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Everything posted by Mace

  1. Those words must be considered terms of endearment because the missus says this to me all the time, and she is really quite fond of me. Mace
  2. OI! I'm the enlightened, ancient Aussie around here....I'll be asking the questions thank you very much. Mace PS it has to be the thirst...because that is what drives us to drink. See? A hard earnt thirst deserves a big cold beer, but I drink to get p*ssed
  3. Ommm Ommmm Ommmm OI! The true path to top aussieness is through drunkeness. Of those here, only a few have ever achieved this level of down under enlighteness. To those just starting down this path, as Ancient Aussie let me impart my wisdom to you: Why do you have to spit after a good chunder? Now go away the bloody lot of you, and don't come back until you reach that level of uncouthness that is Australian. Mace PS the carlton cold isn't a bad drop.
  4. The initial action at Azrew harbor was against the Vichy French IIRC? If so, given that the Vichy French aren't modelled in CMAK I guess as far as game TOEs are concerned, the Rangers are available in game only from early 1943. Mace PS shame the Vichy Forces never made it in game. A few scenarios based on the Syrian campaign (Australians and Free French vs Vichy French) would have been interesting.
  5. Not really. ....Seanachai in boxers or briefs? EWUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! *shudders* Mace
  6. Hmmmm, there may very well be a hidden message in this? If you're saying what I think you're saying: Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you You look like a monkey and you are one too! Mace
  7. Pfffft. I took that about 2 months ago! :mad: :mad: Recycled joke = old news! Mace
  8. It's 1/35 scale. btw Dalem nice bit of scratchbuilding there! I takes me hat off tew ya! *well I would if I wore one* PS does free beer come with this new title of mine? Mace [ November 18, 2004, 12:39 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  9. And here's to you, mate! May your chooks turn into Emus, and kick down your dunny door! Mace
  10. Seanachai, you're fail in the Zen of the Aussie language! The correct saying is of course 'You lot couldn't organize a piss up in a brewery'. Mace
  11. Sans the Brit Pop Group, I've been to parties like that. The 'art form' is the chundering that occurs at the end. Ahhh, good times. Mace
  12. Daft git, It's a Combie! Which is just as well because 'Traveling in a fried-out VW Microbus, otherwise known as a Drunken Hippo' makes for crappy lyrics. Mace
  13. The 'combie' van: A fried-out combie is one that's well past it's use by date. Mace
  14. Nah. The weather's getting warmer so we've been spending more time down at the pub. Mace
  15. The ol' Wildcat huh? You're so looking forward to a flyable Brewster Buffalo then, aren't you? Mace PS Try a Beaufighter or A20G for ground attack fun!
  16. Even further down, there is no snow, and the stores are well stocked with beer, beer, beer and beer. Everything else is secondary. Mace
  17. It's Telstra Bigpond. What I do like is the poor Indian fellow on the help desk: Me: 'Hi, Can you tell me if the network is down?' Help Desk: 'We can be seeing no problem with the network' Me: 'Um, OK. Well I think the network is down because the LED's for the cable side are out' Help Desk: 'Do you be having the firewall' Me: 'Err. Yes I do. However the problem's not with the communication between PC and modem, but rather the modem to ISP server' Help Desk: 'I be thinking it might be a problem with the firewall' Me: 'Did I mention that the light's are out on the CABLE side of the modem' Help Desk: *pause* 'Have you been checking the cable from the modem to wall point?' Me: 'Yes' Help Desk: 'I can be telling a technician to visit and be looking at your PC' Me: 'Never mind. I'll wait for the network to come back up' *hangs up* :mad: Mace
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