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Other Means

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Posts posted by Other Means

  1. The manual says that if you use panning and rotation control near the edge of the screen it will be less sensitive to mouse movement.

    I'm not experiencing that: it seems exactly the same.

    I would like less sensitive movement... do I need to do somefink different?


    I don't think that's in GAJ. I press the right mouse key and move the mouse and for free-look.

  2. d/t, do you even read these things before you post them?

    Location: He's assuming a certain MW o/p - why?

    Lifetime: Another assumption based on generation 1 stations.

    Nuclear waste: The only reason there's so much waste produced now is because the G1 reactors were built to create material for weapons. Current designs create little to no waste. Besides, if it's such a problem dig holes in front of tectonic subduction zones - the material will return to the core soon enough.

    “Accident rate: To date, there have been 11 nuclear accidents at the level of a full or partial core-melt.” So what? Core melt != THE END OF THE WORLD. In Three Mile Island the molten mass froze when it hit the colder reactor vessel, and stopped its downward journey at five-eights of an inch through the five-inch thick vessel wall. I've no data on Fukushima yet. Chernobyl had no containment vessel – total deaths, 52.

    Proliferation: Yes, true. But also true of a lot of chemical processes etc.

    Uranium abundance: Not true. Funny this guy’s an Aussie, that’s where most of the available uranium is. The world could survive on the *currently mined* uranium for 5 years without breaking apart any bombs – and uranium isn’t the only fuel.

    Exotic metals: this isn’t even funny. He does know it takes material to build anything, doesn’t he?

    “More information: Derek Abbott. “Is nuclear power globally scalable?” Proceedings of the IEEE. To be published.”

    Yeah I'll wait for that thanks.

  3. ooh You cheeky refresh monkey ;) How you doing OM?

    Good, cheers. I honestly can't wait to see the demo released and all the happy monkeys. Currently it's a bit like watching a feeding frenzy.

    Good news is, I've heard on good authority that it's going to be very soon. Or was it very, very soon, I forget.

    Either way, I'm sure it'll be quite soon, dependent on your timeframe.

  4. It is 5:30 pm EDT. BFC has closed up shop for the day. You little refresh monkeys better go to bed and get your rest, 'cause come Friday you will need to be very well rested. Now go on....scoot!

    Dude, they're developers, not accountants.


    To expand, they've probably been working ~18 hours a day for at least a month now. 5:30 closing time - no. Not even close.

  5. Important FUBAR correction:

    I had said you could see the Cherry Picking UI, but 1000 lashes with a wet noodle for me... I forgot that was not possible without including non-Demo specific resources we couldn't include. So that is NOT part of the Demo. Sorry 'bout the confusion (hangs head in shame).

    (I need more sleep ;))


    Like, some?

  6. It is right between dismount and vehicle open up

    <E>' // dismount

    <E> // bail out

    <E>O // vehicle open up

    I created the "alternative" hotkeys that are shipping with CMBN. I'm just confirming, in answer to a question on the first page, that I didn't map anything to "bail out" in order to avoid involuntary key presses.

  7. You can change your own hotkeys :) And there's an alternate set being included with the release version, we're informed. That has 'B' for bail, though, so you might want to edit that, even. For my money, 'Bail' is a command that doesn't deserve a hotkey. It's not an every-turn command (you'd hope... :) ) and even in RT, it's probably a low priority command, and even more important that you don't do it by accident.

    IIRC (I'm in work) the "Bail" command isn't mapped in the alternative hotkeys - you have to select it with the mouse.

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