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Server based PBEM

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I was checking out a new game coming out, and ran into this concerning PBEM. It seems that the games are kept on the server. That way, if you reload (cheat) it is tracked. It also has other benefits, like not having to give people your emai. I think this would be a great idea for Global.

Herbert, any chance that battlefront could do something like this?

Here is the info I cut and pasted:

Using a centralised server provides a lot of advantages: it is very easy to find an opponent (but you can also create a password protected private game in case you want to play with a friend), you will never lose a game in progress, because it is kept by the server, cheating becomes much more difficult because all reloads are tracked by the server, and new features (like tournaments) are being added to server all the time. It also avoids the need to actually send e-mails and attach saved games – this is all handled by the server making this the way to play turn based strategy games.

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This could pose some problems for players still on dial-up or other limited bandwidth connections. For instance, since I live in a rural area, there is no possibility of DSL or cable. This means I am stuck with satellite service which is barely a step above dial up.

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Ha! Why would I pay for a feature I already have? For security from cheating? Who cares, it's just a game, if this is the worst thing that ever happens I'll be damn lucky!

The consequence of the risk level is insignificant. Ever hear of cost effectiveness? Yeah I know ......a lost philosophy of fiscal responsibility.

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  • 1 month later...

Update. I have been using the server based PBEM for Beta Panzer Corps. It works great. You get an email when it is your turn, you log in, play your turn, and add a comment if you like. All your games are listed, and it tells you whose turn it is. You can't replay a turn, so harder to cheat. Also, you don't have to share your email with anyone.

A win win, if you ask me.

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Nice to hear david, for free, who could complain. By the way, I've been playing PGF as a warm up to PC and I'm struck by the incessant way your opponent swamps the objectives with units, concentric ring upon ring.

It gets pretty boring going from one packed in goal to another. Hopefully, PC will have some objectives like exiting off the map edge or hexes that are separated from cities where automatic placements occur, maybe a strategic bridge or two.

What say you, of course don't violate the ND?

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  • 2 weeks later...

The beta has just ended, and the game is on sale, so they have lifted all the restrictions on talking about the game.

First of all, no objectives like exiting the map.

If you liked the original PG, you will like this game, it is a virtual clone with updated graphics. I was hoping for a bunch of totally new scenarios, but most of them look just like updated PG scenarios.

Most of my play was on the offensive in the campaign game, and I didn't experiance what you are describing, don't remember that being a problem with the original PG either. I played very little PGF, but I did notice that it was much harder than the original game.

I hope they have add ons, as it is, even though I have been offered a nice discount, I don't think I will get the game. Not that it it bad, but I played the origional game to death, and during the beta, I played this one all the way through several times, so I'm pretty much PG'd to death now. Although I would recommend the game to new players, it is SO much like the old one that it wore out quickly for me.

They made one error that I argued against, but they kept with it. Artillery is way overpowered and tac air is way underpowered. Although it works because the game has been balanced to work that way, it really detracted from the game for me. 1/2 my core army was artillery, and I had only 1 tac air (I started with it, and it never died) in my last campaign game. Bad choice in my opinion. But that is my only real beef with a mostly good game. Not sure if they have a demo, if so, you should try it.

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