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Still getting surprised by little details and dramas

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Had a US squad come hightailing it (Move Quick) around a building corner in a solitaire QB in WEGO mode. Sure enough, just as they round the corner, out comes a couple of German infantrymen who've decided they have better places to be than that building that's getting hammered by .50 caliber area fire.

I'm zoomed out a bit and all I see see is an exchange of fire...one of my men drops, one of his is hit, and then the other German blows up. Huh?

I replay the turn, zoomed in to the action. His guy raises a K98 and fires. Scratch one GI. One of mine shoots the shooter with his Garand. Scratch one German. The other GIs open up all at once and the second German just blows up.

I look around for the hidden bazooka, and study my squad to see if somebody tossed a grenade or launched a rifle grenade. Nothing. Maybe a mortar? Missed shot with a panzerfaust launched by some hidden enemy? Maybe I can catch the incoming explosive with a tight view and find out.

When I get real tight on the exploding German, well, it turns out he had started to prepare a grenade to toss at my guys when he got hit by the mini fusillade of rifle fire. As he fell, it detonated right by his head. Ouch.

Amazing. Like a cheesy war flick, but in a good way. Makes me want to watch each little piece of the turn to see what else I'm missing.

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Yes, this thing is just full of mini-drama's like that. I was watching a couple of Germans ducking fire and suddenly they blew up. Like you, I zoomed in and found one of them had popped a grenade and pulled the pin, then was dropped and the grenade went off next to his fallen body. It never ceases to amaze me what this game can replicate and come up with on its own. It takes me ages to process a turn in WEGO because I spend so much time "at the movies." Popcorn anyone? :D

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Heh...I saw something last night that had me yelling.

I had a panzerschreck team lying in ambush behind a wall. This PS team was working in tandem with a HMG team (located in bocage at a 90-degree angle). The HMG would fire at Sherman tanks as they rounded a blind corner, forcing the tanks to button up and slow/stop - right in front of the PS team. BOOM! There go 4 Shermans over ~2 turns...

Well...too many tanks rounded the blind corner and the PS team took some fire from a tank. The wall did provide some cover, but one member of the PS team was injured. Fortunately, the 4 burning/smoking Shermans provided some cover and after performing some buddy aid and scrounging the remaining 2 rounds for the PS, I ordered the remaining member of the PS team to run Fast through the smoke to a new position.

The drama occurred when the remaining PS team member crossed the wall moving fast to his new position...but...another Sherman rounds the blind corner and spots my man through a small lane in the smoke! Crap! The HMG can't see the Sherman due to the smoke. But the fellow with the panzerschreck calmly pauses as he is moving fast across the wall and gets off a shot that takes out the tank! Then he continues running...tank crew bails and the HMG mops up in the next turn.

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