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Mods and more mods for all you modsluts out there ...

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It's been a long time since I did some mods for CM:BO. I had to stop playing CM for some years (too many!), but with the announcement of CM:BN, and looking for something to do in the meantime, I picked up the bug again and started to revisit my installed games. I decided a fresh start was necessary and that's when I began to look at the vast array of mods available to choose from. Somewhat overwhelmed I ploughed through everything I could find to create the 'perfect' (IMHO) installations (I've done CMBB early war years so far!). Along the way I created a few variations, and some new mods, to satisfy the perfectionist (read anal pedant!) in me. By way of saying thanks for all the great mods out there I've posted some of the more useful mods over at GreenAsJade's Combat Mission Mods Warehouse

These are all going to be terrain mods and some can be used in CMAK, and probably CMBO, as well. I'll post a few every day for the next week or so, keep an eye open for them!

So, enough waffle, here are the first batch:

Autumn scattered tree-bases


Autumn deciduous trees


Winter railway track




Peasant Shacks


There's also a mod just for clear tree tops, a preview of which would be a bit meaningless - just install it to see what it does ...

That's it for now - enjoy all the new stuff.


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Great work. You are absolutely correct there are so many good mods out there, but I also found myself spending countless hours using bits from different mods to create unique-looking mods that I thought were more realistic. eg: using lighter shades on upper surfaces of vehicles and darker for the sides to sim mid-day sun - but I think they look better at any time. (Also, using the most beat-up, dirty and dusty mod bmp's to get that well-battle-worn look.)

So, good luck with your endeavors. It will be much appreciated.

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So here's the second raft, all available at GreenAsJade's CMMW

Overcast Summer Sky


Clear dawn summer sky


Summer woods tree-bases


Scattered summer tree-bases


Tall pines


One little aside. I have tried to optimize my mods so that I don't get any, or at least very little, 'sparkle'. This is caused by my video card and pixels almost glittering onscreen when I pan around the landscape. I've tried various card settings to minimize this but to no avail so my mods are sometimes lower resolution/less detailed than they perhaps could be. The plus side is a smoother look and feel on lower specced systems.



P.S. third batch to come later this evening.

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Great work!

Hope someone can do same with vehicles and uniforms etc one day.

Thanks Erwin.

:eek:Have you seen how many vehicles there are to do!

I'd love to do some more tank mods at least, I did have a couple of things in the works when I stopped to get married back in '04. I may dig them out again if time allows.

After re-modding everything for CMBB in the last few months I came across a few gaps that I felt I might try to fill, but then again I'd like to stay married! ;)

We'll see ...



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Well folks - this is the last of my Terrain mods (for now!) I need to get on and play a bit to enjoy my new landscape. More sky and a road or two ...

Clear summer dusk sky


Clear autumn dusk sky


Clear winter dusk sky over snow-covered ground


Overcast winter sky over snow-covered ground


Winter snow-covered roads


I hope that you've all enjoyed my offerings and, who knows, maybe I'll find that elusive 25th hour in the day to do some more later.

Happy modding


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Wow. Very nice indeed. Is this all stuff you made before, or is this your production speed?

Thanks ArgusEye.

Unfortunately I can't bang them out that quick - I wish ;)

No, it took me about a month of sifting through all the mods I could find to make my perfect CMBB, and then 3 months of patching and photoshoping to get this lot done. And this is only for CMBB, I haven't even looked at CMAK yet, and don't get me started on vehicle mods!

There may be more in the pipeline, just depends how much play time I get and how CMBN develops.



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Woooooow, Lucky Strike, you are great. Superb stuff, all of them! If you continue like this you will be the top 3 of modders within a couple of weeks.

Thanks Aragorn2002. Glad you enjoy the mods.

I wish I had more time to do some more mods, but unfortunately that's it for now. Of course, if I do make any more I'll post them here straight away.



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Impressive work for an old game today, hope you mod some vehicles in the next future, like your CMBO Panthers stuff, I remember it, the best for me I've seen in the game, I done all your CMBO Panthers for CMBB-CMAK(ETO), but unfortunately never uploaded 'em, I must check my old cd boxes!

CMBN is a gorgeous modable game too!


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Impressive work for an old game today, hope you mod some vehicles in the next future, like your CMBO Panthers stuff, I remember it, the best for me I've seen in the game, I done all your CMBO Panthers for CMBB-CMAK(ETO), but unfortunately never uploaded 'em, I must check my old cd boxes!

CMBN is a gorgeous modable game too!


If you happen to have LS's Panther V A rough for the 12th SS Panzer division, I would like to ask you to post it, Patboy. I've always used it in CMBO and would love to have it for CMETO too.

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It's all the talented mod-makers like you guys who have made CM1 such a succesful long-running game. I doubt if we'd still be as enthusiastic about CM1 if it still had the original toy-like graphics.

Actually, in some ways, the unmodded CMBN looks a bit toy-like in comparison to a well-modded CM1.

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Impressive work for an old game today, hope you mod some vehicles in the next future, like your CMBO Panthers stuff, I remember it, the best for me I've seen in the game, I done all your CMBO Panthers for CMBB-CMAK(ETO), but unfortunately never uploaded 'em, I must check my old cd boxes!

CMBN is a gorgeous modable game too!


Hi Pat,

Praise indeed - much appreciated, thanks. :)

I have a fair few of your mods installed and would love to see your versions of my Panthers in CMBB/AK. I have some that JorgeMC did which are very good in game, but they're not a complete set. I really would like to do some vehicles for BB/AK, but am torn between this and doing some for CMBN. There's something about the simplicity of CM x1 that I really like when compared to BN, but I'm playing a lot of BN at the moment and would enjoy the challenge of modding a Panther or two!



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If you happen to have LS's Panther V A rough for the 12th SS Panzer division, I would like to ask you to post it, Patboy. I've always used it in CMBO and would love to have it for CMETO too.

JorgeMC did some reworks of my Panthers for AK/BB, unfortunately not the 12th SS though. Nevertheless they are still worth a look, I have them all installed in BB and will also drop them into AK when I get around to modding it.



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Actually, in some ways, the unmodded CMBN looks a bit toy-like in comparison to a well-modded CM1.

I know what you mean Erwin, I really like BN, but it does have a touch of the Close Combat's about it. Not a bad thing, but I reckon it will get modded beyond recognition eventually.



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