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Posts posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. Good advice.

    Believe it or not neither this map nor Pooh were designed with any specific approach in mind. I just tried to recreate what I saw in the Google Earth and other sat photos. There are multiple ways to approach this one. Lately I have been having success pushing hard from the left but I have also pushed in the center and on the right and triumphed.

    It is interesting to see that the AI arty is being so responsive. Kind of warms the cockles of my heart, maybe lower, maybe the sub-cockles.

  2. One thing to remember about US arty in WWII was that prewar doctrine was driven by the fact that the US Army had to try to get the most out of really crappy guns. In order to get their old 75's to be even marginally effective they had to do creative things with fire patterns and fire control, ToT barrages and such, that they were able to carry on later when they got better guns.

  3. Muslim world (of which not all parts are as strict as Saudi Arabia)

    An interesting note about this. The company I work for deals with the private plane operated by Saudi Refining that they use to fly the princes and other high company and government officials about (if you can call a 767 a private plane). It is always stocked with a selection of fine wines and liquors and has a film selection that includes the latest porn. I'm just saying.

  4. Yes.

    What's really bad is that sometimes I kind of forget what I'm doing and don't recognize what plan the AI is using and end up outflanking myself. Even when I do remember I always end up springing nasty surprises on myself. So if you have trouble with this one, trust me, you are not alone.

  5. "Mission 10 Crossroads USMC campaign" is the official name. The Battle for Objective Pooh is in the briefing and is the one that everyone notices. I don't know if Crossroads ever appears outside the file name.

    When I release it as a stand alone I will change the name officially to Objective Pooh.

  6. There are no preplanned arty strikes in Pooh. Everything you see arty wise is the AI. Personally I hate preplanned barrages. As the designer you can either make them deadly accurate, which feels to me like cheating, or you can make them miss which I feel is a waste of assets that the AI might be able to use.

    In the 1.11 patch the AI is even better with his arty.

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