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I have problem with CMAK and CMBB.Is completely locking up my computer during PBEM or IP game (have to restart computer). The time seems to be variable.

I've tried everything I personally know how to do.

I have tryed these things:

Diferent graphic card drivers versions

Completely scan for viruses and spyware

Defragmentation of my discs

And finally formating disc and new Windows instalation

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Here are my system specs:

Processor: P4 2,6GHz

RAM: 1.5GB at 400MHz

Motherboard: Asus P2P800

OS: Windows XP Home with SP2

Graphic card: nVidia GeForce Fx 5700 with 256MB

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Are you able to perform turn-calcs/crunching ? Do the lockups generally occur while moving around the battlefield giving orders or at some other particular point ?

Have you killed all running processes in the background (Ctrl-Alt-Del > Task Manager > Processes & Programs tabs - many processes are necessary however) ? Generally programs and utilities running in the background shouldn't be too much of a problem, but on occasion it is. Also, if you're overclocking anything (CPU, videocard, etc.), then you may want to step it down since CM seems to be more sensitive to overclocks than other programs may be.

You can also test your machine for stability, though I would think most newer 3D games would highly stress the computer too. Some programs to do that stress testing are Prime95 or Super Pi (among others). They will stress the CPU and memory (though it may take them several hours to show the instability). You can get these programs at Benchmark HQ (Benchmark tools in left-hand menu > CPU > browse for Prime95 and within that listing is SP2004 - very handy). You'll probably also need Motherboard Monitor to monitor your temps. Though it isn't completely accurate and may not support some motherboards, it does give you a good idea what is going on temperature-wise in your system.

[ May 12, 2005, 11:18 AM: Message edited by: Schrullenhaft ]

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Yes, I am able to perform turns, sometimes I can play many hours but sometimes only 30 sec.

The lockups accur during giving orders or during replay and not at the same point.I have tryed running CM after new windows installation so all programs running in the background are necessary.

CPU and videocard are not overclocked.

All other programs and games are running without problems, including new 3D games (Doom3,Half life2,Far cry etc.) and programs for video converting.

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I suggest installing and running the programs I mentioned above. It's possibly an instability in your system that only CM seems to bring out (and I don't know why). CM itself, while not perfect, isn't buggy in the manner that would cause your crashes.

What may need to change is a CMOS/BIOS setting for your memory or some other setting. Generally I would assume that most of those settings would show problems earlier, but it's possible that only CM is tripping the computer up and showing one of its potential weaknesses.

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Redwolf:The problem is only during giving orders or playing video(turn replay).

Schrullenhaft:I have run the Prime95(for about 10hours) and 3D Mark 2005 and all without problems.

I tryed to monitor CPU and Motherboard temperature during playing CM and nothing strange.

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If software doesn't do the trick, check your memory settings in the BIOS or maybe in the worst case you have a defective DIMM.

I have almost the same system (P4 2.4Ghz, 1GB RAM, Asus P4P800 mobo and Asus N6600GT vidcard) and don't experience any lockups.

Are you using the latest v1.008 BIOS from Asus? The current mobo's out of the box are v1.007 and if you already have yours a while chances are its even lower on version numbers.

What brand is your vidcard?

Before re-formatting and all that other time consuming crap, try to revert back to your BIOS defaults and see what happens.

What's your directx version?

Enough harddisk space available?

What's the setting of your windows swap file?

(though these last things are just 'make sure you check them' tips, probably not the reason for your lockups).

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I think that my hardware is OK - problems only with CM and I did some CPU,RAM tests with no errors.

Now I have directx 9.0C, but had 8.0 and the same problem.I have about 200GB free harddisk space :)

You have almost the same system, but your vidcard is completely different.

The only one problem could be with Bios version - I have never updated it.But do you realy think that updating it could help?

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Originally posted by Devilus:

Redwolf: I really donĀ“t know why, but it looks like it is working.But the problems is - must I do that think with password form allways I would like to play?

Hm, I expected the password form to *not* work, to make it hang faster.

Please post more precisely what made it work.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, it is problem with video drivers.I tried many versions(about ten diferent versions),but only with version 52.16(Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher) it is stable( stil it looks up , but only around once a week.

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