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I've had to reinstall Combat Mission Shock Force, and I owned all the modules. However, I lost the install files for British Forces and Marines, and on top of that I'm out of time to redownload them from Battlefront.

I am aware that I can pay $5 for another download each, which is fair enough (after all it costs for you to host etc). However, am I also allowed to find a friend who has the install files and get them off of them either by downloading from the internet or getting them to post them across, rather than paying to redownload? (Note, I still have the codes to authorise them etc)

Many thanks, and if this is not ok, I honestly won't do it, it's just that I'm a poor student who is saving up his £ for CM:BN :D


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And in addition, I've noticed an odd thing about patching. You claim that "If I have purchased a module" then my base game automatically becomes your battlefront version of the game.

You also provide a 1.21 patch which I have to pay for to change my game.

I do own all of the modules, but I only have the installer for NATO. NATO requires 1.21 to install, but I cannot just install 1.21 as I have to pay for that patch because I have the Gamersgate version, which can only go up to 1.20 before needing to be changed to the battlefront version.

Am I correct?

Many thanks

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You are correct. If you have only the NATO module and the Gamersgate version of CMSF, then you will need the 'Paradox Retail 1.21' patch for US$1.00, since NATO requires that CMSF be at 1.21 BEFORE being installed.

As for getting the installer from someone else. No problem. As long as you get a legitimate copy of the game and still have your license keys. You'll want to make a backup of the installers when, and if, you get a hold of them. The $5.00 fee we charge for each game is to cover the third party hosting costs and issuing a new license key.

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No, I don't believe you'll find the CMSF modules on Gamersgate or Steam in the near future, at least not to my knowledge.

We don't currently distribute through Steam. You may see the 1C Company titles of the 'Theatre of War' series there because the agreement is actually through 1C Publishing and not us (though we are involved in a minor way). The costs of Steam distribution are pretty high and we don't see it really expanding our customer base much (despite Steam's "numbers"). I doubt we will be on Gamersgate (a Paradox subsidiary) because our experience with Paradox has been bad when they stopped supporting CMSF after the 1.20 patch.

I don't know if at some point in the future our game titles might have a retail distributor. Maybe we'll do that when the title has been fully patched and work has stopped on that game family. Then we wouldn't run into the issue we had with Paradox and the distributor's support for our patches.

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