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Everything posted by aka_tom_w

  1. That looks good !! congrats to BFC on the %90 rating! -tom w
  2. I'll say this again, 'cos I found it quite amusing... one Intel rep referred to a 2.4GHz Pentium4 as an "old basic PC" when demoing their new 3.4GHz processor... so if you have those old-fashioned basic Pc's lying around, I'll be happy to take them off your hands at no charge.</font>
  3. "The cool thing is that some of the stuff we are planning, such as a new Editor, will probably not take much more time than the original one yet the end result should be 10 times easier to use, powerful, and supportive of other concepts which the current Editor can not support easily." OK then! that is GREAT news in and of itself! We are of course hopeing to see a MUCH more user friendly interface and if I may say so I hope Deanco is heavily involved in the interface design to make it a little prettier and MUCH more user friendly Thanks Steve! Great post 2 years seems like a LONG time to wait for the NEXT big thing! I'm still predicting we won't actually get to play it until May/June/July 2005. The question then is, how FAST or capable will the "average consumer level" computer be at that time? I suspect it will be FAST, maybe a minimum CPU speed of 1 gHz with a minimum 32 megs of V-RAM? So the game "should" look STUNNING! Now the obvious question is which theatre of operations do we get to play in? And my answer is of course, ALL OF THEM!!! (Except the PTO of course) Just a little hint there -tom w [ December 12, 2002, 02:04 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  4. I just played one where there were no extra turns. It was a PBEM and I won, there were only three flags and I held two and my opponent one, the central flag was mine, and there was no way he would be getting it and the AI just said FINE! Its over, and we did not get even one extra turn. -tom w
  5. *Served 17 years in Navy SpecOps (EOD) OK then! On that point alone it sounds like he is very qualified to comment on small arms tactics to me :confused: NO? -tom w
  6. Good Lord, what are you going to admit to next? Exchanging psychic messages with Eichmann?</font>
  7. I think they have said absolutely NO to the Pacific theatre (PTO) at least dozen times now. Like NO, No Way, and NO, we are not interested in it at all. So.... BFC + PTO = NO -tom w [ December 10, 2002, 11:07 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  8. ROTFLMAO!! Steve! your sense of humour is amongst the very finest on this forum. I know there are some truly talented comedian's on this board and the head honcho is surely one of the funniest!! Lewis is still reading this board he e-mails me sometime when he wants to post something -tom w
  9. Steve says "However, unlike a command level game, the player would still be just as involved in the game as right now. No sitting back and watching 10 turns without interaction. That is not something we want to make. We'd be out of business soon after if we did " Yeah but as it is now players can set up a head to head TCP/IP match with the 1 min timer and sit back and watch. So given all the new features you gotta know someone will attempt to prevert your new system so they can sit back and watch the action unfold. The problem now is that you cannot set the timer in a game against the AI. NOW if you could set the timer to 1 min or better yet, O min in the new CMII to use it against the AI then you could "sort of" play AI vs AI by setting up all the orders on the first move and let it play out minute by minute against the AI and sit back and watch Just for fun mind you -tom w [ December 10, 2002, 09:13 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  10. I think that is still a good idea... Flags invisible to the player(s) -tom w
  11. I hope they stick with the one minute turns, lets just trust the Strat AI to work out the details and make battle plan and stick with it. I know we are just dreaming here and this concept of AI vs AI seems a LONG way away from other cool idea's like Multi-multi player and task forces and other strategic AI considerations.(Not to mention important "real" features like Relative Spotting and full movie playback). But is is fun to theorize since they have not really started to build any new code yet (at least not that I know of....) -tom w [ December 10, 2002, 11:27 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  12. OK!! that is COOL That is a great Idea I really like the idea that two players might program the their own AI, then hit go and watch the battle unfold as the Strat AI dukes it out with the Strat AI This is "sort of" possible now in a TCP/IP game set to one minute if both players program out ALL the moves and then sit back and watch both sides attempt to auto excute the moves. I have done once in CMBO (But it would be even more fun in CMBB with new commands and cover arcs !) and it is sort of fun to watch, every minute (timer set to one minute) a new turn starts and without any new orders both sides try to do what they were prgramed to do on the opening move. (both players, (playing head to head over a network), agree to set out ALL their moves on the first turn and do nothing thereafter, there is NO Strat AI (not really) and the TAC AI is left to fend for it self after first contact, it was a curious thing to watch, we only ever did it once) BUT if the Strat AI could play the Strat AI and both players could program SOP's and sit back and watch the battle movie. And and, get this....WITH a FULL movie uninterupted playback feature (its on "the list" last time I checked) after the computers spend all night crunching the game (no player intervention), the players could watch the WHOLE thing like a Movie in the morning!!!! Now that would be facsinating! SO what are you waiting for BFC boys????? GET TO WORK!!!! -tom w [ December 10, 2002, 11:32 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  13. That sounds GREAT! Thanks for the update it sounds like a bright future for sure!!! -tom w
  14. 2 to 4 weeks for a BOOK? Are they looking for some capitalist propaganda there? I don't live in Canada, but how it could hapen in a democratic country in 21 century??? Straif P.S. Additionally, I am bumping information about this manual, buy it - use it </font>
  15. I fear that outcome is in my (near) future as well. "I have played CMBB alot less than I used to run CMBO because I have a fast X capable Mac" :confused: -tom w
  16. Thanks Steve Interesting reading I am looking forward to your next post in this thread !1 -tom w
  17. Thanks for the comments The mac issue will increasingly become more problematic. I'm sure I am not the only one here will be forced to use OSX exclusively in within the next 6-8 months. My Mac Powerbook at work will be replaced within the next 6-8 months and I will get a shinny new Powerbook. Well if thats the good news, the bad news is Anything Apple sells after Jan 03 WON'T boot into OS 9 and CMBO and CMBB won't run in OSX or Classic on OSX. SO My Mac at home is too OLD and crappy to run CMBB and the Powerbook will have to returned (its on lease) and swapped for a new OSX based laptop and then things will get ugly. yeah yeah, I know I know, that's NOT their problem. They build games and MOST folks use PC's and most "other" folks can still run OS 9 on their Macs. OK, But a few of us are posting in this forum saying, Hey! this OSX thing is really going to bite us in the butt soon enough. So I am officially joining that chorus. I guess the only solution is, of course, to save up and buy a (newer) used OS 9 Mac at some point after all the OSX only units are released. I would guess for me that will mean sometime next summer. -tom w [ December 09, 2002, 02:20 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  18. I ordered one! Many Thanks!! -tom w [ December 09, 2002, 02:21 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  19. Your words are being read here by the author of that USA article, he posts in this thread: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=23;t=004088;p=3 Peter Svensson Member Member # 5492 posted December 06, 2002 03:22 PM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ quote: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Originally posted by WineCape: That above article was reviewed by Peter Svennson. Isn't he a member of this board? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yes, but it's been a while since I contributed. Of course, I had to check out the reaction to the review!
  20. Hi jw Perhaps when you are ready for testing Elvis and I would be happy to give it a go to see how it "feels". thanks We will try schoolhouse for now -tom w [ December 09, 2002, 09:54 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  21. I am interested in finding and playing (my opponent is awaiting my set up file) a really GOOD, fair, well balanced, scenario.. I am wondering if anyone could take a moment and suggest a scenario in the 2000-3000 point range that they have enjoyed. I would like to play the Germans and am looking forward to a chance to command Elephants (and some other German armour ) I really don't want to play in snow (too hard to see elevation) so I am looking for a non-snow balanced scenario (historical is better than fictional for education value) that has the germans with armour and with Elephants? AND the Russians have a fair shot at winning the scenario any suggestions? Thanks in advance -tom w
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