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Improvement suggestions

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Here comes some ideas of different objects that i have thought about.

I really like different kinds of 3-d bitmaps.



I think maybe 7-8 levels of research would be nice, then it would take longer time to reach max.

You could make smaller steps between the levels in combat target data, or increase unit strength to 15 and

elite at 20 points.

German Panzers could be

PZ I, PZ II, 38(t), PZ III, PZ IV, PZ V Panther, PZ VI Tiger, PZ VII Königstiger

Fighters should not have ME 109 as level 0, find something else as first one (Maybe an Arado).

Attackbombers level 0 and 1 could be Henschel Hs 123.

Strategic bombers could have the America bomber ME 264 as level 7.

I also want more bitmaps for corps & divisions (maybe marching soldiers that is

replaced by vehicles at higher levels), special forces and cavalry (horses replaced by armoured vechicles at higher levels)



Add maybe light cruisers, they where very big difference between the types. From light ones at maybe 5000 tons

up to above 20000.

Could minelayers be something? Be able to add mine fields that the enemy can not see but is destroyed after 1

or 2 hits.



I think oil should be part of the game, but keep it simple!

Oil points that each oil wells and industrial center/mine earns at each turn. Then decision scripts and convoys

can also add oil points, just like MPPs.

And then each unit consumes a number of Oil points per step they move, depending of type of unit and terrain.

Manpower pool and growth


It would also be nice for each country to have a certain manpower pool, for instance, Germany can have 5

million soldiers at maximum at the start of the game, but then they get maybe 500000 new possible recruits each

year and more if they ANNEX countries, but not surrendered ones. But you could still keep the build limits.

Manpower could also be controlled but the number of cities you own.

It could also be a Mobilization percentage (It could work like research, maybe even add it to the research

types), the higher you get, the more soldiers you can recruit. At 0% (or level 1), you only have soldiers that

is volunteers, at 40% (or level 2) you have all at age 18-30, at 60% (or level 3) all at 18-35 etc.

One other possibility would be that each country get a certain number of men for each land tile you have.

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I like some of these ideas Cantona, if you'd like to try them out in a game setting, Slitherine has a game with these features, Military History Commander WW2 that just saw a new upgrade.

While not SC, it was produced by an old SC player from way back, zappsweden, known as firepowerjohan over at Slitherine, so it has some of the features that old time players of SC have wished for, especially hexes.

Now I haven't played the new version, but I was always of the opinion that Hubert has done a better job with SC over the years and I continue to be a loyal advocate of SC because overall I think it's better. With that said there are some appealing aspects to CEAW as it used to be known as, so I would be interested in anyone that can make a comparison with the new version vs SC's current state.

I'm never adverse to the incorporation of other's ideas into an overall scheme of improvement into the cutting edge that SC is.

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Good suggestions, but I don't really dig the + manpower thing, and the Panzer progression chart is not quite there - one shouldn't put the Tiger above the Panther for instance, and Pz I and II really are OLD, I guess Pz III-level is level 1, then french tanks are 2, T-34 is 3, Panther / Tiger 4 and so on.

The oil and manpower additions are right up my alley though for much better force pool limitations, and I've spoken of their behalf earlier.

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God, i had fogrgot about Military History Commander WW2, it's very cool but i preffer SC, it's a kind of game that stands between hardcore and casual level. SC is casual, a cool wargame to play sometimes, relaxing. If i want to play it hardcore i get HoI. Never played it much, but it's not bad, might give it a try again one of these days...

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Well when the Germans invaded France the majority of their tanks were the old Pz Is and PzIIs mounted with an MG only. They only had a few hundred better tanks.

Pz II had an (obsolete) 20 mm cannon, the Pz I had two machine guns.

And even the Pz 3 or the 38t Czech tanks had only 37 mm guns, which had no good results against the french heavy tanks.

Only the 8,8 Flak, Stukas or Artillery fire could help the germans against the French Char Bs or the British Mathilda II tanks.

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Yes, but that is the tanks Germany had to it´s disposal the first years of ww2 and won most of the Blitzkrieg wins!

Fall Weiss

676 PZI, 777 PZII, 130 PZIII, 157 PZIV I & II stands for 84%

Fall Gelb

XIX Panzer korps

141 PZI, 326 PZII, 174 PZIII, 104 PZIV I & II stands for 63%

ZVI Panzer korps

180 PZI, 220 PZII, 98 PZIII, 54 PZIV I & II stands for 72%

For the Balkans 1941, the PZI and II was 50% of the German panzers

Operation Barbarossa

Panzer group 3

179 PZII, 364 Pz 38(t), 370 PZIV

Army group south

8 PZI, 212 PZII, 334 PZIII, 96 PZIV

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It goes to show that against infantry against non-existent anti-tank weaponry or only primitive close range antitank weaponry, the difference between tank models was not all that great. Even an "invulnerable", mobile bunch of MG nests like PZIs can make a big difference when employed right.

And thus it was german doctrine and tactical superiority that won the day, not equipment.

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