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How are victory levels calculated?

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It can be as complex or as simple as you like...you could start off just setting terrain objectives ala CMX1 and add in complexities from there as you test...play with the numbers find some balance.


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It's the relationship between how many points each side gets. Assume, for the moment, that both sides are playing for 1000 points. If the score is 0:0 that'd be a draw, as would 500:500 or 1000:1000

If the Germans score 0 but the US gets 1000, that'd be a total US victory.

German 500: US 1000 would be some other level of US victory, but you'll need to test it yourself to figure out exactly what.

Incidentally, although you can allocate points however you like and in whatever quantities you like, the above is why I always try to give both sides the same total points 'budget', and usually do make the total for each side 1000. I find it makes it easier to mentally calculate the worth of things. For example, if a side has a budget of 1000 and I make two adjacent terrain objectives worth 600pts combined - well, it's obvious that the most important thing for that player is to capture those objs. Essentially, it's much easier to work out what individual items are as a percentage of the total. And by having both sides going for pools of points that are the same size it's easy to roughly figure out what each has to do in order to win, or prevent the other from winning.

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Charles sent me those figures when we needed data for our CM:SF ladder :

A = points for the side who had more points

B = points for the side who had fewer points


V = (A + 10) / (B + 10)


V < 1.25 Draw

V < 1.75 Minor Victory

V < 2.5 Tactical Victory

V < 4.0 Major Victory

V >= 4.0 Total Victory

I asked about the ratios in CM:BN but never had an answer so I figure this is the same.

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