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Everything posted by Mace

  1. Sorry, but the image of both I and Mace on our knees, kissing each other's hands is just...wrong, somehow.</font>
  2. Did it really take you all that time to write, in crayon no less, 'THEY DIDINT HAF ANY PLANES'? :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Mace
  3. Hang on a minute, WE may just be a Royal Figurehead, but WE still have to sign the document to enact your temporary position. So....You can kiss OUR ring first. KING MACE
  4. Here's my map of Florida. Wanna see it point towards Bermuda? Michael </font>
  5. It's Boo's little Tasmania.....WE always thought he was a bit of a girley. Mace
  6. Yes, yes, whatever! *shows disinterest by brushing off some imaginary lint from the Royal Garment* Enjoy your gruel. KING MACE [ April 12, 2004, 01:46 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  7. Ahhh Prime Minister Kitty, once again you're shown to consider nothing but the best for our fine cesspoolers. WE'll be thinking of them with some jealousy when WE tuck into our main course of Cog en vin, and finish off with a lousy Creme Brulet for dessert. KING (URRRRRRRRP) MACE
  8. That may be true, but a bloody fine looking figurehead WE make. *strikes a royal pose* Yes yes WE know. *nonchallantly waves hand* ..busy posing though! *strikes another pose* KING (LOOKING GOOD) MACE
  9. And here WE were thinking you fetched OUR slippers for the love of Mace. *leans over and starts poking* *poke* As for tyranny? WE are a fair *poke* ruler, a just *poke* ruler, and WE think you should now reflect this during your *poke poke poke* 20 day stay in the stocks. GUARDS!!! KING MACE PS this report just in. Noba achieved a minor victory with his gamey AFV purchases, but just. He didn't expect my uber-jedi-german infantry to cloud his mind (extremely easy task), sneak unobserved to the main victory flag and hunker down while he drove the AFVs hither and yon everywhere else.
  10. We'll, it's really something WE don't like to talk about...but it did involve heavy objects being dropped on a certain cesspooler's head from some height. KING MACE [ April 10, 2004, 10:35 PM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  11. Heat Death of the universe? That's entropy ya nong, not famine! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  12. Hmmmm. Good point, Smope, maybe the song Axegrinder may be more appropriate! Mace
  13. For Axe: You can't take me anywhere, I'll strip down to my underwear If you give me half a chance. Hippy-freelove, outtasight! I'm gonna turn off every light And hold a private dance. It started out one afternoon, Hot sake in my living room Among some special friends. Soon some others dropped around and We all started getting down, well, You know how these things end! You may call it a Hoodoo Guru's lyric, but I prefer to call it psychological warfare! *strips down to his undies* Mace
  14. Well of course (the royal) WE do deliver less! If cesspoolers started expecting more of His Royal Highness, We would have to try harder now, wouldn't WE? And Berli forgive, that would involve some form of work. *shudders* Now excuse me, my five course meal has just been delivered, and the stenographers are ready to hand feed me. KING (your taxes not at work) MACE
  15. We're so glad you cleared that up for the rest of us. KING MACE
  16. Nah, WE would prefer a safari suit with shorts, steel capped boots, and socks that go up to OUR knees. Mace
  17. Well, since you are a SSN WE guess some of our lower ranks (and WE do mean rank) would oblige you with a game. Anyone here care to oblige? Hmmm, WE ...*just wipes a bit of grease from the suckling pig the King just disposed of*... URP!... Scusey... think WE have room for a bit more. *reaches over to take a nut from the packet* KING (IT'S GOOD TO BE DA KING) MACE
  18. We'll tell the PM that the King does not go to to the Prime Minister, but the Prime Minister goes to the King. Better yet, I'll tell her. *yells the 10 yards across the throne room to wear the Prime Minister is seated, holding government* <font size = 5> OI! PRIME MINISTER!!! SINCE YOU REALLY HOLD POWER YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO VISIT YOUR ROYAL HIGHNESS..NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND!!!</font> *notices a certain gesture from the other end of the hall* <font size = 5> OH YEH! SAME TO YOU! ...AND DON'T GIVE ME THE FINGER AGAIN! WHAT WILL EVERYONE THINK!</font> *another gesture* <font size = 5>I SAID DON'T GIVE ME THE FINGE....</font> *another gesture* <font size = 5>*sighs* NEVERMIND!</FONT> KING (NEVER GETS ANY RESPECT) MACE
  19. *Grue enters the royal thoneroom, then bows to the king* *RRRRRRRRRRRRRRIP* Sh*t! *sigh* Kingy, Prime Minister wants to see Kingy. Grue
  20. Correction, it's King Mace is an idiot and Prime Minister Kitty must have been drunk ! As a Justicar, you must realise that one must use correct terminology and observe proper procedures, otherwise one can't be Justicar can one? BTW, we have observed a certain crankiness lately. One must ask....are you losing..already? Regardless, carry one. This is good entertainment. KING MACE
  21. Gure haf tew wear more than one pair. Kingy give grue size 5, but Grue size 50 and leotards keep teari.... *RIP* .... bugger .... ing!!! Mace
  22. *enters Grue, in Royal leotards, dragging a halberd behind him* Grue hate this. Leotards give Grue perpetual wedgie *adjusts leotards around butt crack* but King say, 'Grue, Kingy want you to adopt Corporate Uniform. Can't have security without a good uniform'. *sigh* *picks up Lord Harmes, then crushes him with two large hands into a small ball about 2" in diameter, then disposes of him thoughtfully in a wastecan* Grue wonder who made him Lord? Kingy hasn't knighted anyone yet. Grue *adjusts leotards again*
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