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Everything posted by Thomm

  1. There is a great video over in the general forum showing the military using CM for training purposes. Thomm
  2. I am wondering: Suppose Ukraine takes back her territory. What will keep the Russians from shelling Ukrainian territory from their side for decades to come? Only Ukraine counter-battery fire, right? Is this what the future will look like? Eternal cross-border arty/drone exchanges? Or will the Russians indeed give up, eventually.
  3. Quick spelling refresher: It is: Untermensch Übermensch with the relationship being: Untermensch < Übermensch Best regards Thomm
  4. Kiew meldet Frontdurchbruch in Südukraine Im südukrainischen Gebiet Cherson sollen ukrainische Truppen die russischen Frontlinien durchbrochen haben. „Die Streitkräfte der Ukraine haben Offensivhandlungen in vielen Abschnitten im Süden der Ukraine begonnen“, zitierte das Internetportal Hromadske die Pressesprecherin der Südgruppe der ukrainischen Armee, Natalija Humenjuk. Einheiten der Donezker Separatisten und unterstützender russischer Marineinfanterie sollen zum Rückzug gezwungen worden sein. Genauere Ortsangaben wurden nicht gemacht. Die Angaben ließen sich nicht unabhängig überprüfen. ... from http://www.orf.at Ukrainian troops broke through Russian front line in Kherson, going on the offensive in many sectors in the south of Ukraine. Units of the separatists and supporting Russian paratroopers were forced to retreat.
  5. Since I have never heard of this: From Wikipedia: A scorpion wants to cross a river but cannot swim, so it asks a frog to carry it across. The frog hesitates, afraid that the scorpion might sting it, but the scorpion promises not to, pointing out that it would drown if it killed the frog in the middle of the river. The frog considers this argument sensible and agrees to transport the scorpion. Midway across the river, the scorpion stings the frog anyway, dooming them both. The dying frog asks the scorpion why it stung despite knowing the consequence, to which the scorpion replies: "I am sorry, but I couldn't resist the urge. It's in my nature. That's pretty dark. Best regards Thomm
  6. I wonder if belay glasses for climbers would be helpful for spotting stuff hovering directly above an observer. Best regards Thomm
  7. Can you please stop these posts. They do not add anything to this thread. Best regards Thomm
  8. You should not. Just my personal opinion. Stay safe! Thomm
  9. This looks incredible, but why do you animate screenshots instead of showing actual video footage, including fighting? Best regards Thomm
  10. Regarding: "Putin raises the white flag on Azovstal. " I copy this from an Austrian newspaper forum (Der Standard), because it makes me giggle, unfortunately only in German: "Meanwhile im Führerbunker irgendwo im Ural: DAS WAR EIN BEFÄÄÄÄHL! DER ANGRIFF AUF AZOVSTAL WAR EIN BEFÄÄÄÄÄHL!" Anyway, is there any chance that Ukraine troops can reach Mariupol soon enough to make a difference? Best regards Thomm
  11. That would explain the guy filming the scene better than if it was the other way round. Let me add another layman question: How likely is it for a soldier to run out of ammo during a firefight like those that we see here on video: Always Depends on experience Not if they can share ammo among each other Never Best regards Thomm
  12. So, you predicted that, too??! Actually, my real question is: Why do we not see more airburst artillery shells in use? Are they too rare? Too expensive? Out of fashion? Best regards, Thomm
  13. The above was posted by Lt Bull in the General Forum. I thought it was worth reposting here! Does anybody have more info or do we have to wait for the 12,5 days that the countdown shows? Or are we seeing an April fool's joke? Best regards Thomm
  14. I wonder: Will any of these guys ever be taken prisoner?
  15. The launch point is made clearly visible by a small smoke plume. Best regards, Thomm
  16. Interesting indeed. This reminds me how I explained to my daughter that something like WW2 is hardly possible any more, because there are not enough young males around, at least in first-world countries. Seems that I was at least partially right. My grandparents all had 10+ siblings. Way easier to send some of them off to the front than with todays one or two children families. Best regards Thomm
  17. Re. Kinzhal. I come up with crazy numbers for the kinetic energy. 500 kg warhead traveling at 12300 km/h (Mach 10): 0.5 * 500.0 * (12300./3.6)**2 = 2.918403e+09 M1 tank (70 t) travelling at 70 km/h: 0.5 * 70000.0 * (70./3.6)**2 = 1.323302e+07 J Arleigh Burke-class destroyer (8300 t) travelling at 30 kt: 0.5 * 8300 * 1000 * 15.9**2 = 1.049162e+09 J So the equivalent of the Kinzhal missile warhead in terms of kinetic energy would be: 220 Abrams tanks travelling at full speed 2.8 Arleigh Burke-class destroyers travelling at flank speed Does this make any sense?! On the other hand 1 kg TNT has the equivalent of 4.184 MJ, so this kinetic energy corresponds to 697.5 kg TNT. Which sounds more plausible than 2.8 destroyers at flank speed. Best regards, Thomm
  18. Procrastinating like the best of 'em, I was trying to find out whether these S-8 rockets (at least) have a self-destruct mechanism. Found out that two variants exist (S-8P, S-8PM) which release chaff for confusing enemy radar. Maybe, just maybe, this may be an explanation for the indirect fire. Best regards Thomm
  19. This looks like some of the maps at the end of my Close Combat 4 grand campaign!!
  20. Thank you, Gentlemen! Very interesting! Best regards, Thomm
  21. Guess so. But is it legal in Canada as well? After all, foreigners fighting for ISIS are put on trial when they come back home. At least here. Is there any difference in the legal sense to this action? Best regards Thomm
  22. I don't know. Doesn't this just make him a ... serial killer? I find the fact that people travel to other countris to kill somewhat disturbing. Best regards, Thomm
  23. Yes, sorry. I better go back to lurking. Best regards, Thomm
  24. If it was life then the camera man would be affected by the vehicle acceleration. This is not the case, so it must be a "gun cam"-like recording. Best regards Thomm
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