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Everything posted by MarkEzra

  1. Got the save, Zatochi, and Bug report posted...Thanks and thanks to all who posted
  2. Deploy...(page 63 in the manual) Some weapons teams need to be deployed before using a 105 RR rifle for Syrians would be an example. Heavy MG teams fire more accurately when deployed but can fire without deployment as well. The deployment button will be seen only when required. You will find it under "S" To load troops in APC's click on the troops, hover over the APC until you get this: Find user made scen here: www.CMMODS.com to answer your question...NO...The AI must have some kind of movement plan to move. If the AI plan is only to defend than you could just set them up and they will react to a human players attack. However the scen editor allows for multiple plans for both defense and attack so I SERIOUSLY doubt you will find a scen that doesn't have a plan. Welcome to the forum and enjoy CM:SF!
  3. Decisions, decisions and exactly how many casualties are worth this little **** hole town, LT? The nightmare of small unit command...
  4. Just tested WEGO three 6 man blue squads. Sent 2 sqds into larger size building. Both took up their position facing as ordered (toward enemy setup side) Next turn gave reverse facing order with normal movement no difficulty or running about trooper all in place stationary at end of turn. Watched 2 more turns without any movement activity (units were in spotting mode). The third 6 man sqd was sent to the smallest building available in the game. They set up on first turn, went to spotting mode and remained stationary. On 2nd turn I did a reverse facing order and got the unit moving from window to window in the manner described by poster and others. The unit continued to move for 2 more turn...no tiring noted. I'm not certain what any of this means except to ask if size of building triggers this graphic activity.
  5. I tried to re-create your problem without success. If you have a save file please send it. Arc fire command problem? What type of problem are you experiencing?
  6. Infantry support fire was toned down in 106 or 107..can't remember which. The multiple and rather finite testing performed in the scen Chance encounter, Javelin Teams are extremely important. They perform their task well and without taking potshots at infantry at long range. In Riesberg The RR teams are targeting tanks in an Infantry rich target zone. Their inf support seem to fire only when fired upon. That being noted and my general view of it seemly working OK, I have no problem with a Target armor only code. It would reinforce the players intent, if nothing else.
  7. Thank you! Kind words indeed. I look forward to your scen in CM:SF.
  8. No...This worked because the combination of Hide and Cover Arc works. As to trenches (or low walls, building, vehicles, ect): to spring an ambush the troops must be able to see. So if you decide to use Hide you will want to check LOS to insure they'll be able to see their target in the Cover Arc. As you may recall the "stance" of units in CM:SF have great effect on LOS. Troops that are hiding in a trench have almost no LOS. So hiding isn't a good tool. The trench itself is the hiding tool. In the case of trenches, walls, ect use the cover arc alone.
  9. You are entitled to your own opinion but not your own FACTS: 1st pic shows setup with hide command and Fire Arc 2nd pic shows spotting, while hiding and fire Arc 3rd pic shows spotting and firing The red circle shows missile in flight These pics were taken during WEGO play of ATGM Ambush scen ( a stock scen) To answer the posters question...This is how you set up an Ambush
  10. Glad you enjoyed it. Please keep in mind that there are 5 different plans for each side. What Blue did the first time...how they did it, when they did it is subject to change. It is also subject to the terrain... Regarding your comment about the impossibility of equally challenging and the responsiveness of the AI...I just simply disagree. All games have limitations of some kind or another. Scen designers like to push those limits...whatever they are...Of the Scen editors I am most familiar I like this one Best. I'm sure there is more that can...and WILL be done with the editor in future Modules, but for now I'm happy to have this fine tool to create with.
  11. Thanks...I've got an unpublished Blue on Blue that RhurRiver and I played as PBEM...called Twilight Zone...Yeah...based on the TV show...It's very small, rough and unfinished...Perhaps I'll do some re-working on it. Take a look at CMMODs for any all Blue...I can't recall one off the top of my head.
  12. Get it here: www.CMMODS.com [ March 06, 2008, 06:30 AM: Message edited by: MarkEzra ]
  13. Sometimes the scenes in CM:SF emote like those old grainy black and white pics of WW2
  14. Thanks for the save file and thanks for posting...BFC will be notified.
  15. In the US that Great Patriot and RightWing closet Queen, Matt Drudge...picked it up from an Australian Woman's Mag, ignoring the Obvious risk it placed British troops. I truly despise lapel-pin patriots like him.
  16. Good Catch C3K...I confirm this bug I will report it ASAP...Thank You!
  17. Out with the old In with the New! Besides: CMx1 just doesn't "Ring my chimes" anymore...
  18. Michael: Bruce 70(requesting BFC to provide map sizes and "stuff")) is who I responded to...accurately it appears. There is a good deal of info available from the game when a scen is hi-lighted. Here's a scen I'm working on and have added the map size.
  19. Hi Michael: IF memory serves CMx1 size relates to number of units and not map size.* The same applies to CMx2. That is why it is incumbent upon the designer to note map size. It's a good idea and I'll will start doing it * (I no longer have CMx1 installed so if anyone cares to verify here's how to do it: Take an exisiting "large" scen, rename it and in the editor take the units out and save it to scen file. It should now be listed as "Tiny")
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