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Infantry mounting tanks

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I know the US and Germans didn't have tank desantnik infantry like the Soviets did, but still there are a hell of a lot of photos out there of American and British infantry riding tanks.

It'd be nice to have just as a transport option, I could definitely see it being of use, imagine being able to tank ride some infantry up to the farm on the tutorial map for example or as said above quickly get pioneers to bocage they need to destroy..

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I know the US and Germans didn't have tank desantnik infantry like the Soviets did, but still there are a hell of a lot of photos out there of American and British infantry riding tanks.

It'd be nice to have just as a transport option, I could definitely see it being of use (imagine being able to tank ride some infantry up to the farm on the tutorial map for example).

I believe its too risky in the enviroment that CMBN battles depict. Catching a ride for 20 miles to a deployment zone, sure. But not riding to the front.

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