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Everything posted by BFCElvis

  1. Well now. This is what I get for feeling like I had an ok turn.......This guy just showed up between my infantry and his infantry at Berliner Weisse
  2. Yo Mace!!! Use the 2.10 patch link. The download is the exact same file as the Rome to Victory download. Heck, if you already have CMFI patched to 2.10 you don't even need a download. Just use the Activate New Products utility and enter the Rome key. Here's the patch link though: https://battlefront.sharefile.com/share/view/s54117f0d2e84b09b/foe5280b-7f5f-4c6b-a88f-d43cff14ca96
  3. I guess I am having a tiny bit of success around Berliner Weisse. The first kill in the shot that I posted yesterday is from there. He has at least 4 infantry units in the buildings there. It may be hard to see in the picture but I was able to cause another casualty or 2 and suppress all 4 of them. Not a huge deal but something positive for me to hang onto. I gotta get my armor up there and take out those Mark IVs. That will give me some freedom of movement.
  4. OK. We got 3 turns in this morning. I may hold off a tad in posting them to give him a chance to catch up. If I posted them now I'd be 5 turns ahead and that's probably too far.
  5. How are Ithikail_AU and I doing with the timing of our updates? Are we pretty close to posting about the same part of the battle as the other? I played 3 turns this morning that I haven't posted about but at the end of the day yesterday my posts were "up to the minute" and I'd like ot avoid getting too far ahead of him...if I am.
  6. Yeah. There was a part of me that was really upset. And there was a part of me that thought "dang, that sucked. But I have a battalion and now I know where the trouble is." The latter is all I can really hold onto.
  7. Ouch! A couple of men who were caught in the open when I first came upon the tanks at Berliner Weisse won't be making it home. And then to make it worse one of the Mark IVs has a LOF at the building that the guys who weren't hurt holed up in. That'll leave a mark. Enough of this. The tanks are loaded up and pulling out. Time to get up there and provide some armor support. I can get my tanks out from where they are without exposing them to "The Intersection of Death" I'm starting to feel the need for speed. We're not even 10 minutes into this battle and I can't help but think that he is pouring troops into the Berliner Weisse area. I want to get 3rd platoon/4th Company to the buildings overlooking the park but I can't do it while those tanks are right there. I gotta getrid of those things and I think a couple of SU-85s are the right tool for the job.
  8. Zarudin got lucky. He was able to back away to safety. That intersection must be dealt with. I haven't had a hard spot in a while but tanks are still firing from the end of the street and I have sound contacts. Right now it is inconvenient but I have to prepare for when it may be a big problem. With that in mind I am calling in some smoke to provide some protection. It will take 6 minutes to arrive. If I find that I need to get to (or past) that intersection sooner I have 2 Shermans that can lay down some smoke.
  9. As some of you know, we have been doing work for the British Ministry of Defense. They've been very happy with the experience and created this video that they are sharing with the public. They've given us the OK to share it as well. It's pretty cool. Dstl MoD Video
  10. Snipers, yes. If you mean seperate machine guns above the SMGs, there are no MG units in a SMG platoon in a rifle company.
  11. The are 60m and 100m fausts. Sometimes you get one of each, sometimes 2 60m, sometimes 2 100m. Right now they are limited to teams. Could that change? Maybe. Before replying I checked and it looks like they are available at all times and in all regions (Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and Germany). They are units added for the module....so they'll only be available with the module.
  12. Man o man do I hope you're wrong about your "love" of these buildings. I've already screwed up 2 very small things....I don't need to add to that.
  13. Based on your feedback I am making an attempt to frame the shots differently when it's possible.
  14. Here’s the bigger picture as it is right now. The SMG Company is in position. I’ve decided that I definitely want to hold them back and maybe get a chance to hurt him with some up close SMG action. The row of buildings that I’ve chosen allows them to fire at close range and not be exposed to tank fire unless he brings some tanks right on top of me. The only thing I’m still debating with them is whether or not to give the hide/covered arc orders or not. I probably will next turn. (SMG Company circled in red) I’ve circled the AT guns in blue because I didn’t point them out before. 5th Company is circled in green to get a perspective on where they are in relation to everyone else.
  15. Looks like things are heating up fast. The first thing I want to do is pull back Yakimenko’s Sherman. Zarudin now commands the tank and he isn’t nearly the leader that Yakimenko was. As 4th Company approaches Berliner Weisse it’s time to get 5th Company there as well. I also want to get some armor in that area. As I mentioned above I didn’t feel comfortable moving mounted troops into an unknown area. But I feel confident enough in the area that 4th Company has secured to mount up what I can on half a dozen AFVs and get them moving.
  16. It seems that it Ithikiak_AU is moving much more quickly than I am. He has been spotted at Berliner Weisse. I see a truck. Perhaps he has moved these troops mounted to get there so fast. I hesitate to go through areas that are not protected mounted but I suppose, in a meeting engagement like this, it was probably reasonable for him to think it was safe. It looks like 1 truck and 2 tanks. At the very end of the last turn (by very end I mean I couldn’t get a screenshot showing it with 1 second…which is why the screenshot that I used had DONE written in the middle).
  17. I have taken my first casualty. Deciding to see if I can get some armor in a position to take shots at the spotted German forces I have ordered Comrade Yakimenko to take his M4A2(76)W to the intersection with a view to what are now only sound contacts. On his way there the Germans are using area fire on the building at the end of the street that they are firing down. The building was empty and we took no causalities. The Sherman arrives at the end of that street and takes a hit from an unseen force. We have a pretty good idea that it came from one of the previously spotted tanks. This hit took the life of Comrade Yakimenko. It also caused minor damage to the Sherman.
  18. Yeah. They were added fairly recently. I've got a bad case of the sadz that I didn't remember them when purchasing. Without them my only real AT assets are my tanks. I also have 2 47mm AT guns and if I luck into having Sappers close enough to throw some demo charges. Finding a place in the set up area where the AT guns would be useful wasn't easy. Another hindsight is I should have started them limbered and quickly moved them to better spots. Living with a lot of regrets this morning. Hopefully none of them are catastrophic mistakes. They shouldn't be.
  19. I am assembling a lot of screenshots that I'll be putting up today. But first I want to put up one showing what may be my biggest mistake in the game. I did NOT purchase any of these units.......
  20. I am starting to rethink what I should do with the SMG Company and the Sappers. Right now I am considering lining the SMG Company in these building and laying in wait for his arrival. If I do that I'll also issue hide and covered arc issues hoping to catch him at short range. I'd also want to pull the Sappers back because I don't want them getting tangled up in a mess like that. I'd also bring one of those OT-34s nearby. I'd be a little ascared of faust and shrecks though. Because of the time difference with Ithikial_AU and I there is time to mull this over before I have to decide.
  21. Then this guy shows up. He disappeared from my LOS by the time the turn ended as well. He is rolling with the units that I spotted.
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