotten danger close to it... and unless I am mistaken the other tank (M10?) that is on the Hill 126 reverse slope hasn't even had a round come anywhere close to it... of course I only have sound contacts on that vehicle and it could be anywhere. So there you have it.. the crew from the Tame M10. Interesting that GaJ has placed them in a counter-recon role... or are they simply scouting trying to get a picture of how I am arrayed on the other side of the ridge? Food for thought.
  15. "Ballsy"? I don't know.. I have prepped for this move for a long time now.. clearing the shoulders of enemy influence (ATG, Tame M10, etc.) I am dropping artillery on the Hill 126 reverse slope and on where I suspect the other ATG is, firing smoke on Tame itself this turn... I think I had a high percentage chance of success when I ordered this move. My main concern was anything GaJ might have had lurking in the grass on the front slopes and on my approach route... but that was highly unlikely IMO and I probably would have seen a hint of that by now so I rolled the dice. As for what the plan is for this team moving forward.. well.. that's going to have to be a surprise.
  16. The Fortieth Minute - Part II This is a strange sight.. I don't think I've ever seen a crew mixed like this before. Could this be from the SPAA vehicle I spotted last turn? Was it knocked out by a lucky shell burst? Regardless, obviously they are hunting my lone scout.. they are off the scent a bit.. but if they find him his days are numbered. he only has 15 rounds left, no grenades and he is a long way from help. Surprisigly GaJ is pushing at least one Ranger team back over the road into the teeth of my 1st Platoon, panzer section advance. Why? Note: the M10 in the background is the one I just knocked out. I lost sight of the other one after a few seconds.. but it was moving up as well.. must be sitting to the left of this one. 1st Platoon and the panzer section have repositioned somewhat to be closer to the lip of the road and better able to interdict any of GaJ's forces that foolishly come over the top. One Brummbar is on the move to my right to back up the Pioneer Platoon assault. I have this attack planned to go in about six minutes from now. I have plotted a linear barrage on the reverse slope of the Spur that I want to let begin before I rush this platoon through the gap. Ah the synchronization of it! Also on the move is the KampfGruppe commander.. he is also moving to the right to supervise the Pioneer Platoon assault. Fun times ahead!
  17. The Fortieth Minute - Part I So much happening that this turn report will be in two parts.. this is part 1. Within seconds of each other my two panzers near Hill 109 open fire on GaJs lead M10... ...also within seconds of each other both rounds hit and penetrate... The inevitable result... I took a risk this turn with my HQ unit in the Kubelwagen.. starting behind Hill 126 they rushed across the open space between Hill 126 and Tame, using the ground to mask their movement as much as possible. They did receive a few hits from GaJ's bunker (I think it came from there anyway) but they quickly got into dead ground and are just on the outskirts of the village. This unit is now the pointy end of my spear. This test confirms to me that I can indeed rush an armored force across that ground safely. Note that I am bypassing anything GaJ has on the reverse slope of Hill 126. He will have to bring those units out of hiding and over onto my side of the ridge if he wants to engage me with them. Finally I can confirm what I had only suspected.. the ATG on the hill next to Tame was indeed knocked out by my mortar fire several turns ago. Hill 126 lies in the center background. Hill 109 to the left behind the tree (look for the cluster of unit icons).
  18. Of course you have that right, sorry didn't mean to imply I felt otherwise. Yes tanks do spot infantry on average too well.. although I must say that hasn't really been the case in this game that I can tell... GaJ's infantry has been damned tough to spot and most initial spots have been by other infantry. Also I don't think it was the case in this instance... the infantry opened up at very close range then they were spotted. Not sure of your meaning here.
  19. Sure you are having a go... but that's okay. Okay they lost their TC.. so what was the reaction? They reversed and fired every MG on board.. they didn't fire any main gun rounds.. I think that is perfectly acceptable behavior. What were they supposed to do, lay down on the floor of the tank and cower? BS I say. I say they would most likely say "OH $HIT!!!", reverse while firing every gun on board at the area directly in front of them. Exactly like they did.
  20. The Elefant is a bit behind the Panzer section on the Hill 109 ridge... it should have eyes on the M10 position (or at least the area the M10s will have to enter to be effective) next turn. The Brummbars have split up... one is still on the left side providing overwatch for the push to Tame, the other is moving to the right side to assist the Pioneer Platoon push.. that will give that side a Jpz, a Brummbar, a mortar, and as least three halftracks in fire support. The last 30 minutes of this battle, win or lose, should be a doozy.
  21. The Thirty Ninth Minute The Spur: My halftracks have started to make contact and clear the area the Pioneer Platoon and Jpz are slated to pass through. I only saw one member of this team, and I cannot tell what it is.. I am loving the new FOW. Hill 126 area: If my blind mortar fire has done nothing I think it has at least made this guy nervous. This quad .50 SPAA vehicle was spotted by my lone scout in the Hill 126 rear slope area. he was obviously driving away from some mortar fire I had close to his position. At turn end he was reversing towards Hill 126... notice how exposed those crewmen are. Seems I have an icon or two to add to my mod, eh? Center: My panzer section in the center overruns its infantry screen.. the lead tank runs into an enemy team which opens fire at close range taking out the TC. This team I'm sure was regretting that decision as immediately the tank started to spray the area with MG fire. There was one survivor at turn end and he was crawling away and under the guns of my infantry. It was careless of me to let my tanks get in front of my infantry. In this same area more of GaJ's forces tried to escape this sector, one member of the MMG team falls to tank fire and others are being engaged by my infantry. It's a hot sector. This was a surprise. GaJ is bringing his M10s back for more... not sure if his target is the Pz-IVs I have on the Hill 109 ridge, or the Panzer section in the center.. the M10s seem to be a little too shallow for the center section so I can only assume he is after the Hill 109 section. of course he is also coming over the top in line, thus exposing one at a time. I'm okay with that. Even if I do lose one panzer he is risking a lot here.. he has already been spotted by an HMG team on the tits, two mortars on the tits can area fire on them and.... ...one of my Hill 109 Pz-IVs got a spot on the lead M10 in the final second.
  22. I have several mortars on the Tits that can see somewhat into the rear slope area behind the Hill 126 ridge. I simply scattered their aim points throughout that area as deep as they could go.. the odd round goes deeper. It is a nuisance only of course, but for now that suits my purpose.
  23. In my experience this mainly is an issue where there is a hard edge, like on tank skirting etc. Otherwise anti-aliasing works fine in movie mode IMO.
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