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Morale Effects and questions

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How can tell how much your Morale is affected when you lose units?

For example, how can tell how much Morale is lowered when you lose a battleship?

When you lose a Corp?

Is Morale at all related to your total casualties in manpower? If so, how much?

What are those numbers at the top for Morale; Germany has 45,000; England has 50,000., etc?

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Every MPP casualty knocks 1 point off your National Morale.

So those figures you mentioned will decrease every time you suffer any casualties, and as naval units are more expensive than land units, losing a Battleship will knock far more off your National Morale than just losing a Detachment.

There is a section near the start of the 1914 Call to Arms Strategy Guide which explains this in a bit more detail, and it's worth a read!

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Wow, I did not know about that Strategy Guide. I read it, very helpful. But I have a question.

If you start with a Battleship (Austria) and it has a Strength of 1. A few turns in, someone sinks it. Do you lose the same amount of Morale as you would on a Battleship Strength of 10?

If so, you can see how I would want to disband some of those Naval Units, but as you said in the other post, you cannot do that.

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UFC Addict, the morale loss is calculated when MPP is lost, not when units are lost. Thus, if a piece of artillery of strength 10 loses 5 strength you will lose 150 national morale points. It doesn't matter whether the unit is destroyed or not and so disbanding naval units would not save these national morale points.

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