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Everything posted by aka_tom_w

  1. OK If you have two Macs and they BOTH have ethernet ports, just use a cross over cable. Forget that Null modem stuff Why can't you form the VERY simplest computer Local Area Network, PC talk there.. (LAN) by using a cross over cable and linking two PC's directly to each other, NOT a normal ethernet cable a special purpose cross over cable. Make up an IP for one cpu, enter it, let that unit host and then have the other one "find" that IP that is hosting on the other end of the cross over cable. Between two Macs you can set that whole arrangement up in about 5 minutes. But I'm not sure about the PC side of things. -tom w
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Snoop: He must have a Goverment job. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I work in an educational institution of hiring learning.... I never really thought I would, or should have to spend the rest of my life in an "institution" but I guess this one isn't so bad. (Mostly because we get NEW Mac Hardware all the time and there are great High tech toys to play with here and all the very latest software, are you getting the idea that I like my job? I do, Some days are more hectic than others, when all the Labs and servers and computers are stable most folks around here just leave me alone , but when things don't work, well just consider me the local techy fireman because they all want it fixed and back up and running RIGHT away!). For the record today is a calm stable "good day", so far . For the record in the past election I voted for the Canadian verison of the NON Socialist, NON Democrat Party, (ie. capitialist) and they DIDN'T win! so quit with the socialist crap will ya ?? (posted in good humour ) -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-29-2000).]
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sergei: Hmm, do you have to do anything else in your work than to play CMBO in net? Is that firm possibly looking for new employees? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Actually, I maintain new terrain mods here on an FTP server, and chat on CMHQ, and post all day on this board, while I'm NOT playing CMBO, at work -tom w (so Sue ME!) [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-29-2000).]
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt: Yes, incorrect IP reporting IS mentioned in the docs that you steadfastly refuse to ever read Tom! Madmatt<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thanks Matt I'm very very sorry to waste the bandwidth, because I'm too eager to play (and yes TOO lazy) to read the docs. My apologies. I would say from playing it last night and this morningn that the v1.1 TCP/IP patch "feels" VERY stable. the Game Plays VERY well Congrats ALL around.!! And a VERY big Thanks for delivering what you said you would deliver, when you said it would be ready. In today's software business, video game software especially, this is becoming a rare occurance. Keep up the good work.... -tom w
  5. oops sorry that should say "Beta Patch " Doh!! Last Night Epee and I had a great battle using the newly released v1.1 patch. His internet connection went down, he admits he had a lost his connection to his ISP. (No problem it was WAY past my bedtime anyway) I was hosting and the game was autosaved with NO problem ! Perfect NO issues so far. Today I brought my Powerbook to work and attempted to host from a NEW IP. Again WOW, Charmed, it worked GREAT I sent him the NEW IP from work and he connected straight away. BUT, (here's the problem part) I thought it "might" not work because the v1.1 version of CM still thought (and reported) last night's home IP when I fired it up. Now I knew I was at my work IP so that's the one I gave Epee but a less technically svay user, may attempt to give out the IP that the game held and reported as the home IP I used last night, when attempting to carry on an Autosaved game from a new and different IP. Its no big deal really it work fine but the game reported to me my OLD IP that I had autosaved under and NOT the new IP that I needed to give Epee to connect while I was at work. ARR It was a close game I, as the French, vs. his Germans, thought I could eek out a draw at the end but he neutralized (with a stinking ONE man Hq in the open ABOUT to get MOWED down!) one of my newly held and recently hard earned MAJOR flags in the last minute of battle to earn a very Marginal victory. But it was a GREAT game. He is a Worthy opponent! -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-29-2000).] [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-29-2000).]
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Epée: ----TCP/IP is beautiful.---- Epée <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hi Epee We WILL finish our game I have it auto saved and I look forwrd to duking it out for the last 3 minutes it was a 20 minute quicky and we were at about turn 17 later today? -tom w YES TCP/IP is a THING of beauty "Its Mother Beautiful CODE! and its GONNA be there" [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-29-2000).]
  7. I was playing with epee and it WORKS GREAT thanks what a fun and FAST way to play! VERY cool! -tom w
  8. yup Blah , blah blah, bhlalb blahblahbha bhal, blah,blah bhal MORE TUNGSTEN, blah blah WHAT!?? Only half a squad in a yank halftrack? blah blah... (It was so good the first time it was worth repeating) Great Work Charles! I'm sure it was a VERY fine Team effort, VERY cool! Now we all can't wait to download it! Will see it tonight? -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-29-2000).]
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by russellmz: hey, aka, what did you use to take those pics? they REALLY are crisp and clear. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'm on a MAC G3 PowerBook Don't ask about the video card, The System Profiler just says there are 8 megs of built in V-Ram on board, that it, I suspect ATI has something to do with it. I did a "command shift 3" and did a screen grab, my monitor is an LCD display and it is set to millions of colours (24 bit) 1024x768. I opened the .pic (pict) file the screen grab generated, in Adobe Image Ready and then "saved optimized as" for the web, a jpeg ( .jpg) file that was set to high quality at 60%, at the same time it turned the file into .html web page. Took about 5 minutes. Then I struggled here for about 45 minutes, (until you bailed me out THANKS! ) to try to post them here. Is there anything else you are interested in? I'm not sure they look any crisper than anyone elses screen shots? But thanks anyway -tom w
  10. WOW thanks Russell can you post achen2 is the best one I think -tom w
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by russellmz: gotta watch those 'enter's/carriage returns/returns dude <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thanks Russell! I do feel like a bit of a DOLT! I was trying in VAIN to post my screen shots to this thread, but I guess the links will do. -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-28-2000).]
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GriffinCheng+: Sorry Tom, but broken link here. Griffin. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> yup working on it now
  13. try this HREF="" TARGET=_blank> does your game look like this? It could I really like this interface. Sorry Still can't figure out how to post a pick There are several screen shots they are:]]]]]] -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-28-2000).] [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-28-2000).] [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-28-2000).] [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-28-2000).] [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-28-2000).] [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-28-2000).] [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-28-2000).]
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: Hi guys, We are trying to figure out what has caused our server to lock up last night and tonight. We think it has to do with UBB and the size of this forum, but at the present time have not been able to establish the cause (if any). So keep that in mind if you try visit Battlefront.com and get no response. It means that there are a lot of phonecalls and frantic whacking of keys going on behind the scenes Steve<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thanks for the update I'm sure you may well fear a repeat of "The Night of the Refresh Monkeys" as we are all looking for the v1.1 patch. Perhaps tonight is not the best time to post it? I say this to be honest, BUT, like EVERYONE else here, I CAN'T wait! -tom w
  15. I remember the night of the refresh monkeys...... Based on what we all learned that night I would not be surprised to see the latest v1.1 TCP/IP patch posted LATE, LATE, tonight like 4:00 - 5:00 am in the morning so as to avoid the ftp server being OVERWHELEMD by folks in the America's that are acting like refresh monkey RIGHT NOW waiting for the patch to show up before bed time. Check in tomorrow, if I were BTS I would post the thing in Stealth in the EARLY morning after all the Refresh Monkeys have gone to bed. didn't they ever tell you? Santa Claus WON'T come until AFTER you go to sleep. Stay Up all night and Santa will NEVER come -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-28-2000).]
  16. WOW This is Cool 3D with nice curve edges and shadows! Excellent! Beautiful textures. nice Gun Metal Look VERY cool Eye candy interface. BTS should hire this guy This interface design work is truly of professional quality and could easily be found in a game title one might buy in a fancy box on a self in a video game store. Its WAY cool! check it out! -tom w
  17. Multi player Age of Empires on a FAST network is fun. It is RTS but it is still fun. Its good for up to 8 players and I like AoE almost as much as CM. -tom w
  18. no it can work it helps if one of you is a computer geek the file will work file if it is zipped e-mail file attachments can be tricky across mac and Pc across the internet at the BEST of times. IF the Mac guys uses Zippit and zips the attachments you will be fine if the Mac guy uses Outlook by the B Gates Company as the e-mail sender you will likely be fine. any other suggestions? anyone? it will work and it does work but one of you needs to be technically savy enough to identify the problem and figure out if zipping or stuffing or compressing the file for attachment purposes is the answer. -tom w
  19. Wow!! Nice Rant Mr. Strapps! Spoken like a true Canadian. Not to mention that our election happened yesterday. Its OVER now, we know exactly who will govern and exactly what kind of majority they will have. We like Canada, and will be happy to share our knoweledge of our country, with those who care to ask and or listen. -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-28-2000).]
  20. All of us Canadians who have already spent that outrageous $85.00 CND didn't get HALF the value you will get if you order now. I preordered the game and waited months for it to be finished and finally shipped in July 2000. NOW that same $85.00 buys you (as of today hopefully) 5, (count'em FIVE!) upgrades, AND the NOW, huge, TCP/IP Multiplayer v1.1 Patch. Perfect! now that $85.00 representes EXCEPTIONAL video game value, because this game just gets better and better! NOW if you ever want to see the Eastern Front game CM2, spend the $85.00 and support the BTS efforts to bring CM2 to us. so just buy the Damn game and quit your bitchin' -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-28-2000).]
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt: I am not sure I see the point in a TCP/IP match forum. Since most people have dynamic IP's it's not like you can leave your game running waiting for someone to join. I think a better use of resources is to compile a list of people, get their ICQ numbers and either instant message them when you want to play a game or hang out on the CMHQ Chat area waiting for someone to pop in. Madmatt [This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 11-27-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> THe CMHQ chat area, of (in our Dreams) GameRanger for the Mac sound like good bets. The thing about the CMHQ chat area is that it will be instantaneous and active with people on it who are there looking for TCP/IP games if MadMatt choose to let it serve that specific purpose. A chat area that has previsouly been established (Like MadMatt's) sounds like a good bet. Then again you can Plan TCP/IP matches ahead of time in This forum or by private e-mail or ICQ. It should be VERY easy really, I don't think any new service or forum needs to be set up to accomodate the "I want to play CM via TCP/IP right now! " crowd. Now .... "Where's that Damn v1.1 Patch!!" (posted in good humour of course) -tom w
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