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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by BFCElvis

  1. Before installing the 2.11 patch make sure that you have the 2.10 patch installed. The 2.10 patch is not installed when the 2.11 patch is installed.
  2. That's it. It's time to take some decisive action. I have earlier moved the SMG Platoon from 6th Company to take cover the area where the SMG Company got smoked. I am not going to commit the other 2 platoons to move on Berliner Weisse. I am thinking that if they make it up there intact I'm going to get all human wave on Berliner Weisse. I've got plenty of time to rethink that idea but that's what's going through my mind right now. One of the Sapper teams is back up that way and without that pest to harass them they can get to work trying to retrieve some demo charges fro their fallen brothers.
  3. Back down by Jagermeister things aren't quite as rosey. @Aragorn2002's SPW 251/21 is proving to be a pain in more ways than on. In ONE shot it completely eliminated a Maxim MG team. Also, related to the SPW 251/21 I tried to move an AT Rifle team into position to take it out and one of the guys in the team got hit. Wanna guess which one?
  4. That nagging guy in the screenshot above, the one who'd scrounged an MG42 and faust and been a torn in my side is finally chased away.
  5. Dude, you're the benchmark. I'm glad it's what you'd hoped for.
  6. Thanks but that was actually it was @ChrisND who did that. I just used copy/paste.
  7. I know that I am WWWAAAAAAYYYY behind. The last week has been non-stop nuts. I promise to get caught up this weekend.
  8. I worked on double checking the indirect fire voices and they were good the other day..so, yes....they better be.
  9. Yes, it does compress better and smaller. Size matters. Both for the end user to download (both speed and if they have metered bandwidth) and server storage on our end. As the guy who runs the Help Desk, and has to explain to some people what a RAR file is and how to extract it from time to time, you can bet I've campaigned with HQ about using ZIP instead. They are battles that I have yet to win.
  10. I'm pretty sure that it doesn't matter which player converts the PBEM. I've never once thought about whether I should be the one converting a file or if my tormentor should be the one to convert it.
  11. May have just been that one situation. Because it was addressed for the patch I can confirm that it has changed from the last build. I set up a test scenario just to see if there was anything obvious. The Gill teams took out 9 out of 10 tanks in 1 minute. They used a total of 18 rounds. I didn't look closely enough to see if some teams fired at the same tank at the same time or anything like that. I just pressed the red button and looked at the results after a minute. I'll attach my little test scenario but unless you see a pattern of it I'd think their accuracy has been improved. Gill Test.btt
  12. Yes, open the PBEM file in 2.10. During the plot phase save the game. Close CMFI completely and apply the patch. Then load the saved game and finish your email turn. Your opponent will need the patch installed to play the turn that you send them.
  13. IMPORTANT: This patch is only for players using Game Engine 4 Here's a direct link: https://battlefront.sharefile.com/share/view/s6683102efac4c2f8/fobea044-28cf-47a8-a204-b579a8485162 Patch notes: ******************************** v2.13 PATCH NOTES ******************************** AI * Soldiers are more likely to hold their ground and shelter in place when suppressed in defensible terrain (building, hedgerow, etc), rather than engage in evasive behavior ART AND MODELS * Corrected visual glitches for BRDM-2 BUG FIXES * FIXED: Soldiers on upper building floors would inappropriately react to suppression from enemy fire * FIXED: Infantry under fire seek cover in the direction of the fire (further adjustments from last patch) * FIXED: Stugna-P had incorrect name ("Skif" is the name of the export model)
  14. IMPORTANT: This patch is only for players using Game Engine 4 Here is a direct link: https://battlefront.sharefile.com/share/view/s5f1063804da4632b/fo3da7e1-e496-45bd-91c1-9474d1dbe5b7 Patch notes: ******************************** v2.03 PATCH NOTES ******************************** AI * Soldiers are more likely to hold their ground and shelter in place when suppressed in defensible terrain (building, hedgerow, etc), rather than engage in evasive behavior ART AND MODELS * Fixed some visual glitches on the M3A1 halftrack and M8 HMC BUG FIXES * FIXED: Soldiers on upper building floors would inappropriately react to suppression from enemy fire * FIXED: Infantry under fire seek cover in the direction of the fire (further adjustments from last patch) * FIXED: Incorrect soldier entrance point location on an independent building
  15. IMPORTANT: This patch is only for players using the Game Engine 4 version of CMFI. The 2.10 patch must be installed before applying the 2.11 patch. Here is a direct link to the patch: https://battlefront.sharefile.com/share/view/s54117f0d2e84b09b/foe5280b-7f5f-4c6b-a88f-d43cff14ca96 Patch notes: ******************************** v2.11 PATCH NOTES ******************************** AI * Soldiers are more likely to hold their ground and shelter in place when suppressed in defensible terrain (building, hedgerow, etc), rather than engage in evasive behavior TO&E AND FORMATIONS * M24 Chaffee is now available in Quick Battles beginning February 1945 by purchasing the Light Tank Company * StuH 42 is now available at all proper times as an independent vehicle purchase * French soldiers now have a chance to carry the M1892 revolver or M1935A pistol instead of the M1911 * Fixed some discrepencies in appearence options for German troops * Adjustments to the crew counts of the Stuart V Recce and Sherman Kangaroo * Removed vehicles that were available for Quick Battle purchase in Infantry Only battles * Found the missing British and Polish motor infantry battalion command staff: the officers had gotten lost again * Fixed missing Firefly crews from Canadian and Polish battalions with 5 troops ART AND MODELS * Corrected placement of French rifle grenade * Corrected the size of the following weapons: M1917 rifle, Carcano rifle, FN 24/29 LMG * Corrected some visual glitches for the M5, M5A1, and M9A1 halftracks * Marder II gunner is now facing the proper direction: forward! * Fixed Sikh greatcoat texture mapping to face INTERFACE * Added some missing UI elements for nations introduced in Rome to Victory AUDIO * Resolved issues with voices for nationalities introduced in Rome to Victory. BUG FIXES * FIXED: Soldiers on upper building floors would inappropriately react to suppression from enemy fire * FIXED: Infantry under fire seek cover in the direction of the fire * FIXED: Under certain circumstances, building debris would float above the ground * FIXED: In certain situations, French soldier helmets would disappear when viewed from a great distance * FIXED: T32 infantry gun's projectile and tracer appearing from wrong location (not the barrel)
  16. Here is a direct link to the patch: https://battlefront.sharefile.com/share/view/s1a0dbf4e9524f2e9/fo4e72e0-a1b7-4d2d-90e6-bd339ae01890 Patch notes: ******************************** v4.03 PATCH NOTES ******************************** AI * Soldiers are more likely to hold their ground and shelter in place when suppressed in defensible terrain (building, hedgerow, etc), rather than engage in evasive behavior TO&E AND FORMATIONS * Fixed missing Firefly crews from Canadian and Polish battalions with 5 troops ART AND MODELS * Replaced some weapon 2D textures and/or 3D models with improved versions ported from Combat Mission: Final Blitzkrieg BUG FIXES * FIXED: Soldiers on upper building floors would inappropriately react to suppression from enemy fire * FIXED: Infantry under fire seek cover in the direction of the fire (further adjustments from last patch) * FIXED: Infantry pathing bug caused by adjusting a distant waypoint * FIXED: High Explosive shells needed to be less effective when impacting in soft terrain (such as mud)
  17. Here is a direct link to the page: https://battlefront.sharefile.com/share/view/sdba62989f8b4efdb/fo1acf54-2f50-49ab-9b2d-21aaa0ba764d Patch notes: ******************************** v2.03 PATCH NOTES ******************************** AI * Soldiers are more likely to hold their ground and shelter in place when suppressed in defensible terrain (building, hedgerow, etc), rather than engage in evasive behavior CAMPAIGNS AND SCENARIOS * Updated the CMSF2 versions of German, Canadian, and Dutch campaigns (campaign names: Die Kunst der Krieges, Back on Tracks, and The Khabour Trail). Current saves of the CMSF1 legacy campaigns CANNOT be updated from these files: you will have to start from the beginning to play the updated versions * Updated USMC Semper Fi campaign. Fixed missing 60 mm mortars, reinforcement issues with the mission "Flirting with Disaster", and inaccurate briefing graphics for the mission "Highway Two". This campaign can be updated using the "Updating Campaign" instructions above TO&E AND FORMATIONS * Syrian PKM crews carry more ammunition * Dutch infantry and dismounts carry more small radios ART AND MODELS * Fixed visual glitches on the following vehicles: M1114 Humvee, M1152 Humvee, BMP-1, G Wagon, ZU-23 Technical * T-72M (early) has had stereo rangefinder added, and side skirts removed * Fixed UI errors on the German GMG grenade launcher INTERFACE * Added some missing USMC and Syrian UI elements * Corrected translation errors in UI text within Editor BUG FIXES * FIXED: Soldiers on upper building floors would inappropriately react to suppression from enemy fire * FIXED: Infantry under fire seek cover in the direction of the fire (further adjustments from last patch) * FIXED: CV9035 was using airburst ammunition setting against inappropriate targets, such as bunkers * FIXED: Gill ATGM had an abnormally high miss rate against targets in ideal conditions
  18. From the readme file: "* FIXED: Gill ATGM had an abnormally high miss rate against targets in ideal conditions"
  19. Normally a patch won't kill an existing game. Before adding the patch save the game in the plot phase. Then apply the patch and opened the saved game.
  20. The full installers with the new patches are being uploaded now. But, yes, they will be included in the "all-in-one" installers
  21. We've just released new patches for the following games: Combat Mission: Battle for Normandy Combat Mission: Black Sea Combat Mission: Shock Force 2 Combat Mission: Fortress Italy Combat Mission: Final Blitzkrieg The patch for Red Thunder will come out with the release of the Fire and Rubble module. The fixes for each game vary. Most are minor bug fixes and TO&E fixes. The one fix that they are share is that infantry is less likely to leave good cover when under fire. Infantry will not rout toward known enemy units.
  22. I did seriously think that there might be some kind of inside joke thing going on. It is the same question that has been asked on this forum for 20 years and it has been the exact same answer for the past 20 years. It has never changed....ever. Why does anyone think that answer might be different now? And it isn't because we want to withhold something. It's for exactly the reasons that you describe.
  23. Yes.Yes they do. And I won't add to that. As far as I'm concerned it's on schedule for a summer release. But I thought that with Rome to Victory last year and it came out in November. How's that? Does that answer the question?
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