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Everything posted by PseudoSimonds

  1. To you too, maggot! And to all you other little maggots that I've grown to tolerate as well.
  2. Just one take-home exam to go, maggots! As always, no_one, Axe and the_wino are non-turn-sending sissies who should be forced to shovel my driveway. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  3. We got a nice little sn :mad: wy surprise this morning. Pretty deep too. Nice and fluffy though which my back is thankful for.
  4. W&C, did you get the scenario I sent? I got an email from my ISP saying it blocked a message that I sent but it didn't give any indication as to which message it blocked.
  5. When the killer robot dog in "Red Planet" went into Guerilla Tactics Mode it attacked to wound rather than kill so as to slow the entire team down.
  6. Well, since 75% of my opponents are sissy non-turn sending cowards, I'll take on another game. Your pick. :mad:
  7. Did you read the official announcement? You'll have to wait a bit, but it's coming.
  8. Looks good. How do you go about killing yourself? It seems to be a fairly common occurence.
  9. Yeah, her turn-sending rate was pretty good but I got a little tired of her gamey map-edge hugging jeep rushes. :mad: :mad:
  10. That's nothing, maggot. I'm fast approaching the 2 month anniversary of the last turn from Axe and the 3 month anniversary of the last turn from der_wino. :mad: :mad: :mad: I hate them so. Don't get me wrong, I hate you too, I'm just not sure if it's the familiarity-breeds-contempt syndrome or a deeper underlying loathing that can truly be cherished. :mad: :mad:
  11. Me, maggot. You always owe me a turn. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  12. Shouldn't it make you :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: ?
  13. Top 10 Reasons why George W Bush > J Ruddy :mad: - He's not Canadian. - "We need an energy bill that encourages consumption." - G.W.B. can get a Viking to fly him to an aircraft carrier. - "The French don't have a word for `Entrepreneur`" - G.W.B. gets paid in U.S. dollars, J Ruddy gets loonies and twonies. - "I am not part of the problem. I am a Republican" - G.W.B. has Air Force One. J Ruddy has a Toyota or sumfink. - "Public speaking is very easy." - "Wow! Brazil is big." - He's not Canadian. :mad: :mad:
  14. I can never decide where the blurry line starts and ends. Do any of these statements qualify as violating the no politics rule: - Capitalism sucks, Democratic-Socialism rocks! - Rock the Vote! - 3 Purple Hearts > Wimpy Mamma's Boy - Down with greed! Billionaires suck! - WTO = NFG WMF = WTF WMD = MIA - The Iraq war was about extending US power and securing middle east oil reserves. - Strykers suck - Allah wants peace - Chomsky > G.W.B. - Proportional representation now! - Clinton > G.W.B. - Canadian Liberal Politicians are all a bunch of stupid pigs! - Canadian Conservative Politicians are all a bunch of rejects from the Refooooooooorm party. - Siddhartha Gautama > G.W.B. - Strykers suck - Stop driving SUV's! - Bombing for peace is like [censored]-ing for viginity! - Censorship sucks! - Strykers suck - Pee Wee Herman > G.W.B. Are any of those statements over the line? </font>
  15. May a mighty snowdrift smite every maggoty one of you. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  16. It's the only way we can tolerate the presence of all these lesser beings that we have to interact with. I come here to practice. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  17. I think it's "Achtung. Unten bleiben." which means something like "Watch out. Stay down." or sumfink.
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