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Mac crashes - can't play

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I'm using a G3 mini tower running System 9.04. I've got tons of memory allocated to CM but can't even get a game started. This is the extent of my progress:

I click 'Play Game/Aachen/Done/Axis/1 Player - OK/Done (again)', get a 'Loading 3D graphics' message, and then it quits on me.

Has any other Mac user come across this?? I've downloaded the CM 1.03 updater but this has made no difference what so ever. Seriously disapointing...especially as I pre booked by months to get this.

Any and all help appreciated.



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Is this the only scenario you are having problems with ?

I'd suggest deleting the "Aachen" scenario from your Scenarios folder and recopying it from the CDROM. This should fix the problem if it is an issue of file corruption.

I wouldn't necessarily think that there would be a problem with your G3 supporting this particular scenario, but some users have run into problems with their G3's. Usually I would think that this is a software issue since only so many Mac users put non-Apple hardware inside their Macs. However the users that report problems with their G3s usually have lockup problems in general.

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I'm having frequent crash problems, too, on my iMac Rev A, Voodoo2, OS 9.0.4. V1.01 was much more stable. The crashes range from type 2 errors at app startup, to errors on saving PBEM files mad.gif. I can restart and often solve the problem, but it crops up again shortly thereafter...

BTS, any help or suggestions?

Steve C.

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I have a 33mhz iMac with 256mgs Ram and 6mgs Vram OS 8.6 and i have CM working .When i first loaded it i got the "loading 3d graphics screen". A lil bit of lateral thinking and a bit of luck helped me out no end. What i did was to "double install it ". Start up the game and get to the loading 3d part. Wait for the ambient sounds. Then press escape. Close the CM windows on the desktop. Reload/install the same install version as before. Dbl click the CM icon. You should now be watching the Battlefront logo....but at twice the size as before. If so then the play game screen should also be twice the size. Click play or chose a game...hey presto ...ITS COMBAT MISSION TIME. The game due to my system is low res but it plays very well, no slow downs....i have snow and rain but no fog frown.gif but i can live with that.....for now. The only problem i have is that i have to force quit/restart to get out of CM which seems to lock up at that point i.e when im finished playing for the day. Hope this is of some help to all my fellow mac buds.

ps i have used this with no problems with any of the updates 1.01 to1.03, MDMP 1


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seminara wrote:

> I've got tons of memory allocated to CM but can't even get a game started.

Try allocating LESS memory to the game. CM only really needs about 50 megs. The 3D graphics are handled by Quickdraw 3D, which is part of the Mac OS, and this needs memory too - so if all your memory is allocated to CM, there will be none for Quickdraw, and the game will crash.

When you load CM, try to leave as much free RAM as possible. For example, I have about 140 megs free, 80 of which I have allocated to CM. Say you had 60 megs free, you'd want to give CM about 45, and leave 15 for Quickdraw.

Måkjager, what you're doing sounds very strange. Are you saying you have two copies of CM open at once? If the BTS logo is twice the size, it would suggest you're playing at a lower screen resolution - something which can resolve a lot of problems, but changing the resolution is a simple matter.

I should point out that whatever resolution your screen is set to when you launch CM, will be the resolution you play CM at. If you launch in 1024x768 and the game doesn't work, or it's too slow, quit and switch to 640x480 (through the Monitors control panel).


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Thanks for your pointers David. I did as you suggested but i still cannot play CM.At 1024x768 i quit back to desktop, at 800x600 and640x480 i get stuck on the 3d graphics loading screen.When i "dbl"load CM as described there is only one copy active in the finder menu...no sign of the other .I have my res set to 800x600.. then when i launch it it reverts to 640x480 ( hence the increase in logo size). I know it sounds strange but it does work ( for me anyway)...and im happy enough that i can get to play such a fantastic game


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I had a MacMagic card running on my Mac 6500/225 with a NewerTech G3 accelerator. I experienced an occassional crash but pretty lousy graphics. So, I purchased a spanking new Rage Orion and now I have fabulous graphics (fog, smoke, explosions, snow) but the game freezes almost at once.

I have tried every trick in the book - I have all the latest drivers, I have CMBO 1.03, I did a clean reinstall of my OS 8.6 and gradually added in my Extensions, I have tried various resolutions (down to 640x480), I have turned off the backside cache, turned off virtual memory, disabled the graphics acceleration on the Rage, made sure I have the latest in QuickTime, QuickDraw, OpenGl and Open Tpt ... phew!

Is there anything I have overlooked? It really seems that the game and the Rage card conflict. Can I reinstall and run my old MacMagic (I have another monitor) at the same time I have the Rage Orion card on board the other PCI slot?

Any better solutions? This is a great game and I hate not being able to play it especially sionce I pre-ordered way last Summer.


T. Tate

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Guest Big Time Software

Are you running Norton Disklight - turn it OFF.

Also, just to be absolutely certain you've got the latest drivers, be sure to visit <www.atitech.ca>. When you download and run the "ATI Universal Installer" you may need to select a "custom" install as I've heard that the "Easy Install" sometimes doesn't detect things properly.


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I recommend getting Mac OS 9. It has new ATI drivers that you can't get anywhere else, and for some games (particularly Carmageddon), they're absolutely essential.

It's even tricky getting the drivers off the CD. If you install the OS you're okay, but if you install only the ATI drivers, they'll be an older version.

After installing the OS, you should remove all of the ATI drivers from the Extensions folder, and then install the card's own drivers. Then put the OS drivers back. The OS installs newer versions, but it doesn't have all the extensions you need for the card.

Bloody complicated stuff... I don't know why ATI haven't released the latest drivers themselves.


[This message has been edited by David Aitken (edited 08-02-2000).]

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Thanks for the input. Here's something that worked for me tonight although I have only gone for a couple of turns using it.

I looked through some of my Mac references and came across a bit that said to make sure any app using 3D acceleration is turned off (read CMBO and others) then take the ATI 3D Accelerator Extension out of the Extension folder and place it in an empty folder on the desktop. Restart the game. It works! Unlike Extension Manager, you do not have to restart the Mac.

I have two Extensions, ATI 3D Accelerator and ATI Rage 128 3D Accelerator (both loaded by the ATI Installer in Custom mode). My first test was to remove both Extensions and uncheck ATI Graphics Acceleration in the drop down ATI menu next to the time display. No crashes but rough graphics. Absolutley GREAT explosions!!

Testing various combinations, I found simply removing the ATI Rage 128 3D Accelerator Extension provided good results. The graphics are not nearly as nice as with all Extensions in the System Folder; but, on the other hand, nice graphics ain't much if you can't play the game. I also found that the CMBO app automatically switches to 640x480 under this solution then back to the desktop resolution when you Quit.

Hope this helps some of you with the same problems.

T. Tate

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