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An example of quality and thoroughness!

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I was playing the "Closing the Gap" scenario as the Germans, and while carefully approaching the crossroads one of my Panthers was struck in the front armor by a shell from an M-10. The round did not penetrate, merely broke up the front armor. It also scared the daylights out of the crew, who almost immediately bailed out of the tank that was otherwise in good working order with the engine still running.

The panicked crew ran about 50 meters away to cover behind an out-of-action PSW. After a moments rest to collect themselves I was able to order them back into the Panther and wheel them back into the fight. They wound up leading the attack on the town with infantry in directly support and succeeded in destroying a Sherman with a flank shot and killing a number of infantry.

To me, this entire action in indicative of the quality of game put together here! I was absolutely impressed with the game mechanics and thought that went into what is typically such an overlooked aspect. Great job, Battlefront!


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In testing this game, I've had many such moments. Ive been testing this for over a year and im still seeing the tiny details I never noticed before. I think the more you guys play, the more cool things you'll notice!


Without a doubt, the more you play, the more you will be amazed by tiny details.:cool:

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I think Uniform wise right now they all look really good, and am curious if Battlefront will add the following without mods.

German Heer Panzergrenadiers wearing the Heer Smocks at random.

German Waffen SS wearing a mix of 44dot Pattern, and wools and Smocks.

US and British Para units with possible Airborne insignia with a mix of the DPM Smocks/ Berets

Royal Marines again with a mix of the DPM smocks and Beret.

German Para units with a mix of the Heer Jump Camo uniform and the regular Grey/Green I beleive.

Will the shoulder boards of the Germans be as detailed in representation as it was in CMx1

Same thing with the Soviets.. level of detail with some of their smocks and camo.. although not as common of course as it was with the Germans by far. Maybe just their Snipers.

Anyways I hate downloading mods.. as Im not that savvy with how to do it, as it seems its always a crazy process to get it to work...at least in my past experiences.

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I'mn with ya' on the mods. I'm generally leery of wantonly adding mods as they come out. In CMx1 I remember adding a sound mod that better resembled with weapons and a few minor graphics mods to tighten up the look. I don't think I did any uniform mods, at least not on a long-term basis.

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