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Posts posted by dima

  1. Why stop at Linux ?! I want CM on AS/400, s/390, BeOS. And also MS-DOS. Is there a possibility that CM will work on these ssytems ? They are a lot more stable than Windows and I am just bored with Windows. I am a pale-face friendless virgin geek and I like to hack everything on different platform, but Linux is for looser geeks. Please port CM on some true geek OS, 'cause we are bored !

    Windows SUXX ! Geekland RULEZ !

  2. corn55,

    You pretty much answered your own question.

    BTS is not making CM to make money. Their sales won't cover all the costs. (I know this info is kept secret, but it isn't hard to figure out smile.gif )

    Enjoy the game when you get it, it is worth every penny.

    BTW you won't be able to find CM on warez, it is just not the kind of game average Joe Sixpack plays. Just because some group released it, doesn't mean it is still out there ;)

  3. I have ThunderBird 1.33 and GeForce 2 GTS

    My brother has Celeron 500 and Voodoo 3. To tell you honestly, I don't see much difference. Draw your own conclusions smile.gif

    P.S Actually I prefer playing on his PC because of all the problems with nVidia and CM

    [ 08-08-2001: Message edited by: dima ]

  4. Win2k is you best choice ! Stable, fast and supports games no worse than Win98/ME

    Regarding Microsoft's statement that Win2K is for business only - Microsoft likes to create many versions of the same product. The more stable it is - the more money you pay. Average Joe Sixpack who doesn't know much about computers will go to Microsoft site, read their statement and will buy BOTH OS's, one for games, one for Home Business use.

  5. So how come 12.40 work perfectly in other games as well as Falcon, but not in CM ?

    And what do you know about operating systems ? Name one, which has the same number of lines of code as Win2000 which has less bugs ?

    12.40 are WHQL certified. If CM doesn't work with them, then BTS needs to clearly specify that CM doesn't work on Microsoft Platform.

    BTS, this whole thing is getting ridiculous, please either fix the problem or make a public statement. Or does Rune speak on your behalf ?

  6. Steve,

    It is a matter of simple respect and loyalty.

    If I came to the board that day and saw a post from ONE OF YOU GUYS pointing us to go check SimHQ - I'd be very pleased.

    If I came here yesterday and found a post (AGAIN) from one of YOU mentioning CGM and CM2 preview in it, all these flames wouldn't even start. We understand what and why you are giving previews in CGM, but we don't understand your attitude towards us !

    If you are so busy, why are you spending time replying to this thread ? In time it took you to do it today you would be able to post 10+ screenshots and god knows how many other usefull stuff on CM2. But you choose to keep arguing instead...

  7. Every joke truth in it ;)

    The bottom line is - with the success of CM BTS became spoiled ! They are 2-man team but everyone had to start small, even Bill Gates.

    Consider this - Everyone who has nVidia cards and Windows 2000 has a problem with CM unless they turn-on FSAA. They've been blaming nVidia drivers to have a bug in it. Since then, 15+ new drivers for nVidia were released - the bug is still there.

    When asked further info - no answer is given. "Try this, try that, I don't know, I can't reproduce it"

    And now CM2. How nice it is to visit this board every day just to find out that some SimHQ has posted preview of it. While here they are busy managing new Peng threads.

    Why so much silence here ? Without people here BTS will be nothing ! Unless they plan to release CM2 for X-Box and PS2 first. Actually I wouldn't be surprised now.

  8. The CPU is true 1.33 Mhz, I have Chrome Orb and there is a paste between CPU and heatsink, the one that came with the cooler. MB is ASUS A7V133. The voltage is default, I did play with it though.

    It doesn't lock-up often, maybe once every three-four games. I'll try disabling indexing, maybe that'll help.

    BTW, CM is the only game where I get lock-ups. I checked the temperature monitor and no othe game gets CPU so hot. Not really CM's fault though smile.gif

    [ 05-30-2001: Message edited by: dima ]

  9. No, I don't run anything else in the background. The issue here is one and only - my CPU gets hot, despite all the cooling. I am forced to underclock it when playing CM.

    All they have to do is get save/autosave file properly closed after writing is complete and test it under Win2K with RESET button.

    What goes on inside CM is prety weird - CPU usage is at 100% ALL THE TIME, doesn't matter if I am doing playback or simply looking at my units and not moving anything.

    I am not a big expert on concurrent C++ programming under Win32 platform, but I belive that if programe is idle - it shouldn't just run empty loops thus keeping CPU usage at 100%

    Any Win32 expert care to correct the last statement ?

  10. This isn't high priority for CM, but maybe for CM2.

    OK, I am running Athlon 1.33, this baby gets pretty hot anyway, but in CM it runs to its limits. Although I have the very best Chrome Orb to cool it down, occasionaly it locks up because of overheating and I am forced to press Reset. When I reboot, the last auotsave is ALWAYS corrupted. Even if save the game manually before each action playback, it will also be corrupted after Reset. The only solution is to save to one file then save to another file, then in case of Reset the former will be OK.

    To my understanding, the file doesn't get closed properly/fully after write operation.

    Please try to fix it in CM2 smile.gif

    [ 05-26-2001: Message edited by: dima ]

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