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LoS Issues Part XXVIII (Poss Spoilers)

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Also known as big units see things little ones can't.

This is a problem which I wrote about in CMSF and others have reported in in CMBN. I now have an example nailed down with saved games to match. The fastest way to explain is to recount what has happened in my game.

I am playing mission 3 of the Road to Montebourg Campign as the US. It is early in the scenario and a full infantry section (12 men) is moving along a road adjacent to a bocage hedgerow on their right. As they reach the end of their move they see a German Marder 220 yards away in a gap in another hedgerow.

That squad has nothing that reach out that far save small arms and I don't want to scare the game. So I slap a short covered arc on the infnatry and move up their platoon HQ with the intention of calling down some mortar fire.

The HQ moves up, faces in the right direction and sees...nothing. OK, infantry squad is spread out over two tiles, so I move the HQ to the next one, same result. Maybe the infantry guys are getting the way, so I move them back. No difference. I wait, maybe the HQ just needs some time. Nope, that don't work either. Move it back to the first square and wait for a few minutes. No. Well maybe the bloody thing has driven off, so move the infantry back - bingo instant sighting of the marder exactly where it was.

No matter what I do the three man HQ unit cannot see the vehicle that the 12 man section has in plain sight. What is worse the HQ can't even see the ground on which the marder is standing, so I can't call down mortar fire on spec.

I think what is happening is the actual position of the three man team within the action grid is too "centred" whereas the 12 man section is more spread out and so they get a view which a smaller team cannot.

Bloody aggravating.

Of course, I blame TEGPT (That Evil Git Paper Tiger) because he designed the map and placed the units and I shouldn't be surprised, given his paymaster, if he didn't do this deliberately. However, this example does appear to nail down an issue with LoS - big units can (sometimes) see things that little ones can't.

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Interesting thing about this sort of deal. You see it as an issue (and if that's your opinion, then it is an issue for you, not disagreeing here, just commenting) and I see that as a great example of the game imitating the pull-your-hair-out, cat herding, marble stacking moments of frustration that real life war provides.

My favorite moments through the years with BO, BB, AK, and now BN are the fact that I can't get people to do just what I want. Since I employ just over 400 people, it mimics real life non-war situations, too. :D

My .02 anyway.

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Interesting thing about this sort of deal. You see it as an issue (and if that's your opinion, then it is an issue for you, not disagreeing here, just commenting) and I see that as a great example of the game imitating the pull-your-hair-out, cat herding, marble stacking moments of frustration that real life war provides

"Hey, boss, we got eyes on a Marder"

"Nice work, where?"


"I don't see anything"

"Well stand over there next to Corporal Katowski"

"Nope, still don't see anything"

"Then stand in between Kataowski and Smith"

"Sorry, I am not allowed to do that. I can stand in front of Katowski or in front of you, I am not allowed to stand anywhere in between"

"Well what do you want us to do, boss?"

"Bang off a few rifle rounds maybe he will just go away"

"Hey! That worked. 'Course now we got to find the sucker all over again and maybe he'll have the drop on us next time"

No, not a big deal, a weakness in the game that will, I am sure, raise its head in the future and spawn many more threads.

Anyway, we can blame TEGPT.

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"Hey, boss, we got eyes on a Marder"

"Nice work, where?"


"I don't see anything"

"Well stand over there next to Corporal Katowski"

"Nope, still don't see anything"

"Then stand in between Kataowski and Smith"

"Sorry, I am not allowed to do that. I can stand in front of Katowski or in front of you, I am not allowed to stand anywhere in between"

"Well what do you want us to do, boss?"

"Bang off a few rifle rounds maybe he will just go away"

"Hey! That worked. 'Course now we got to find the sucker all over again and maybe he'll have the drop on us next time"

No, not a big deal, a weakness in the game that will, I am sure, raise its head in the future and spawn many more threads.

Anyway, we can blame TEGPT.

Are you sure the CO wasn't Green or have a -2 Command rating?

Also, US Company HQs don't have binoculars, which make a big difference in spotting. Your Platoon HQ should be OK in that regard.

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