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Posts posted by dima

  1. OK, I just checked with former russian airborn guys, who served on BMD-1 (same gun as BMP-1)

    1-2 rounds per minute ROF in combat is actually realistic.

    Also they say regarding auto-loader. Yes they did exist on BMP-1 and on BMD-1 but were mostly dismentaled. Unreliable, risk of injury on BMD-1. And experienced gunner-loader could load just as fast as machine.

  2. So BMP-1 has an autoloader, it is a round carousel. It will put the round into the barrel and push it there. But only for HEAT rounds. HE rounds had to be loaded by hand (*1)

    The auto-loader was prone to malfunction (*2)

    ROF (thought it is doubdtfull that it would be very precise at this ROF) was 6-8 rounds per minute (*2)

    By the book the time to reload the missile was 50 seconds (*3)

    Sources, all in russian

    (*1) http://otvaga.vif2.ru/Otvaga/armour-rus-bmp1/a_bmp1.htm

    (*2) Russian discussion board of former airborn troops.




  3. Originally posted by Zipuli:

    Yes dima, that is right. I've wasted a lot of good time in those pieces of s*** and I should know a thing or two about them smile.gif . And yes Stalin, for some reason I break into tears everytime one gets blown up in the game. I can't help it!


    Zip, there was recently a discussion on how much extra personnel ammo BMP-2 can carry. I found a russian brochure and found some info there but what surprised me is that by the book it was supposed to carry (among other things) only 700 rounds for AKM rifles. So little, I was surprised. Can you guess, was that ammo in addition to spare magazines that men had already with them?
  4. Originally posted by track:

    Time passes, generations change, important things get forgotten, because they were not used for decades. Then all the sudden the same kind of crisis strikes.

    Not forgotten, just the wrong people (Pavel Grachev) were in command. They didn't call him "Pashka Mercedes" for no reason. The way it was done was totally against every rule in the book. And these rules were laid down way back during WW2.

    Chechen second war was overall fought a lot better by russians. Proper recon, proper arty and air support.

  5. Guys, that is usefull info to know and it is great that you are noticing stuff. Can you also go into more detail to back up your info? Either external sources or maybe some of you had close experience with these vehicles?

    Zipuli I understand you have actually served on BMP-2 in real life?

  6. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    The cramped conditions of the BMPs makes them unsuitable for carrying MUCH extra ammo. I'll have to double check how much they are supposed to hold (real world documentation) and then see about getting something added.

    Steve, I have BMP-2 crew guide and it lists all the supplies and where they are stored. I'll email it to you.
  7. In CMx1 we had advanced armor penetration modelling: partial penetration, armor flaking, immobilization. And all this info was displayed when vehicles were hit. I miss that info!

    As a side note I noticed that regular various RPG's pretty much always knock out Strykers when hit. Shouldn't those "grates" mess up RPG rounds sometimes?

    Also when Stryker is hit almost always all occupants die. This wasn't the case in CMx1 games.

  8. I was playing a last tutorial scenario. All I had to do is take my guys, equip them with Javelins and level a few buildings. Then I went in and in the end lost only 2 men.

    But looking at it from real-life perspective a few squads with no arty support, no heavy guns can basically bring down 3-4 buildings with no punishment. Is this realistic? Surely it costs a lot of $$ to do that, but if it saves lives, who cares.

    BTW, is it reasonable that 2 Javelins can bring down multi-story brick and concrete building?

  9. Dan, here is the savegame.


    In this savegame look at the ATGM team to the right (facing enemy). They don't shoot.

    Some comments

    1) Apperently Hide+Target arc does not work - unit just lies there even when tanks are within the arc

    2) Even Target Arc does not work. I Unhide my ATGM's and all they did is rotate towards target. For 2 turns they lied there looking at the tanks that are within their arc and not shooting.

    3) Finally tanks spot them and destroyed.

  10. Is anyone having trouble getting Syrian ATGM's fired? I was playing first battle (Abu Susah) and the ATGM (the one that was destroying my guys when I played as US) when I played as Syrians I kept targeting enemy vehicles and during the whole game it NEVER fired one missile.

    I've been seeing a lot of Syrians not firing when given order and the target is in plain sight. And I am talking "not firing" for 5 minutes. If I didn't know any better I would've thought that my computer has a virus.

  11. Originally posted by KwazyDog:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dima:

    Dan, I don't see how it could be your fault. When squad of men is being fired upon by one solder crawling, who is killing them one by one - why would they not fire back?

    Dima, its likely becuase I told the AI to rush the objective, so they are pushing forward as quickly as possible with little concern for casulites. In hind sight that is probably an order better suited for combatants for instance. I will check it out though, and pass on any other oddities to Chalres smile.gif </font>
  12. Originally posted by KwazyDog:

    Guys, this could be my fault. I actually made that scenario to test fire the Syrian ATGMs, so the AI and victory conditions may need some tweaking. Some of the beta testers found it fun and a good training scenario for the Syrians, so we decided to include it. I will take a look at this one again and post an update if so!

    Dan, I don't see how it could be your fault. When squad of men is being fired upon by one solder crawling, who is killing them one by one - why would they not fire back?
  13. Has anyone played it from Syrian side? As I played it I destroyed all tanks and there were just a few american allied solders left. They kept crawling forward. My syrian squads on the hill kept firing but 10 minutes before the end they just stopped firing and sat there, while one allied solder crawling and shooting managed to kill 6 of my men. My men just sat there and where not returning fire. And they were not suppressed.

    Is this a Bug or was I doing something wrong.

  14. Seriously, why do we need to refresh Battlefront site? We are supposed to get emails saying the link is active. From the time email is sent by Moon until it arrives to your ISP you won't even blink. So if there is anything you need to refresh - it is your mail client (thus bringing your ISP's mail server down - then being kicked from their network - thus not being able to download the game when it becomes active)

  15. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    1 Programmer

    With all due respect, you shouldn't call Charles a "programmer". Based on the fact that he mainly by himself wrote all the code I'd say "brilliant architect and exceptional software engineer" is a bit more close. The guy is so talanted and unique there are are very few like him in this day and age in any software development field.

    Disclamer: I write software for a living myself.

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